The Student Nurse's Bible by Peter Conway - HTML preview

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Chapter Two

How to give an injection

Confirm your doctors order. Check the medication with the order. Prepare the syringe.
Identify the patient. Explain the injection order.
Wash hands
Continue step by step explanation to the patient. Choose the site and prepare the patient for privacy.
Put gloves on. Swab the site with an alcohol pad. Swab in a circular motion outward from the site 5cm.
Spread the tissue taut with the non dominant hand. Have the patient relax and ask him to take a deep breath. As he inhales insert the needle in a quick dart like fashion. Hold the syringe barrel with the non dominant hand and slowly draw back with the plunger. If you aspirate blood withdraw the needle and start over with fresh medication and new syringe/needle.
If no blood returns slowly inject the medication to distribute it evenly and to minimize discomfort.
When all the medication has been injected withdraw the needle. Apply pressure to the injection site with fresh alcohol swab. This keeps the medication from infusing back into the subcutaneous tissue.
If medication can be absorbed rapidly you can massage the site for two to three minutes.
Discard the syringe according to protocol. Never recap. Wash your hands.
Assess patient for response to injection.
Document time, medication, dose, and site and patients response to medication.


Have patient lying flat on bed face down on bed (prone) with toes pointing in for dorsal gluteal injection (buttock).

Have patient lie side with upper leg flexed and forward for ventrogluteal injection.
Have patient lie supine with toes pointing midline for vastis lateralis injection.
Have patient sitting with elbow bent and forearm supported for deltoid injection.

What you need

Doctors order and medication
Syringe, needle and alcohol swabs in kidney dish Gloves.