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The Key to Success

Real Estate Investment Club

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We meet many investors who are looking for a magic pill. They think there is a magic sentence; a special program; the perfect boot camp; the easy way to find deals. Folks, I have to tell you, there is no magic pill. You can be successful if you'll do one thing: WORK! There are an unlimited number of foreclosures every single month. The number of homeowners who needs help is mindboggling. In most larger cities, as many as five hundred foreclosures are filed every week. This doesn't include the homeowners who save their property before it hits public record.

Do you know what the real key to success is? It's good communication skills. Seriously! If you can't talk to homeowners and bankers, how do you expect to close deals? We have been studying NLP: Neuro Linquistic Programming. NL…What? NLP is the way you communicate with others. It's simple folks, the better you communicate, the easier the deals come.

NLP is cause and effect language. It uses patterns of speech and words in the correct group to persuade others to see things your way. Here is an example: You could ask a homeowner, “Will you sell your property to me?” Or you could say the same thing using NLP. It sounds like this: “Mrs. Homeowner, when you decide now to work with me and we get your property sold, you'll know you made the right decision. Let's do the right thing and sign this agreement now so we can get you what you want in the time you want it. Won't that be great!” Doesn't the second sentence sound better? It's embellished language and works remarkably well.

In our second sentence, we used “embedded commands.” These are commands within the sentence that call homeowners to action. Can you guess the embedded commands? They are: decide now, work with me, get your property sold, do the right thing, and sign this agreement now. By adding just a few commands to your presentation, you'll be able to close more deals.

Here are a few of our favorites: work with me, sign this agreement now, decide now, trust me, buy now, accept this offer, make a commitment, convince yourself, postpone the sale date, motivate yourself, take the short sale, get it approved, and begin to realize.
You might be thinking, “How do I begin to use these commands in my communication?” It's easy, folks. Plan a presentation, write several basic sentences, and more importantly, practice. Here are a few examples: “When you decide now to accept this short sale, you'll begin to realize that working with me is easy. I close my deals in record time, which makes you look great to your boss.” Here is another: “Mrs. Homeowner, you have to convince yourself that working with me is the right thing to do. Let's sign the agreement so you can start sleeping well again. Won't that be great?”

NLP takes practice to be good at it. We truly believe it is the difference between earning $100,000 a year and $500,000 a year. Which would you rather earn? We're sure most of you answered $500,000. Fellow investors, have you taken the time to determine your numbers? If you sit face-to-face with a homeowner, how many deals do you get under contract? We get seven out of ten and we are certain it is because of our communication skills. With proper communication skills, you can close seven out of ten as we do.

Without proper communication skills you might close two out of ten. If you are getting two out of ten homeowners to contract, look how many more people you have to sit down with just to get the same seven deals we get. We can speak to one hundred homeowners and get seventy contracts. Likewise, you speak to one hundred homeowners and only get twenty to contract. Which would you rather do? We agree, seventy. Look how much more money you can earn from the exact same work?

Folks, take time to learn how to communicate. Read a few books on NLP, attend sales seminars, invest in books that teach how to close deals, and take the time to really listen to your homeowners to see how you can be helpful. With the right words and the right attitude, you'll make millions! We do!

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About the Author :
Dwan Bent-Twyford is President of Financial Freedom Through Foreclosures, Inc., a cutting edge company that specializes in teaching 4-Day "boot camps" to real estate investors. Sharon Restrepo is President of Piranha Properties, Inc., and Performance Realty and Investments, Inc., a distinguished real estate brokerage. She is also Vice President of Financial Freedom Through Foreclosures. Reprinted with permission from

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