Make Your Net Auction Sell! by Sydney Johnston - HTML preview

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19.2. Smaller General Sites

eBay’s main competition is…


Yahoo! Auctions ( and


Amazon (

However, there are a handful of smaller, general sites that you may want to consider. They show promise of becoming larger and if you believe in healthy competition (as I do), they need our support.

Generally, I copy the same ads that I use on eBay or Yahoo so it takes only a few extra minutes to put these on the smaller sites. Here are a few sites to get you started...

1) My favorite small site is at ePier has no listing fees, no end of auction percentages, and free image-storing. Some veteran sellers start their items on eBay and later list unsold items with ePier until the right buyer comes along. You save at least 50% in final value fee for most items when you sell at ePier.

2) Belgium and Holland Antiques Online
is a site for Belgian and Dutch antique shops, dealers, wholesalers, exporters, auctioneers, fairs and flea markets. They also offer free classifieds and list dates of intriguing events. 3) ubid ( is a general purpose site but it’s heavy on computers and electronics. It has an affiliate program and is growing quickly.

4) Buynsellit ( has no fees and it has the usual collection of general categories.

5) Eurobid ( sells European goods with some fascinating items like food and wines from France, Spain, Italy and Germany. Prices are in British pounds and Eurodollars. Customers are able to read the site in their language of choice -- English, French, Spanish, Italian and German.


The lack of extensive competition in this industry means that eBay owns most of the auction traffic. If you want to own your business (rather than eBay owning it!), you need to own your traffic. Site Build It! will help you achieve independence (
