One of the least used resources for a job hunter is networking.
Classes and books talk about using networking to find great job leads. They are right.
To find the perfect job, you will want to do some networking.
Networking is talking to people in the field that you are looking to get a job in to find out about job leads that they may know
The biggest reason that you will want to use networking, as one of your job-hunting resources is that you will hear about job
openings that are not advertised. Many of the best job openings never get posted to job boards.
The companies tell their employees about the job opening.
Someone that the employees know will fill the position. The
general public will never be aware that the job opening existed.
This means that you will have little to no competition for the job.
The hardest part about networking is knowing the right people to get the job you want. You may not know anyone working in the
field that you want to work. T
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his will make networking difficult for you. It is hard to know
about the best job openings when you cannot be looped into the
grape vine about them.