Why I Can't Quit by Chibuike Wogu - HTML preview

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Chapter 1



In the 400 meters race of the 1993 Olympics, a sensational man, Derek Anthony Redmond took on the world stage to represent his country, Britain. In the course of the race, he pulled his hamstring and stopped on his tracks.

The excruciating pains he felt kept him from his momentum with which he had started the race. He knelt on his tracks for a few seconds. He had two options within this period, either quit running as a result of the pains he felt or endure the pains and continue the race even though his co-competitors had already completed the race.

This sensational guy did what I considered out of the ordinary but most amazing. In tears and with deep pains, he started limping towards the finish line to complete his race. The officials of the race tried to make him stop but he ignored them and continued his race. His father fought his way through the race officials to help his son limp his way through to the finish line to complete his race.

This show of courage by Derek Anthony Redmond sent a message of encouragement to the lives of the world audience that transcended well beyond the competition.

In the life of the entrepreneur, learning the attitude to never say never is what will bring you to the center stage of excellence in the world.

For your reference, I encourage you to watch the video clip of this race by following this line https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pOM_vQufXIU

The help you so much desire in your entrepreneurial journey will never be sent to you just by your asking. It is important you understand this and accept it as the truth.

The helps you need in your entrepreneurial journey is watching from a distance and waiting for you to make a decision to either quit or make the seemingly out of place decision of holding on and moving strongly in your entrepreneurial journey no matter how excruciating your entrepreneurial pains are.

Just like Derek’s father, who came running to help him complete his race when he decided to never say never, so will your help be sent to you even when you least expected it, if only you will persist in the face of challenges.

In the course of my entrepreneurial journey, I have had to endure so many kinds of entrepreneurial pains that include;

1. Lack of needed financial support

2. Rejection from people

3. Discouragement

4. Disappointments

5. Betrayal

6. Hate

7. Business challenges

8. Failure and losses in business projects

If I let myself to continue, this list could go on endlessly but if there is something I have come to learn from these experiences, it is that no matter how excruciating the pains from these unpleasant experiences, they are nowhere to making me say ‘Never’. I have been able to emerge strongly after every disappointing experience by making conscious efforts to classify these experiences as that necessary phase in my entrepreneurial journey.

Starting your entrepreneurial journey and quitting on the way in the face of this necessary phase, simply classifies you under the category of the ‘unfit’ and I strongly understand the fact that entrepreneurship is not for everyone.

Even in the bible in Luke 9:62, clearly classifies those who put their hands on the plow and look back as ‘unworthy’

Understand well ahead of your entrepreneurial journey that you will be faced with the necessary phase of unpleasant entrepreneurial experiences and prepare yourself ahead of time never to lose sight of your entrepreneurial goals and determine to reach them no matter how excruciating the pains from these experiences are.

This single determination and decision is what will bring your desired helps in your entrepreneurial journey to help you reach your entrepreneurial goals.