Your First Business a Starters Guide by Darren Wilkins - HTML preview

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Introduction: About This EBook

When I first  started in business  I had no one  to guide  me,  but  I did know what I wanted and how I wanted to achieve it.

Did I get it right probably not, was I successful, well here I am now touching fifty years and have retired early, and living off the passive income streams I have generated over the years. So yes I say I am successful.

Starting  out  as  a  young  engineer  I  quickly  found  I  had  leadership  and organizational  skills along with an analytical  mind. I was  soon noticed and had the  opportunity to manage  construction projects, which I excelled at; it's easy to manage other people's money.

I was soon managing projects  valued into the  100's  of millions  (just  more zero's) In locations in S.E Asia, China, Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea,  West  Africa  and  the  Middle  East.  One  thing  I  did  learn  about managing  projects  around  the  globe  is  that  management  is  the  same  no matter  where  you  are  located;  running  a  business  large  or  small  is  no different.

Having your own business can be very rewarding, always remember you are in control of your destiny and your own business is your road to success.

Starting   a   business   can   seem daunting   especially   if   you   don't know  where  to  begin.  Today  with modern  communications  and  that vast     resource,     the     Internet available to us, starting a business can be very simple.

"Management is the same no matter where you are located and running a business large or small is no different."

I put together this basic e-book as a guide to point you in the right direction, get you thinking and assist you in making the right choices.

As  you  read through  each  chapter treat  it  as  an exercise, take  notes  and follow  the  steps  outlined.  When  you  complete,  each  chapter  review  your notes and see  how you and your business idea measure  up. Go back over the  chapter again, and  note  what  you  need to  do to  make  the  necessary changes for success.

Starting a business is just the beginning running a business and ensuring its success means constant monitoring, controlling and adjustment above all it takes commitment.

Do you, have what it takes to start and run a business, are you committed and prepared for the ups and downs?

Great  then  you are  ready  to  take  the  first  step,  here's  to the  rewards  of having your own business and to your success.

Darren Wilkins