Motivate Your way to Success by Marc Sanders - HTML preview

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‘Motivate Yourself to Success’ by Marc Sanders

Page 12 of 83

4. What It Takes to Become a Winner

You are what you believe yourself to be - it is that simple. You can do what you have in your mind to accomplish. There is no place for any adversities to block your path. You can become a winner when you learn to have full confidence in yourself and your abilities.

The moment you start doubting your own capabilities, you are becoming negative. Being negative leads you nowhere or rather, it only increases the chance of failure.

Winning does not have any relation whatsoever to your physical looks or any regional classifications. Education and background do have a role to play in forming your personality but they are not the determinants that chart your course in life. You can find innumerable people who have achieved success in their respective fields with very little or almost no education.

To become a winner, take up challenges as they occur and meet them eye-to-eye. Never back out of your responsibilities or lose courage in trying times.

You need to be optimistic and look on the brighter side of life. There are always two sides of a coin. Good times and bad times alternate with each other. Face your adversities with courage and determination. You will see them disappearing in no time. Every such experience will make facing future trials easier.

Do not wait for fate to chart your course in life to become a winner. Chart your own life with kindness, sincerity, and respect. Avoid any ill feelings towards anyone. You need to be happy for others’ success. Try to help all; work and share with everybody.

Copyright 2005 Marc Sanders