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‘Motivate Yourself to Success’ by Marc Sanders

Page 30 of 83

‘Never say Quit’ is the mantra of self-motivation and the main theme behind many motivational books. You can overcome all situations and hurdles. It always requires your hard work, umpteen tries and an unfailing confident attitude. These together guide your route to success.

Winning or conquering your challenges is a continuous process and not just any one event. When you pass a challenge or obstacle, the next one is ready to obstruct your path. This continuous process needs constant review. Tackle every problem with vigor and perseverance to overcome them successfully.

The very idea of quitting is in your mindset - you need to block it out. This mindset becomes more prominent when it combines with fear of failure. The fear factor makes you lose your confidence and fills you with uncertainty. You become vague; lose your focus and turn pessimistic. No negative factors can lead you to success. Rather, you become so confused that you forget the path to success, your goals, and aims in life.

You are what you think yourself to be. If you develop an attitude of quitting or losing, you can never win over circumstances. You sway along the currents of uncertainties, tossed around in all directions without any particular aim in life.

You need to change this mindset and turn the tide of events in your favor.

Circumstances do not change, you change in response to circumstances and make them work favorably for you. Failure is a negative attitude, resulting from quitting.

Results of your actions come from your attitude. A negative attitude only brings the potential for failure. If you think and concentrate on winning, your winning attitude points you to victory.

Copyright 2005 Marc Sanders