Shorten The Gap: Shortcuts to Success and Happiness by Mark Lack - HTML preview

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Do You Want It Bad Enough?

“If you want to create massive results, you have to take massive action.”

— Tony Robbins

When people want something bad enough, like the ability to breathe, they will take whatever action necessary to achieve it. When you struggle for air, you’re focused on nothing but the actions you must take to get air. You have no other worries, because what matters most is getting air. When you are starving and can think of nothing but food, you literally get angry because all you want is food and you don’t have it. You’d do anything for food, especially your favorite type. Remember a time that you had to use the restroom really bad but had to hold it. Nothing else could relieve you from the pain. These are three things that every person deals with every day. The funny thing is, though, that we all know that, if we don’t breathe, we will pass out, and perhaps even die. If we don’t eat, it will cause us pain, and we could die. And if we don’t use the restroom, it will cause us pain and perhaps make us sick, and we could die. So, every day, each and every one of us takes action toward making sure we don’t mess up in these three areas. We don’t really even have to think about them. Our brain is unconsciously competent in these three areas. It’s automatic — it’s something we don’t even have to think about it — like brushing our teeth. Our brain simply notifies us before we let the pain occur so we can take action to avoid the result of pain. Whether it’s a goal, a dream, or whatever it is that you want badly enough, if you don’t take care of it daily, it will cause you pain. It must become so empowering that it becomes something you must do, rather than something you want to do. If you must be the best at something or must achieve something, you’ll do anything to accomplish it. Nothing will distract you from making sure you give attention to this desire every single day. With this hunger, you can accomplish anything. But you must first find what you are hungry for. Then ask yourself, “Do I want it badly enough?” The biggest reason for not having what you want in life is that you don’t want it badly enough. You haven’t created a strong-enough reason as to why you want it so badly that you need it! Maybe it’s a relationship in your life that you want to better but just can’t seem to make it work. Maybe it’s a job promotion that you want. It can be anything. If you don’t want it badly enough to the point where your want becomes a must have, then you won’t be willing to spend time every day giving this must have attention. Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods both decided at a young age that they wanted to be the best in the world. They wanted it badly enough that it became a must, and that desire is what made them work harder than anyone else every day. I believe they got what they wanted.

Think about a time in your life when you really, truly wanted something badly enough that you would have done anything to have it. Did you get it? I bet you did. If not, you weren’t persistent enough. Most people have no idea about the power of their true potential — because it would probably scare them. For some people it is easier not knowing how to unleash their true potential. This way they don’t have to feel as accountable and responsible for the current and future results of their life. Some people allow themselves to suffer from the excuse-itis epidemic, which causes people to make excuses.

You can accomplish anything if you want it badly enough. Rarely do people’s dreams fall into their laps if they’re spending most their time sitting and relaxing. Remember that motion is energy. Persistent forward motion creates momentum, and properly directed momentum, backed with enough energy, can become unstoppable. Turn yourself into an unstoppable machine by doing what I call positive snowballing. Even a tiny snowball can turn into a giant and powerful force to be reckoned with. It just needs to continue moving, building momentum, and its power will grow. The snowball stops growing only when it hits the bottom of the hill. Is your snowball at the bottom of the hill?

Has your momentum stopped? Have you stopped growing? You can always put your snowball back at the top of the hill any time you want, because your momentum comes from within. When you start doing something that develops you and makes you grow, continue with it. Your momentum will only grow larger, and you will begin to feel the snowball effect in action. Remember a time that you’ve felt extremely confident, almost unstoppable. That is the feeling of the snowball effect beginning to take hold. Harness that power and use it in all areas of your life. Never stop progressing! The only rule to the snowball effect is that you must keep growing to achieve the most powerful momentum. Become unstoppable and use your positive momentum to finish reading this book, and reread it often. The better you know this material and apply it in your life, the more unstoppable you will become.

Call To Action

To be a master at anything requires very similar disciplinary skills and the proper mind set. Success is a science, once understood; committing oneself to applying these known principles is really the only difficult part of achieving success. The reason most people never reach the level of mastery in any area is primarily because they lack the proper self-discipline and mindset needed to achieve this level.

If you want to master something, or just get your life headed quickly in the direction you want, I’d be happy to serve you. The best way to start is for you to go to and secure the free gift I have waiting for you. That will give you more confidence, clarity and certainty in your life.


Random Fact

Cucumbers and tomatoes are both fruits.
