Quick Start Job Guide by Tony Ellis - HTML preview

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Follow Up

Follow up after your job interview is very important to ensuring that you are offered the job. The interviewers will be seeing

many applicants over the time that they are looking to fill in the job opening.

There are two steps to the follow up process that you will need to follow to ensure that your name stays in the interviewers mind.

The day that you come home from the interview, you will want to write a thank you letter to the interviewer. It is important to thank the interviewer for their time and consideration on the

position that you were applying for. Mail the letter out the next morning to the interviewer.

The next step to the follow up to your interview is a follow up call. Many interviewers will give you an idea about when a

decision will be made concerning the open position that you

applied for.

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If your interviewer did this, you will want to use that time line for when to place a follow up call. When there is no time frame as to when the decision will be made, it is best to make your follow up phone call two weeks from the day of the interview.

When you place the follow up phone call to the business that you interviewed with, you will want to ask for the person that you

interviewed with. Introduce yourself, tell him that you had an

interview with him, and give the date.

This will help to refresh his memory of whom he is talking to. At this point, you will want to ask about the status of the open


You will hear two answers.

One answer is that the position has been. The better answer is

that they are still interviewing.

You can choose to ask the interviewer when they hope to make

their final decision. As you wait for your job offer, continue to go on interviews and follow the process.

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Never count on getting any job until you have received the call extending an offer of employment to you.

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