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Chapter 5 Prepping for Lessons


It does not matter whether or not you are a seasoned teacher or a work-at-home mother, father, or single guy or lady, the truth is that teaching online can raise a lot of anxiety. One thing that you must note is that when you prep well for your lessons, you will be better placed to have a successful class.


Think about an athlete, for instance, if they don't prep for their competition, they will not make it through. In the same way, you will not be able to get through to the end of the lesson if you don't take the time to prepare adequately. Athletes take the time practicing, reviewing playbooks, cultivating a winning attitude, and stretching. In the same way, a tutor must prep well for their online class. You must use the same techniques when preparing for your lessons.


For instance, the night before the class, it is important that you adequately review your lesson plan, and offer detailed information on the strategies to be used. Understand that practice makes perfect. This is your chance to hone your skills and fine-tune all your crafts so that you can have an excellent lesson.


One of the best ways for you to practice is to do it in front of the mirror to see how you do it and can make it better when teaching an actual class. This is the best time for you to check that all the equipment is functioning well, the internet speed is good, and everything else is ready to go. Then you can retire to bed with an attitude of a winner!


Realize that when you take the time to prepare well, that alone can make the difference between success and failure. Now that you feel ready, you actually must have a plan ready to set you off. These include;

Break the ice

When you get into the class, you must do a proper introduction. Introduce yourself and ask the students what their names are in English. When you know how to pronounce the students’ names, this is something very respectful.


Learning your students’ names and how to pronounce them is one of the best ways to prep for your lessons. Learn about their hobbies, interests, and other things. As you start the lessons, ask what their favorite colors are, what they eat each day, and the things you like to do for play.


As the students try to respond to your questions, it helps you gauge their fluency. You will be able to tell all that from how they compose their conversational responses. You can also use copyright-free images or other visual aids when communicating with them to find out whether they get what you are telling or asking them. When you ask them questions, you are helping them ease their anxiety – this being the first lesson.


Get ready with an ice breaker conversation to help the students relax and be apt to respond. Craft your questions in such a way that you give them responses about yourself so that they are better placed to understand what you ask them, and give you appropriate answers. This is the best way to set the tone of the class.


On the first day, your plan should not be to teach – rather about introductions and easing into the environment. Try as much as you can not be uptight or too serious. You must stay flexible and easy to interact with. While you may be the authority in the classroom, there is no point in setting a stern tone. Your tone should be engaging.


Think of extra activities that might just help the students getting interested and focused on what you have to say. Come into the classroom with confidence and a winning attitude – and the students will respond to you positively.

Plan the classes

Remember that you are not preparing for a physical class. The chances are that your students might not be online at the same time because they live in different time zones. You don't have to wing it. You must put in the effort to plan your classes adequately. Realize that your virtual students have varied needs and hence the need for you to have your syllabus and lesson material well laid out before the beginning of the lesson. This way, you help the students determine whether the class is fit for their needs or not.


Try as much as you can to avoid surprises at all costs. Realize that bringing in a surprise quiz to an online class will not go well the same way as a physical class.


Master technology

If you are going to teach online, then one of the things you must prepare for is how to use technology well. Here, there is no tech support down the hall. You have to have technical fitness within yourself. The best way to get ready for a class is to ensure that you have the right hardware to get you started.

Set up a suitable working environment

When you are working remotely, this can be a challenge when you lack the perfect workspace and self-discipline. Bear in mind that working at home can be a real nightmare. However, when you plan better, you can avoid the headache.


Before the start of the lesson, you must set up your workspace. If it is possible, ensure that that specific space is intended for work only. The best thing is to ensure that space is both inviting and friendly to bolster productive work behavior. Don't bring distractions here – TVs, household chores, or family members here. The place must be well lit – with natural lighting – and there is an ergonomic chair to set the mood for work.

Plan for regular communication

You must try to maintain a consistent online presence by stimulating communications during the lesson. Plan to introduce yourself before the class and give the students a chance to introduce themselves too. This will bring warmth into the classroom.

Set up a motivation system


When you are preparing your lesson plan, the first thing you must bear in mind is that students learn differently. Motivating them goes a long way in helping improve the learning process. While there are those students who are self-motivated, there are those who are not.


Therefore, set up a motivation system that will help them make the most of every lesson – extra points for online discussions as well as optional assignments.


That said, it is important to note that online education is one of the most wonderful ways to learn English, among other languages. Preparing beforehand is the best way to ensure that the needs of your students are captured in the lesson plan. Realize that your lesson plan is the best way to reach students that you couldn’t in a physical class. Your lesson should cater to all kinds of students – which is what every class has – slow, medium-paced, and fast students.


Planning is not just for new teachers, but experienced teachers too. As you continue growing your skillset teaching online, you will realize that everything comes naturally – the way you dress, energy, presentation, and everything in between.


Take your time to plan your lessons well. Planning for a class is planning for success. Go for it!