The Job Seeker's Guide to the Galaxy by Katka Mrvová - HTML preview

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Chapter 1

the first stepto skyrocketing your career

Looking for a job is a toughie even if you have a clear goal, let alone if you can’t fathom what your dream profession might be. Discov-ering what you want to do for a living can be one of the hardest things in life. Especially, if you keep hearing all these motivational speeches telling you: “Only do what you love!”

Yet, what if you love skiing but don’t have the means to becomea professional athlete at the age of twenty-four? Sometimes it’s simply too late. Focus on who you are now and remember:

Everybody is good at something (Even you!).

You may be at the beginning of your professional journey or perhaps you’re switching careers. Whichever it is, don’t panic! We can help you with both.