Motivate Your way to Success by Marc Sanders - HTML preview

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‘Motivate Yourself to Success’ by Marc Sanders

Page 23 of 83

In daily life, you encounter numerous situations and have to deal with them.

You cannot allow your emotion to take the upper hand and dictate terms to you

– that could spell doom for you.

Example situations may include:

Accidents to loved ones

Grueling sessions in your examinations

Interviews for jobs where you need to prove your mettle

Unexpected happenings in your professional life,

… which require important decisions within seconds, etc.

You may feel nervous initially but must shed your nervousness. You need to keep your emotions under tight control and do what the situation demands.

There is no time or place for emotions. Effective action should rule over everything else.

Every person has an inborn capacity to master their emotions. This is not something you learn at school but it might be encouraged there or not.

When the events occur which try to unravel your inner capacities, you realize your capacity and master your emotions to come out successful. This creates pleasant situations for you and you find it easier to stay at peace at all times.

Copyright 2005 Marc Sanders