The Trial Notebook by Paul Purcell - HTML preview

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Case number:___________________   Client is:  Plaintiff   Defendant        Client is:  Person(s)  Business Entity

Client is:  Sole Client  Main Client of Group numbering:_____  Client #______ of this group  Member of Class Action

Name:                                                                                  SSN:                                         Sex:    

DOB:___/___/___    POB:                                                                                                     Religion:

Address:                                                                                        Apt/Ste:             Cmp/Sb:

City:                                                          Co:                               St:         Zip:                    --             Own/Rnt/Rsd:Yrs:

Phones:  (H): (         )            -                                                               Cell Phone: (           )            -

E-Mail:                                                             Website:                                       

Place of Employment:                                                           Title:                                     Supervisor:

Nature of work:

Address:                                                                                                                                       Reachable at work?  Y / N

City:                                                                   St:                 Zip:                    --              

Phone:(           )            -                                 X                                   Cell Phone: (           )            -

E-Mail:                                                              Website:

Phone: (others):  type:                   (              )              -                                         (            )              -

Client-Provided Background:



 Documentation

 Physical Evidence

 Printed Articles

 Television

 Website: __________________

 Other:_____________________

 All Info – Client

 All Info - Spouse

 All Info – Child

 Power of Atty

 Subpoena

 Other:________

 Criminal history

 Litigation history

  No Civil/Crim History

 Witness lists

 Official Reports

 ______________

 Date of first contact: ___/___/___

 Referred by:_____________________

 Contract / Agreement signed ___/___/___

 Retainer   Credit Application

 Deposition taken: ___/___/___

 Deposition Bates #:

 Full “Subject Data File” started on Client,  Full background check performed,  History Sheet filled out

 Suit Filed or Summons rec’d on: ___/___/___  Via:                                                                        Reviewed on: ___/___/___  By:  

Case Synopsis: 




 Extended narrative attached

Acceptable Settlement for Arbitration / Negotiation:


Client Releases and Acknowledgement:   (check the “R” box if separate form used)


I hereby authorize release of any and all psychological records pertaining to this case.  Initial:_____

I hereby authorize release of any and all medical and dental records pertaining to this case.   Initial:____

I hereby authorize release of any and all criminal records pertaining to this case.   Initial:______

I hereby authorize release of any and all credit and financial records pertaining to this case.    Initial:_____

I hereby authorize release of any and all DMV records pertaining to this case.    Initial:_____

I hereby certify that all information presented above is true, correct, and complete, and give full authorization for a full and complete background check on myself and all aspects of my case.  I understand this check will include any and all records listed above.


Client:__________________________________  Signature:_______________________________ Date:___/___/___


Witness:________________________________  Signature:_______________________________  Date:___/___/___

Document Control #:______________________                                                             File Name:_____________________________

Client Data Sheet – CIVIL CASE