Guide: How To Find A Job In Australia by Alex Winter - HTML preview

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More tips to find a job in Australia




-Work on your English to optimize your chances.


-Do not wait until you no longer have any money to start to look for a job.


-Don’t look for jobs only in big cities. Small towns and suburbs see fewer working holiday makers or backpackers asking for work and this is where you can sometimes find it.


-Be positive, look motivated, confident, smile and make a good impression.


-Write a good resume and cover letter !


Don’t forget


Consider asking campgrounds, gas stations, beach life guards organisations, night clubs and other similar places if they have a job for you. Do not restrict yourself to the main sectors and look everywhere. Look also in mining, because these jobs are extremely well paid. If you do not have any specific skills, you can find small jobs in cleaning or cooking for example. If you are applying for a skilled job and are being asked to get qualifications recognition, go here.


About your CV


In Australia, a CV is called a resume. If possible, try to write your resume on one page. You should:


-Write your personal Information ("Contact Details") : First name, last name, address, telephone number, email address.


-Add a short, relevant introduction sentence in relation to the job.


-Highlight the skills you have and adapt what you’re writing according to the job you’re applying for.


-Add your professional experience ("Professionnal Experiences") the dates, names of companies, positions held and descriptions of the different tasks carried out.


-Add your diplomas/degrees with dates, names of diplomas or degrees, establishments (city, country).


-References ("Referees") : Former teachers, employers, etc. Choose people who know your abilities in this field of work and who are available in case your potential employer contacts them.


Tips for your resume


-No need to specify your age, marital status or to put a picture, this can be considered discriminatory.

-Avoid writing that you are on a working holiday visa if that’s the case. You should say it during the interview instead.

-Make sure to translate your diplomas if you didn’t get them in an English speaking country.

-Do not hesitate to detail as much as possible the skills and professional experiences you’ve got.

-Check your spelling and grammar.

-Don’t forget to write your address, email and phone number.


Here are some good resume templates