F2 | Fire Fly Manifesto: Remixed by Jonathan Fields - HTML preview

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I want the control, the freedom and the opportunity to do what I love, make a great living and change peoples’ lives.

So, if you have the desire, you can master a ton of information about nearly any field in an astonishingly short period of time and then...

6. Turn Out Your Tribe
Once you know what you’re talking about, tap the world of blogging and social media to publicly demonstrate your mastery to a massive number of folks who are literally hanging around the online and face-to-face worlds just waiting for someone to step up, answer their questions and lead them.

Whether your next step is within someone else’s organization or launching your own adventure, establishing yourself as a known, go-to person in the area of your passion puts you in the driver’s seat—and it costs next to nothing to do. Showcase your passion and thought-leadership, build your community, and then choose how to leverage your portable, personal brand.

7. Rally Your Rabbis
Nobody does it alone. In order to succeed in your quest to become a career renegade and rebuild your livelihood around what you love to do, you’ll need people on your team on two levels.

You’ll need to rally those closest to you to your cause (the economy just opened a whole new chance to do this). Forget the ludicrous instruction to abandon everyone who disagrees with your quest for a passionate and prosperous livelihood. Some folks may need to be jettisoned, but other close friends and family members aren’t going anywhere—nor should they. Identify the small collection of people who are committed to you for life, the ones who’s input, negative as it may be, is largely motivated by concern. Then, listen to their concerns and do the work necessary to rally them to your cause the way you’d prepare for and pitch your vision to your dream venture capitalist.

At the very minimum, resolve to obtain their forbearance and give you enough judgment-free space to grow your vision on the side until it proves the viability of your quest to all. It may not be easy, but the support of those closest to you will make your adventure both more enjoyable and far more likely to succeed.
Beyond your circle of family and friends, though, you’ll also need to find and connect with one to five “rabbis,” or mentors, who’ve already achieved what you want to achieve and will agree to help guide your evolution.

8. Master Your Mind
Given equal qualifications and abilities, whom do you think the job, the support or the funding goes to? It’s the person who’s the most confident, calm, collected, resolute, overtly-passionate and likable. Want to be that person? Get your mindset act together. Commit to a set of simple daily mindset practices that will allow you to de-stress, refocus, cultivate lasting peace of mind and remain calm, cool and collected in nearly any situation or setting.

9. Get Out Of Your Head
The simple truth is that this manifesto, along with every other manifesto, book, blog and course are useless if all you do with them is read. There’s not magic to success. It’s about daily consistent action. Take six actions every day—even itty bitty ones—toward the attainment of a career defined by equal helpings of passion and prosperity, and you’ll be amazed at what unfolds in the next six months.