The Art of Living Your Passion by Brian Agaba - HTML preview

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Chapter 5 – Using Curiosity & Creativity


One thing that is very important is curiosity because it is the base of  passion. You might have understandings that are blocking you from realizing  what your true passion really is. Here are many ways you can use curiosity  to help you determine what your true passion is so you can use it to be  successful.


Making Your Mind Active


Curiosity helps create an active mind. When someone is curious, they always  ask questions and seek for the answers. This causes their mind to be active  most all the time. When you are curious and working the mind, you are  making it stronger. Your brain is like a big muscle and by working it you are  making it much stronger.


Open to New Ideas


Curiosity also allows you to see how things can be at different angles. When  you are set in one way things are limited because your mind is not willing to  accept a different solution. It is much like your life! If you don’t see your life  becoming any more successful than it already is, then you won’t be. If you  can open your eyes to new ideas about how things can be, then you are  more willing to try them.  The great thing about curiosity is that when ideas do come to your mind,  they will be recognized also and not ignored. When you are not curious, you  miss out on the important ideas because you haven’t prepared your mind to  be open to them.   This also means you must be open to suggestion. Many people offer input  that you might not want to hear. This input could have been the one thing  that was what you needed to do in your life. Be open to suggestion by  allowing yourself to ask more questions and seek different answers.


Open to New Possibilities


When your mind is open to new suggestions, you will also see the bigger  picture in almost every situation. Your world will be open to new worlds and  possibilities because you will be curious. Normally you wouldn’t see these  things like you see today.   It takes the most curious mind to have the capability to look beyond the  normality of life and see things hidden underneath the surface. These are  worlds and possibilities that you can make happen. You have total control of  your curious mind.




If you are bored with your life, you are most likely not curious at all.  Curiosity builds excitement in your life because you will want to see things.  There will always be new things that attract your attention and an  abundance of toys and gadgets that you enjoy too.  When you are curious, you are adventurous and it is so much fun to add  adventure to your life. This doesn’t mean you need to go on an African safari  or a walk around Uganda. It means you need to look around you and see the  things that are going on a little more than you normally do. Do a little  research and find out why things tick. Be curious and open to new things  rather than having the same boring routine every single day.


Developing Curiosity


If you consider yourself to be curious but you are in a routine of the same  thing every day and basically bored with life, then you are not. You are  boring. You can develop curiosity to help you become a more exciting  person and see the life you can have. Once you become curious and you  really want to know what your life will be like when you take your passions  and make them happen, you will be more likely to make them happen. 


Keeping an open mind is the best thing you can do when you are developing  your curiosity. You have to be an open minded person. Work on seeing  things from a different point of view. Think about different versions of things  and how they could end up.  


Another thing you need to do when you are developing your curiosity is to  never take things for granted. Many people accept things for how they are.  They never dig deeper and they lose their entire curiosity and excitement. 


Many things are a really big deal and although it may seem simple to you, it  is important. Your child may want to do something that seems so ridiculous. It is  about the time spent, you should never take these things for granted because they  may not be available to you later. These also include wasting time in your life  watching television (Randy Gage calls it the idiot box) when you could be  working toward your passions.  


Constantly ask questions. As you are developing your curiosity, it is  important to ask questions. Who cares what people think about you? You are  working on you and you need to be curios. This will allow you to get beneath the  surface of things. Ask about how things work and why people are friends of  each other. 


Find out as much as you can about everything. Not only are you working  your brain but you are learning new things and developing an understanding   also. You are learning about why people do the things they do. Although you  might do something one way, people may choose to do it the other. This is  the opening of your mind you need to do.  


Never label something as boring. If you are asked to do something with  someone else and you think it sounds drab, you need to get up and tackle it  as if it is a lot of fun. Things are only boring that you make boring yourself.  Labeling an activity or chore as boring completely closes the doors to  something that might be your passion. In addition, you can think of ways to  take that boring activity and make it fun. 


Look at learning as something fun. There are many things about your passion  you might need to learn. You might have put off your passion because it will require  you to take a few courses. It is very common for people to think they are too old to  learn new things and they don’t follow a passion because of this. You are never too  old to learn new things. The best thing you can do is continue your learning by  reading as much as you can and learning new things. This is a lesson I learn late in  life, and that was towards the end of my university time at Makerere  University Business School. How I wish I learnt that habit in my primary  education time, I would be smarter. But hey, no time for regrets, I took the  bull by its horns and it’s tremendously paid off.  


You should never put a passion off because of learning. What you need to do  is tackle the learning as a fun experience that is going to help you achieve a  goal in the long run. Being curious is learning. You are in a lifelong class and  learning new things every single day. So if you have to take a class or read a book  to learn something new, tackle it with a new attitude of excitement and fun. You  will learn much more than you would if you thought the learning was a  burden.  


Reading new things is another way to feed your curiosity and develop it.  You might like to focus on just one thing but you should be open to as many  different topics and things as possible when it comes to reading. This can  help you build your curiosity even further. If you do find you like to focus on  just one thing, then you might have found your passion.


Building Creativity


Do you think you are not a creative person? You actually might think you are  creative and really not be at all. If you want to live out your passions and  make them a reality, then you need to be creative. There are many ways  you will need to creatively tackle barriers and make things happen. The  more creative you are, the more successful you will be in your life. Here are  a few ways you can build creativity in your life.  


Make creativity a game in everything you do. When you come upon a  circumstance, you should give yourself the rules. Think about the objectives   and any obstacles or strategic constraints that might be a problem. The  more creative you are with these answers, the better you are. 


When you are creative you also have to set goals. Goals go with deadlines  and you need to set a deadline with activities. When you attach a deadline  with tasks it actually makes them more exciting. You also won’t  procrastinate as much either. This applied to me when I was writing this  book. The day I set a release date and posted it on my facebook profile, is  the day I started spending sleepless night in order to complete it before the  day!! Therefore, a deadline set against a goal kills procrastination. 


Self expression is a very important aspect also. You need to find every  opportunity to express yourself in a way that you can, in a creative fashion;  not only in a creative fashion, but in every opportunity. When you look for  opportunities to express yourself, you are being creative in the process. I  remember there was a time a friend of mine invited me to participate in a  talk show hosted on Urban TV, advising the youth on entrepreneurship. It’s  something that most of my friends freaked out on, but nerve wrecking as it  was, I took on the challenge anyway. And today, I look back to it in pride.  Am not saying that television is my passion, but it confirmed to me that I  could do anything to pass on my ideas to the world, to motivate!  Expressing yourself can be in the way you display dinner on the plate. You  might choose to dress up the meal with cranberries and garnishes. You may  change the way you do a presentation at work and completely changing the  style from the way your work does it. View every activity as a way to  express yourself and be creative.  


Allow more focus in your life. The best things you can do for yourself is  eliminating distractions and noise when you focus on an activity. When you  focus on an activity really hard you will see opportunities and qualities about  it. If you really cannot pay attention to something, then it really is boring.  Again, find ways to make it exciting. 


When you are working on activities that seem like they are boring, then you  should view them as smaller pieces of a bigger picture. You need to see the  big picture of things and every aspect of an activity.


Walk around your home/ room.


If you are having a hard time figuring out what your true passion is, it may  be sitting right in front of you. You may have collections of items like  newspaper pullouts, magazines, hobbies you like to do on the weekends and  more. Take a look around your home/ room and see if some of the  decorations are a clue to what your true passion is. You might be surprised  you have surrounded yourself with items and not even realized it. It’s a true  story for me because I always found myself hanging pictures of beautiful  destinations and nature places.