Avoiding Social Insecurity: The Retirement You Desire, the Social Security You've Earned by Kristopher Flammang - HTML preview

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Nearly 200 pages and many thousands of words ago, I began this book by pointing out how important…and how confusing…Social Security is for so many Americans.

To many, it’s their retirement lifeline. To many others, it lets them live the retirement lifestyle they always hoped for.

The difference between a confident retirement and a costly mistake comes down to one thing. Information. People who have the information they need can make the right decision. People who are uninformed or misinformed make decisions that can cost them dearly.

This book was filled with the information you need. I realize there was a lot for you to absorb, but when it comes to planning for retirement, there’s no such thing as too much information.

There is, however, a problem when people believe incorrect information, and there’s way too much of that out there concerning Social Security and retirement in general. Every day, people make bad decisions based on bad information.

That’s why I’m so passionate about making sure people have the right information, not the myths and misinformation.

That’s why I chose to do this book this way. I could have written a book myself. I certainly have enough insights and information to share about Social Security, and I think a book like that would have been very beneficial for you. But while Social Security is the biggest component of many people’s retirement, it’s still just one component. The professionals I interviewed shared a wealth of knowledge spanning the spectrum of retirement issues. In interviewing them, my goal was to ask questions you would ask if you had the opportunity.

Chances are, there were times while reading this book that you said, “I didn’t know that.” I hope you followed that with, “I can do something about that.” Because the most important step on the road to retirement is the first step.

So, what step are you going to take now?

If nothing else, I hope you use the information in this book to take some type of action. Start planning, or if you have a retirement plan already in place, take a closer look at it. And don’t be afraid to ask questions. Find someone you can trust. Because you don’t have to go it alone. In fact, you shouldn’t.

The people in this book are happy to answer your questions. That’s why their contact information is listed at the end of each chapter.

Here’s one other step you can take. Because you’ve read this book, you’re entitled to a complimentary “Avoiding Social Insecurity” consultation with me. Whether you’re thinking about your own retirement or you’re a financial professional thinking of your clients, this is a valuable strategy session. It’s a chance for me to answer your questions, maybe even ones you didn’t think to ask. If you’d like to arrange that, my contact information is at the bottom of this page.

People have many questions about retirement. But it really comes down to one very important question. “Will I be okay?” If you have the right information and can make the right decisions, the answer to that one should be an emphatic “Yes!”