Make Your Net Auction Sell! by Sydney Johnston - HTML preview

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20. The Wrap Up

Congratulations! You’re well on your way to becoming an auction master who can get whatever you want from your new auction business. There are decisions you need to make and skills to develop but you have in your possession all the tools you need to be a true auction champion.

Can you just plunge ahead and sell something? Sure you can. And lots of people do. If you can’t sleep at night because you’re so excited and you aren’t going to wait, go ahead and sell something. You really can’t make a mistake because you have nothing to lose and only experience to gain.

Just plan your business out carefully. The key is to build a solid foundation for your Net auction business.


1) Minimum and maximum success requirements...

Just how hard do you have to work at this business anyway? Well, it all depends on you. There are huge numbers of folks who view Net auctions as a casual game. Perhaps they like browsing antique stores and flea markets. When they see something they think will sell, they list it, just to see what happens. Maybe it will sell, and maybe it won’t. But either way, it’s no big deal
-- it’s just entertainment, after all.

Then there are the ambitious who view auctions as a serious business. Their goal is to make hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, perhaps hire employees and make Net auctions their full time business. These entrepreneurs keep meticulous, detailed records and are constantly studying the sites, looking for trends and searching for merchandise.

Nobody is right and nobody is wrong. It’s just two different perspectives, with millions of people falling somewhere in the middle. Wherever you see yourself is fine. This is your business and it is your privilege to handle it in the way that is most comfortable for you.

2) Motivation...

Are you clear about exactly why you want to get into the Net auction business? If you are, you will have a much easier time. It is when our goals are muddled and our motivations are conflicting that we become frustrated and ineffective.

If you are interested in it strictly as a hobby, or you want to make a couple of hundred extra dollars then you will proceed differently from those who want to retire wealthy in a few short years. Or if you want to spend most of your time with your children, you will probably auction different items than someone who has employees and an office.
Whatever your motives are, take the time to figure them out early on -- always knowing that they may change as you become more deeply involved in auctions.

00002.jpgWhat’s the easiest way to sum up everything? If you...


1) plan wisely
2) do the necessary groundwork
3) constantly watch listings, auction sites and other sellers...


... you can’t help but do well in your Net auction business.


In fact, you can make it into the business of your dreams if you persist. And above all else, you can HAVE FUN!


Join Herb and me in one of the greatest games in the universe, the Internet auction!…

