The Netwriting Masters Course by Ken Evoy - HTML preview

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7. The Mindset is Everything

"There is no such thing as an uninteresting subject;
The only thing that can exist is an uninterested person."

-- G. K. Chesterton


Got that thumbnail sketch of your ideal customer yet? Only then can you figure out what you can offer… or what pain you can cure. In other word, you can figure out the benefits for your customers. So dig around and find those details that describe your target customer. For example...

Baby boomer? Senior citizen? Techie? Collector? Freelancer?


Family? Single? Partners?


Money concerns? Stressed for time? Unhappy at work?


Risk-taker? Energetic? Self-starter?


Net savvy? Newbie?


Cautious? Relationship-builder? Committed?


Make your sketch as comprehensive as you can. If your product has more than one kind of consumer, do a profile for each major type.



Site Build It! is a “marketer’s nightmare” because it is the perfect product for almost every kind of small business. So we met this challenge by creating 12 business-specific sites, one for every major category…


Don't forget to check out where your traffic to your Web site is coming from. Is it through a Search Engine, or through the promotion of your URL in an ad or a newsletter?


This information will give you another clue as to your visitors' mindsets when they arrive to read your Web site's content. Why? Because "ad traffic" is tougher to persuade than customers who arrive via Search Engines.
Why? Why is ad traffic tougher? Geez, you ask "Why?" a lot!

00007.jpgBecause if people find you via an ad, they know they've been "pitched." And they know another pitch is coming. So they feel that you are using their time.


But if they find you via Search Engines, that’s another story...

They were looking for you! They found you via a keyword search, so they are targeted. And they feel smart for finding you. You are already half way home, because they were looking for, and found what they wanted… Content!

Theme-based content attracts targeted visitors (i.e., potential customers) because you have written it to rank highly at the engines, in a "no-tricks way" that the Search Engines respect ... an ethical, effective way to attract targeted customers to your site. Motivated, interested traffic builds.

Search Engines are, by far, the #1 way that surfers find Web sites. If they cannot find your site, it does not exist. As the engines improve their algorithms, all the Search Engine experts say that well-written theme sites are what will rank best for specific keywords over the coming years.

One more important point...

Finding a site through a Search Engine is more credible than visiting a site due to advertising. It is the offline equivalent of reading editorial content in a newspaper, as opposed to an ad.

Your high-value, original content PREsells your targeted visitors, winning confidence and trust by providing the information they seek. Your content establishes you expertise in this niche. It credentializes you in the eyes of your potential customers.


As the Net gets more and more congested, you need a strong, effective, and costefficient way to build traffic via the Search Engines. Site Build It! provides the tools you need to win at the Search Engine game.

Its “Analyze It!” tool helps you optimize Web pages so that they will rank highly. SBI! also will automatically submits (and resubmits) your pages to the major Search Engines and then reports when these pages are spidered, listed and ranked.
So you know exactly how your Web pages are faring in the Search Engine world! And SBI! will keep you up-to-date on important new Search Engine developments so that you are always “in the know.”

For more details about SBI!’s traffic-generating capabilities, please visit…


00005.jpgBack to your ideal customer's mindset...

Is she feeling cynical and impatient? Or enthusiastic and information-seeking? Ready to be persuaded? You have to write the right words to get her to stay on your site. Take your time as you build your foundation/thumbnail sketch(es). The effort you put in now is going to support your Web site and of course, your business.

Remember the next Web site for your visitor is only a mouse-click away. And realistically, that next site probably belongs to a competitor. Your words are always competing with a ticking clock. A rather sobering thought, isn't it?

Life on the Net is fast, but you can handle the speed if you are prepared.


00001.jpgOK, time for your next assignment...


Please write out, point by point, a detailed thumbnail sketch of your ideal customer.

Everything is falling into place. Upon completion of this assignment, your foundation will be firm. You will have a MWR, a good understanding of effective PREselling, and a detailed thumbnail sketch of your ideal customer. We’ll be ready to cover how to write sales copy that sells.

00001.jpgOK. Ready for the fun part? Let's get the sale, or whatever your MWR is!… 00003.jpg