The Art of Living Your Passion by Brian Agaba - HTML preview

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Chapter 2 – Happiness is a Choice You Make




Happiness is Subjective


There are things in life that can make you happy that are subjective. They  are subjective because happiness comes differently for everyone.   You might find joy and happiness seeking thrills through rides like roller  coasters and bungee jumping. This thrill may be more than torture for someone  with a fear of heights who would never step foot on a roller coaster or ever  be brave enough to jump from a bridge suspended by a bungee cord.  Everyone seeks happiness in their own way. What makes you happy is a  natural high that you deserve to seek. There is nothing wrong with the  things that you find joy in. You may be told you are crazy but that is  because of the subjectivity. 


Naturally Happy


It is true some people are naturally happy. This is proven through a genetic  disposition. This doesn’t mean that you were born to be miserable if you are not a  naturally happy person. Your happiness is influenced by your genetics but it is not  fixed as a determining factor.


 If you are not a naturally happy person you can change the way you think  and feel so you are. The key is to change the way your brain thinks and the  things you do. You can learn to do things on a daily basis to bring up your  happiness level which will help you learn to smile more and be a happier  person.  




Exercise is very good for the body and it helps the brain put out endorphins  which are responsible for making you happy. Exercise is important for total  health. This doesn’t mean that you have to be on a heavy exercise routine on a  daily basis. However, you should try to sweat every day. You can get an amazing  exercise but just cleaning the house and doing normal household chores.  This isn’t about losing weight. It is about creating happiness.




“Quality sleep” is a big factor if you want to be a happy person. Quality sleep is needed for the body to be able to function properly. When you don’t get enough sleep you might be moody, have an inability to think clearly, and very unhappy.   You might get 8 hours of sleep but that doesn’t mean that you had quality  sleep time. You may be oversleeping or even be sleeping the wrong way. Some  people don’t get a good night’s rest with a pillow while others need a very fluffy  pillow. Your mattress could play into a bad night of sleep also.


Sleep is a big factor and lack of sleep can cause problems with your health.  Ensuring total well being requires a good night sleep.


 If you are not sleeping well, get to know that the lack of sleep determines  how miserable you are throughout the day. Therefore, you need to fix this. You  might need to change your daily schedule so you can get to bed earlier. You also  might need to encourage other people in your household to help you a little  bit more if you are working too hard.


 Sleep can be the entire reason you are miserable. If you have the inability to  get to sleep and you toss around all night long staring at the alarm clock,  this could mean many different things. Some people are very depressed and it  causes them not to be able to sleep well. To ensure happiness you need to get a  good night of sleep.




My mentor calls this the sphere of silence. I must have already at one point,  recommended it to you my friend. Practicing meditation doesn’t mean you belong to a cult or you are doing anything religiously wrong. Many people associate  meditation with Buddhism and think it is wrong. They are missing out on  something extremely important which could be exactly what they need to balance  out their days. Meditation is one of the most effective ways to change your  subjective well being. Doctors have proven meditation to generate brain  activity on the left side, which produces a positive emotion in the body.