Make Your Net Auction Sell! by Sydney Johnston - HTML preview

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8.7. Learn From the Best

It’s time to look at some “real life” examples from sellers who have mastered the art of auction marketing. What do they do that makes them so successful? I am using ads from the intensely competitive weight-loss section of eBay. There are lots and lots of all-natural super-weight-loss claims to be found on the different auction sites. Some of these sit for seven to ten days with no bids while others are swamped. Why?

The difference is in the listings. The products that don’t sell may be as good or better than those that do. But customers judge solely on the content of the copy which is all they have to go by. So let’s learn from them. What principles do these successful sellers use?

1) Use a clever listing title - Here is an ad that on the surface seems really foolish. When I first read it, I had a negative reaction ... “Who is dumb enough to believe they will lose 80 pounds right away?”


The seller makes fun of the extravagant and ridiculous claims that are made by so many. Immediately, we consider her a sensible person. She isn’t insulting our intelligence.

2) Remind your customers of the pain - Most people have very negative ideas about a weight loss project... of course, the seller is going to save all her customers from this strenuous exercise.

3) Use psychology to sell - Talk about great psychology. Imagine the overweight person, trapped in layers of fat, worrying about being too thin, or losing too fast. This “warning” is really a great selling tool...

00065.jpg(“Too” bad this seller didn’t review the listing first.)

4) Be smart and use stories -- Anyone who wants or needs to lose weight will identify with Jeff in the following story. A lot of the customers will have tried many of these methods themselves.

00066.jpgThe story approach is powerful. Jeff’s first-person narrative makes it easy for the reader to connect and feel his struggle.

5) Explain any negatives in advance -- No seller wants irate customers contacting and yelling (well, the e-mail version of yelling) at him. So admit the downside up front…

00067.jpgNotice how the seller minimizes the side effects.


6) Give extra value -- Just look at what Jeff is offering his customers...


00068.jpgIn addition, the customer receives recipes and weight loss tips.

7) Harness the power of endorsements and testimonials -- This strategy is effective because it convinces potential customers that these people are real. An example of some testimonials...


8) Use every publicity opportunity -- eBay’s home page asks for your location. I have always given dull answers like “Atlanta, GA.” Here’s a much better answer where you promote your Web site everywhere you can!

00070.jpg9) Take advantage of customer impatience -- Your customers don’t like to wait. One seller takes this into consideration...



10) Learn from your mistakes -- I have watched poorly selling products appear again and again, with no significant changes in results. We have seen others that meet with dramatic success. Why in the world don’t the sellers study the ads of those who are flying high, and then change their methods? I honestly have no idea. Most don’t.

Be sure not to make this mistake! If you fail, and someone else is succeeding, your best remedy is to study the approach of the successful. You want to look professional at all times. Take Net auctions seriously. It is critical that you pay attention to details.
