Quick Start Job Guide by Tony Ellis - HTML preview

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It is better to over dress for an interview. If you are truly unsure of what type of dress is expected at a job, it is better to dress your best for an interview.

This means a suit and button down top. This basic interview

outfit will be overkill for many interviews.

The upside to choosing this tried and true look is that you will look pulled together and there is no way that the interviewer will think that you are under dressed.

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There are many interview situations that do not require a suit.

Many jobs are more casual then a suit and there for you can

dress down a little bit.

For men, a button down shirt and tie with a nice pair of dress

pants are ok for a more casual interview. Women can pair a nice blouse with dress slacks or a skirt.

The most important thing to remember when choosing an

interview outfit is to make sure that you err on the conservative side. Tops should not be low cut and skirts should be no shorter then knee length for women.

For men, you will want to keep the color choices for your outfit on a muted scale.

All interview outfits should fit you well. An ill fitting interview outfit shows the interviewer that you do not take the time to

make sure that your clothes fit. They will wonder if you will take the time to make sure that your work has no errors.

You also need to make sure that your interview clothes are

pressed and wrinkle free. This will give you a clean crisp look.

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You hair should be neat and tidy. Any makeup that you wear

should be subtle and understated. Perfume and cologne should

be skipped on the day of the interview.

You want to make sure that your accessories do not make an

impression for you. You want to make sure that the interviewer is concentrating on what you have to say and not on what you are


It is a good idea to have 2 to 3 interview outfits that you can go to. Many jobs require more then one interview. You will need to have different outfits for each interview that you go on. Set these outfits aside in your closet so that you know they are what to

wear to an interview.