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Joint Venture Offers That a List Owner Can’t Refuse

Most people believe that if you offer someone enough money they will promote anything.

While this is true in some cases, you will find that most people worth joint venturing with are interested in more than a quick profit, they are interested in their customer’s welfare. No one in their right mind will promote a product that offers no value to their customers for any amount of money.

So then, what do you need to do to make sure just about EVERYBODY you approach will want to joint venture with you?

Unique content

If you are selling an e-book and there are most probably other people selling e-books on the same sort of topic. Make sure your book has content that is totally different to what is already selling.

Think about it, why would someone want to promote your product if there is a product out there already with pretty much the same content?

You should give potential joint venture partners a look at your product as well.

I don't mean a sneak preview, I mean a full free copy. Don't make them buy the product from you first...they will probably refuse your offer.

A converting sales letter


This is very important.

If your sales letter does not convert visitors to buyers, then no one will want to promote your product. If for instance they do promote your product only to find out your sales letter doesn't pull in enough customers, they will probably never joint venture with you again.

Before you do any joint ventures, make sure your sales letter is a converter.


How can you check how well your sales letter converts?


By checking its conversion with google adwords or overture

By using these great tools, you can have traffic poring to your website within minutes. Than you will know how well your sales letter converts.

You should also write in your joint venture email how many sales you have made, what type of advertising is working and what conversion rate your website converts visitors to buyers.

If your product is under $100, a good conversion rate is 1% and over(Every 1 or more people out of 100 to your site buy your product).

High commission

While money isn't everything, it's important. Not many affiliates will want to promote your product if they are only going to make a few dollars per sale.

As a rule, affiliates will want to make at least $20 per sale and be given at least 50% of the sales. Of course there are exceptional circumstances, but do use this as a guideline.

Affiliate tools

Successful affiliates are busy affiliates. If you can create marketing material for your affiliates to use so they don't have to create it themselves, they will be most happy.

So what type of things should you put in your affiliate tool kit?


You should have....

A) Articles
B) Google adword ads
C) Overture ads
D) e-Book covers
E) Personal recommendation letters (Articles that look like a review of your product that the affiliate has written)
F) Ezine ads (Classified and Solo ads)
G) Headlines
H) Banners

Follow up

If for some reason someone comes to your site and doesn't buy from you on the first visit, you want to be able to get their email address so you can contact them at a later date.

This also helps your affiliates because they also won't lose out on sales.