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Chapter 2 Getting Through the Interview


One thing that is important to note is that online English teaching jobs have played a significant role in helping teachers land incredible online jobs. You may also be thinking of getting there and are wondering how you can get through the interview and maximize your earning potential. Here are some of the tips that will help you get through it;

Tip #1 Polish your resume


Just like any other job application, nothing beats an incredible resume. Every hiring company will be looking for a candidate that represents it to its student clients as a professional English teacher. This means that a resume that has a clear profile picture that showcases your professionalism will go a long way. While your picture may have an online teaching background, these are not the only ways you can land your OET job. Here are some of the tips that will help you polish your resume for that online English teaching post;


Appearance is everything!


How does your resume look? While formatting your resume is something simple, what you must bear in mind is that its appearance is what gets noticed first. Think of your resume as a digital form of yourself going into the interview review. This means that you must take time to groom it well, make it presentable, and stand out in the crowd. Read through it and ask yourself whether it makes a great first impression.


Some of the best ways to achieve this are by using clean fonts such as Times new roman, Calibri, or even Arial. Avoid using colors – and instead, stick to black and white fonts. Check the headings, spacings, spelling, grammar, and organize the data in chronological order.


One thing you must realize is that the other teacher is looking for the same job as you and their resume may be professional and easy to read. If you all of that, what will make you stand out from the crowd? One of the tricks is to spruce up your resume and make it memorable. For instance, you can have well-designed horizontal lines, or even adding a sleek layout to it. The trick is for you to take calculated risks and avoid overdoing it.


Follow instructions


Remember that you are a teacher, and one of the things you want from your students is for them to follow your instructions. The same applies to your resume. The last thing you want is to disqualify yourself by omitting critical information the employer is looking for, e.g., contact information.


Realize that the “requirements” section is included in every advert for a reason. Falling short of that means that you are wasting your time making an application.


Yes, you may interview incredibly, but your resume has to get you there first. Think of your resume as a golden ticket. Therefore, ensure that you pay attention to formatting requests – deadlines, required components/attachments, and all requisites. It is the key to demonstrating your accountability.


Have a super over the top wifi


If you are going to be teaching online, it means that your computer is your classroom. The first thing is to ensure that your teaching tools are up and running well. In your resume, you must capture what computer model you are using, the internet connection – such as speed – headset features and all other technological devices you intend to use in the classroom. If you can take photos and add them as attachments, the better.


Realize that one of the most crucial components of teaching English online is your hardware. Ask yourself whether it meets the minimum operating requirements. Most often, the interviews are conducted virtually, therefore, ensure that you include in your resume your username. Also, take time practicing how to log in before the time comes to avoid wasting your time and that of your employer.


Add relevant skills and educational qualifications


Most companies will be looking for prior experience teaching English online. If you have it, then ensure that it is well captured in your resume. You must list all your experiences in chronological order – starting from the latest one.


You must not be shy about your skills. Take time to think of all the skills you possess that contribute to you being a stellar teacher – foreign languages, leadership, and computer skills. What English speaker are you – American, Australian, or British? Be sure to be specific. If you have proficiency in English – TESOL, TEFL, CELTA, or any other certifications, display that in your resume.

This is your key to teaching English, so take the time to showcase it.


Be the one


If the school you are applying to requires a motivational letter or your statement of objective, understand that this is your golden key to proving to your future employer how much of a rock star you are. Use it to demonstrate to them how well you fit what they are looking for. It does not matter whether your cover letter is a couple of lines long, the most important thing is that it demonstrates a vision that aligns well with the interests and mission of the school you are applying to.


For instance, if you are applying to teach elementary classes in Korea, you must ensure that your online ESL teacher resume objective mirrors your ability to teach international kids. This does not only show your employer that you did your research about the company, but also the fact that you are the best fit for the job.

The point is, mix and match your experiences to align with the needs of the school.


No experience? No worries!


If we are honest, then you know that experience is great! It is with an experience that you demonstrate to your employer that you are not only credible but also give them the courage that you know what is expected of you. It means that you have ready-made lesson plans that have already been created for you and you can customize for the class you are assigned. Rather than dwelling too much on what you don’t have, take time to highlight the beneficial involvements you have.


Two of the biggest bullet-points you could elaborate on in your resume are language proficiency as well as leadership skills – even if you don’t have experience teaching English online. It does not matter whether you have stood in front of a classroom before or not; what matters is that what you have acquired the same skills the job requires. Showcase all of your valuable skills – both socially and managerially.


The trick is for you to take time to dig deep. Brainstorm if you must. Ask yourself what it is that you have done to help others and consider adding your experiences in your resume. It makes the whole difference!


Extra credit


Once you know that your resume has captured all the basics, it is time for you to start shining. The best way is to add an intriguing layout and other experiences that set you high up on the map. Think about the things that will make you stand out in the crowd and add them. For instance, you can add a small video of yourself in your classroom at home. The video does not have to be you teaching a class; a small introduction of yourself will suffice. You must show off your teaching props, fluency in English, clarity of speech, and a charming smile. When creating the video, consider the company you are applying to. If it is a fun place, then you can show off your enthusiasm in the video. Remember, anything that sets you apart from all else is what matters.


All these ingredients are what will help polish your resume. Therefore, you must spend time carefully putting together these ingredients to ensure that the final product is well-balanced. Bear in mind that what your potential employer will be looking for will most likely be sincerity in all these things. Realize that even through electronic means, personalized efforts and in-depth details are very much welcomed. The trick is to ensure that the resume caters directly to the needs of the school.


Tip #2 Online teaching setup

This is not only a necessity but also a very important component that determines whether or not you convince the recruiters to offer you an impressive package. As I already mentioned, you must capture the computer model you use, internet connectivity, headsets, and other technical requirements.


That said, what most people often forget are the environmental requirements. Take a minute to think about the place where you will have your classroom sessions – does it have good lighting? Do you have a white background or a whiteboard? While puppets and posters are not always a requirement, these things can play an important role in helping you negotiate a competitive compensation package. It is even more useful when you are teaching young children you need to engage their attention span.

Tip #3 Obtain an ESL teaching certificate

While there are teachers who have made it through the interviews without TEFL, CELTA, TESOL, or any other English certification, having it can be a plus for you. Additionally, if you have experience teaching English online or physically in a classroom, a certification may not be a must for you to land that job. Realize that having these certifications go a long way in increasing your chances of landing an invitation for an interview.


It is important to note that while companies may not need it during hiring, they will require you to obtain it within a certain duration – once you are hired.

Tip #4 Get ready for the interview

If you are going to get through the interview, then you must understand the expectations that each company has. This will help you prepare better for the interview. Understand that though the position requires you to teach English online, companies are not created equally. In other words, different companies will have different expectations, varying curriculums, and target students.

Start by understanding the difference in class types. For instance;


Young children


If you are going to teach young children, then you will need more dramatic actions that will captivate their attention and keep the sessions engaging. It is important that you also ensure that the teaching materials you use are simplified and less preparation needed.


Older children


Here, you need to note that the learning ability and process for older children is to follow a systematic approach. This means that you may have to spend a little time to prepare adequately.




This is one of the most challenging age brackets to deal with primarily because its focus is on the technical aspects of the English language – like grammar, studying abroad, and college entrance examinations.




The good thing about dealing with such a group is the fact that they already have the basics of the English language. This makes the lesson more conversational. In other words, the main focus is on speaking it and improving the language ability so that it is suited for the working environment.


The size of the class


It is also important for you to know what size of class you are comfortable teaching. A standard small size class is a is 1 on 1 class. Sometimes it may be a group of 4, if large, then between 15 to 40 students. Realize that the large group is often for Kindergarten or local schools with an assisting teacher in the local school to help you maintain the order of the students in the classroom.

Tip #5 Negotiating the salary

The other thing that will help you get through the interview is how well you can negotiate for a better pay rate. Some of the things that you need to watch out for include;


When a company you are applying to posts a salary range, then the chances are that this is the actual range. However, this does not mean that you settle at that – you can always negotiate by pushing the boundary slightly higher than the range – especially if you have an exceptional track record. Some of the factors that will greatly influence your salary include; teaching credentials, experience, and educational background.


That said, you must benchmark with other candidates, their expectations, and the responsibilities of the job in the market. The employer will always have a pretty good sense of what the current rates are for your qualification. However, the trick is to ensure that you have your resume well-polished, crush the interview, and demonstrate a great degree of enthusiasm that tells them that you will be a great asset to their company. This way, you will get leverage to negotiate for a bigger paycheck.


Additionally, if you are highly qualified, you stand to negotiate for a demo or trial teacher. In other words, the company will use you as a great salesforce, and you earn bonuses for additional students you sign up for the demo.


The other important thing you must bear in mind is that you don’t have to accept an offer out of desperation. It is okay to turn down offers. Share with the recruiter your honest thoughts, but do it respectfully. Yes, the company may not offer the kind of packages you are looking for, but the truth is that they might invite you in the future to make better offers.


So, what will help you earn more bonuses?


Some of the factors that will boost your bonus structure include; good student reviews, contract renewal bonus, students showing up in class and the numbers, and students signing up for course renewal.


You must understand what would warrant a pay rise, cancellation of the policy, penalties, and income taxes. With that, remember to always look out for highly reputable companies on our website.


These companies offer fair payments with well-established financial systems that ensure payments are made on time.


Look out for these companies in more detail in the coming chapters.