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How should you prepare for interviews?

Every company has their own interview process. Some have only one round of interviews, while others have ten. Despite their differences, interviewing is an art and the mechanics are always the same. It all comes down to preparation.

Preparing for Phone Interviews

One of the main purposes for phone interviews is to test your communication skills. Communication skills are extremely important in a lot of positions, and sometimes employers are willing to give up some of the position requirements if you communicate well and they feel you are trainable. Whenever you have a phone interview, speak with confidence. Do not cut the employer/recruiter off when they are talking. Listen and wait your turn to speak.

When speaking, do not go off topic. Practice beforehand your responses to common interview questions (you can find plenty online). Also, prepare a list of questions you’re going to ask the employer/recruiter. Learn about the company you’re interviewing for (studying what the company does, recent news, etc.), and always study the job description inside and out. The last thing you want to happen is the employer asking you what the job entails and you have nothing to say. Why would they hire you if you don’t even know about the job you’re interviewing for? That only shows you’re not taking them seriously. Preparation is key. Always end the interview thanking them for their time and asking what the next steps are (unless they have already said).

Another tip to help you prepare for phone, as well as face-to-face interviews, is to check Glass door beforehand to see if other people revealed the types of questions they were asked on interviews. You’d be surprised how many people go online and spill the beans about the interview processes of specific companies. The site is also a great tool to see the employees’ (both current and past) opinions toward the company culture and their overall treatment in the organization. This helps you to get a sense of what the work environment is like.

It’s also always best to be honest during interviews. If you falsify information, like your current compensation, it’ll only hurt you later on because a lot of companies ask for proof during the later stages of the interview process. However, the most common mistake candidates make is they “badmouth” their employers. Employers don’t want to hear you trashing your employers because they’re thinking you’ll trash them too if you work there and end up leaving. Would you hire someone who does that? I would hope not.

Preparing for Face-to-Face Interviews

After you passed the phone interview (if there was one), you’ll be requested for a face-to--face interview. Always dress sharply. Wear your best suit, unless you’ve been informed to wear a specific dress code, and be well-groomed. Bring a portfolio and have a few copies of your résumé on hand. The most important rule, however, is to always arrive early. Whether it’s taking a test trip out to the interview location the day before or looking online for the estimated time of arrival, always plan ahead. You can be absolutely perfect for the role, but if you show up late, you’re severely hurting your chances.

It’s also understandable why most employers don’t want to hire candidates who are late. The interview process is a reflection of what working there would be like. Employers make the assumption that if you’re late for the interview, who’s to say you won’t show up late to work every day? The first impression is the most important. Plan to arrive at the interview site fifteen to twenty minutes prior to the interview, so that you can prepare for even the worst of traffic. Always account for five to ten minutes to deal with security check-in too, and make sure you have a government/state ID on you as well.

Always have a firm handshake and maintain good eye contact when speaking with people, but don’t stare. Never interrupt someone when they’re talking. Speak with diction and with confidence, just like on the phone interview. Do not go off topic when you’re being asked a specific question. Express your interest in the position during the interview as well . Show them you’re the best person for the job. Don’t slouch or keep your hands under the table. Stand up straight and have your hands folded in front of you. Body language speaks louder than words. Again, thank the interviewers for their time and ask for the next steps. The recruiter you’re working with may have some tips to help you prepare as well . Remember, your interview begins when you walk into the building. The people around you could be your future colleagues, so watch what you say and do!

Following up after Interviews

After you've completed your interviews, call the recruiter you’re working with and let them know how it went. Also, write an email to the interviewers thanking them for their time, expressing your interest in the position, and briefly selling why you’re the best person for the job. You can even ask your recruiter to review the email too. The “thank you email” is just as important as the face-to-face interview. I have seen many candidates lose job offers because they wrote a horrible thank you email, loaded with typos and grammatical errors. You don’t want to make this mistake, especially since it’s easy to avoid. Here’s a sample thank you letter you can use as a guide:


I wanted to thank you for taking the time to speak with me about the [position title] position with your team last Friday. I had a very positive impression about the organization and I am very enthusiastic about the possibility of joining your team. I hope you feel the same way about the skills I can bring to the table to get things done.

I look forward to hearing from you once the final decision has been made. Please feel free to contact me directly at [your phone number] should you need more information.


Jason Navallo

It’s Not over until It’s Over

It’s normal to feel as if an interview did not go well afterward. Days could go by before you get a call from the recruiter saying that the company is going to make you an offer. I’ve seen candidates who were walked over to human resources halfway during the interview to get offers, and I’ve seen candidates get offers weeks after completing their interviews. It all depends on the company, how fast they’re looking to fill the position, their budget, and the competition you’re up against. Never assume an opportunity is dead until it’s been confirmed dead. Until the recruiter tells you it’s over, it’s not over. Don’t give up hope until then. You have to remember that you are most likely not the only person interviewing for the position. A lot of times, employers want to see a lot of candidates before they decide who they want to hire. It’s very rare that they would stop their entire search to make you an offer right away.

On to the Next

Once one interview is over, focus on the next one. Never put all your eggs in one basket. Apply to as many jobs as you can every day. Until you receive a job offer in your hands that you’re happy with and that’s ready to be signed, always be focused on the next opportunity. A lot of candidates, after an interview they felt went well , put their job search on a complete halt. They are confident the interview they just went on was going to work out for them. While it is a possibility, there are so many things that could go wrong. For one, after your interview, the hiring manager may have interviewed someone else who they feel is a stronger candidate than you. Second, the position may have been put on hold. There are so many reasons for you to just move on. Don’t stop until you get what you want in your hands-the offer letter.