Your First Business a Starters Guide by Darren Wilkins - HTML preview

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Chapter 3: Market Research

Identifiying your market and then understanding that market is critical to your businesses success. The market is a big place it can be globally right down to your local  community. What  ever your market  its  very important you research that market before starting your business.

How to Research

Ask  family and  friends  about  your business idea and remember always  to write down their response.

Do  searches  online; there  will be  someone  out  there  doing the   same   as   you   learn   as much  as  you  can  about  them and  how  they  promote  their product or service.

"A Fantastic tool to can use and its available for free is SurveyMonkey"

A Fantastic tool to can use and its available for free is SurveyMonkey, it's a free online service where you can create your own unique survey.

Once  setup you can send to all  your contacts  and social  networks  and get the feedback you need, get it at

Get your Business Idea Seen

If you use social  networks  such as  Facebook or Twitter ask your followers and  send  emails  to  all  your  contacts,  your followers  and  contacts  are  all potential  customers.  The  more  feedback  you  get  the  better you  basis  for when you have to make.