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‘Motivate Yourself to Success’ by Marc Sanders

Page 52 of 83

24. How to Manage Your Time and Set Priorities

Managing your time effectively and productively requires some careful planning. It is a difficult task at first as you feel confused. Sit, think and then formulate time schedules and plans to manage time with minimum wastage.

Your plans should fit well with your objectives. Otherwise, they cannot yield favorable results.

The first objective is to set priorities on your goals or projects. Every task has a time schedule and you need to complete work within a set time limit. Set your priority on every objective and follow the schedule diligently. You may spend quite some time on setting priorities until you get more experience doing this, but the time spent is not wasted. It helps you to visualize the outcome of your plans.

Time is a very limited commodity. You need to use it effectively as time lost is gone forever - you cannot get it back. Allocate quality time for important spheres of your life such as career, health, family and relaxation. Consider your responsibilities towards each sphere and fix your time schedules accordingly.

That balance between important spheres of life brings contentment to you.

After prioritizing and allocating time schedules for each task and goal, think about the results you expect. Expectation makes you work positively towards accomplishment of goals and you feel satisfied and happy. Even before achieving the results, you are at ease and work positively and productively towards your goals.

After deciding on your schedule of work, follow it diligently. After some time, try to evaluate your performance. If you feel your performance to be lower Copyright 2005 Marc Sanders