Wahm - It! - The Master Course - Book 1 by E. Martyn, C. Brizzell, et al - HTML preview

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Writing the Guide…

And so it began.

We, the WAHM It! team, started our work. Between us, we have 12 children (ranging from a 1-year old to teenagers), own 12 SBI! websites (in various stages of development), and live in four different time zones. Some of us work part-time outside the home as well as working on our websites. And of course, alongside work, we handle loads of domestic stuff. Just keeping in touch with each other was quite a challenge.

During our weekly progress chats (via instant messaging), we’ve sometimes had more than 10 kids around – losing teeth, having melt-downs, clambering over the laptop, demanding hot chocolate. We’ve kept going through it all, because that’s what WAHMs do. We’re used to it. We like it, even!

It has been a huge experience. A great experience! We’ve shared a lot of laughter, a few tears and a stack of hard work.

There’s one thing about this Guide, we hope, that makes it stand out from so much of the other stuff out there on the Internet. It comes from the heart, and if it rings true – and we hope it does – it’s because we are four real people who connected to pool not just our experiences, but also the collected wisdom of the numerous other WHAMs we’ve been privileged to get to know from their voices on the Forums.

And this brings us to a special group of voices to whom we wish to extend a big…



Our warmest thanks go to all the women who took part in the original dialogue that set this whole ball rolling, or who have contributed their ideas about being a WAHM elsewhere in the Site Build It! Forums.

Some of you are quoted in this Guide – see below – but there are many, many more. We simply didn’t have space to include all your wisdom. Thank you, to all those people, for sharing your thoughts. You inspired us.

And a special toast to the women who allowed us to quote their fascinating insights…


Ann www.healthinsurance-help.com


Annabel www.puzzle-club.com


CJ www.yummycrockpotrecipes.com


Cheryl www.simpledebtfreeliving.com


Claire www.littlekidsgamesonline.com


Debs www.debtsteps.com


Dian www.best-child-toys.com


Ellen www.healthy-quick-meals.com Kellie www.spa-living-for-health.com


Kristin www.natural-health-ideas-that-work.com


Mary www.its-a-girl-thing-ltd.com


Michelle www.style-hair-magazine.com


Nicole www.kids-fun-and-games.com


Patricia www.kids-party-paradise.com


Rachel www.dream-vacation-in-tuscany.com


Rena www.home-jewelry-business-success-tips.com


Rina www.fun-baby-games-online.com


Tracy www.womensdivorce.com


Are you wondering what happens next?


All that’s left is one final question that only you can answer (with a little help, of course)…