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Yes friends I forgot about our famous Harshad Mehta who in his days  made lots of money in stock market, but do you know that 97% of the people lose money in the stock market, it is a game of rich people and big institution that pump in tons of money, and move the market up and down, and when the poor small investors who follow them invest his hard  earned money in the market, the market crashes taking with it a large number of innocent followers down memory lane, Mr Harshad Mehta was  a pioneer in this game, he and his group of friends would buy stocks of one company, and  when the market moved up other small investors put in their hard earned money and the market went up and up, up and up, like a balloon and when the market was saturated, Mr. Harshad Mehta and his team would start selling their shares and the market would crash taking with it the poor small investors.
He was a clever businessman, like him some people have been able to make lots of money in the stock market, and earned crores of rupees, bought high-value cars, bought houses, and are living a lavish lifestyle and on the other side, my neighbour lost so much money on one such bad day, that he had to sell his house in south Mumbai and shift to remote suburbs of Mumbai.
This is a very risky game and I was told not to invest in the stock market by my father but still, I put in a small amount of money to feel the market, to test it but came out with losses. The stock market is for people who are involved every day, and treat it as a business, by sitting in front of the screen and taking decisions on the stock market, reading all information about the market, reading news about the movements in the market, and being present to the laws and happening in the country which can topple the market overnight, it is a risky business and very profitable but do you have the appetite for this high risk are you prepared to lose a lot, and earn a lot! My advice is to invest as much as you are prepared to lose and try your luck as the chances you losing the money are very high.
There are other risky methods of gambling like horse betting and cricket betting, but I would not advise any of these to you. You need proper training and complete knowledge and years of experience.
The latest entry in the market is a cryptocurrency, and there are a large number of bogus schemes floating in the market, every few days we read in the paper of numerous people, who have been duped by this scheme in lakhs of rupees, so beware and stay out of these.
One more reminder to you making money overnight is a scam or myth and if you are looking at becoming a Crorepati overnight this book is not for you.