The Way to a Wealthy Life by Brian Beshore - HTML preview

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2. Chapter Two; Road Blocks

Blocks can be anything from a negative attitude about wealth to personal issues about self worth, fear of success and self confidence.
If you go to the website above and follow the instructions, you should soon have a list of the things that come up and try to negate your desires. It is often a mistake to assume that you do not have any of these blocks as most of them come from the very society that we live in.
One thing you must learn to do, if you wish to get somewhere with this work is to listen to your thoughts.
For more information about blocks over money, visit my blog;
There you will find a wealth of resource on all these topics.
And now I would like to direct you to a most amazing resource; It is called EFT, which stands for Emotional Freedom Technique; EFT
One of the most popular forms of psychotherapy has been to ‘dig down’ into your past experiences and find any event that may have caused you emotional trauma so as to ‘resolve’ the issue.
One method of resolution has been to go back and confront whoever might have caused you this trauma.
The drawbacks to this line of work are that it is extremely time consuming and often painful. Additionally the person may no longer be around or they may refuse to see your side of it, and this will just cause you to go to another level of anger.
Overall, it can be rather like bailing out a sinking ship with a thimble and may even create problems where there were none before.
Consider this; all blocks or traumas of this sort have a specific location in our bodies!
This fact is what has made certain authors like Napoleon Hill to state that poverty is a disease. It is the constant worry over money and stress and anxiety that cause the person to physically break down and perhaps die at too young an age.
Now consider this; if your mind can affect your body, the reverse is true. This is where EFT comes in. By simple and easy to do adjustments to your energy fields, you can be rid of your blocks in a remarkably
short time!
If you are interested, go to their site and sign-up for their newsletter. You will get a complete EFT manual that will teach you the complete working technique;