Bailey the Cat 2 by Basak Serin - HTML preview

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Bailey the Cat 2

Written By: Basak Serin

Section 1

Bailey is a white and black cat with green eyes. He is a male cat. He wears a silver bow tie. He lives alone in a small apartment in the city of Pearl. He doesn’t have a car. He works as a library assistant at the public library. Bailey believes his job is fun, relaxing, and quiet; however, his mean, strict boss, Angie, ruins it for him. He walks to work every day, as the library is just across the street from his apartment building.

Bailey has dreams of becoming a musician. He records and raps his music in his small bedroom.

His best friend and music producer is a cat named Lathan.

Lathan is a black male cat with yellow-green eyes. He is cool and stern. He loves making music and teaching Bailey about producing music. Bailey is his best friend. He wears a gold bow tie.

He lives across from Bailey’s apartment.

Bailey works as a library assistant at the Tango Public Library. He helps the library by putting books back on the shelves; he organizes the books by genre and alphabetical order; and he sometimes fixes the computers. He helps register new users and issue their library cards. He sorts and reshelves returned books and other materials.

His boss, Angie, makes working there a burden. Angie is a calico cat with long fur. She has light green eyes. She wears a copper-colored bow tie. She has an eartip. She is strict, overbearing, and harsh. She tends to shout and laugh evilly sometimes. Angie doesn’t like Bailey or any of her employees, for that matter. She works as the head librarian. She is an older adult cat. She has a sadistic nature.

The reason behind Angie’s sadistic nature is because of her rough life. She was impoverished when she grew up. She had been bullied by her classmates and teachers from preschool until high school. Even the neighbors bullied her. Also, she stayed in both foster homes and detention for a few years. She didn’t do anything bad, only slander. However, she does not know that Bailey also suffered from the same exact events.

Impulse and Terrie no longer work there. Terrie retired, and Impulse got another job.

New employees were hired, including Lathan.

Section 2

Bailey and Lathan walk to the library together. Lathan was recently hired as a library assistant.

“I can’t wait to work together, bro,” Lathan said. “It’s my first day!”

“Yeah, me too,” Bailey said.

They entered the library.

The duo collected their ID work cards and greeted Angie.

“Stop right there!” Angie yelled at Bailey and Lathan.

“Ahhhh!” Bailey and Lathan shouted.

“There are some changes around here that I must point out!” Angie shouted.

“Bailey! Lathan! Rose!” she shouted. “Some of you are new here, and one of you is not. Here is the map of the library, and don’t be afraid to ask questions to Bailey!”

“What? Me?” Bailey asked in confusion.

“Get to work!” she yelled.

Rose is a white female cat with blue eyes. She wears a purple necklace.

“Woah, Rose is pretty,” Lathan whispered to Bailey. He smiled at her.

“What? Hey!” Bailey said.

“I am going to start stacking them shelves,” Lathan said.

He started to work by putting books on the shelves.

He thought it would be cool to wear sunglasses inside. So he put them on.

“Wow! I look cool, man.” Lathan said while working.

“What?!” Angie said as she saw Lathan wearing shades.

“No shades indoors! No wearing sunglasses inside! There is no sunshine here; only darkness.”

Angie told Lathan.

Lathan shook and sweated. He was nervous.

“Yep, you got it!” he said.

Angie rolled her eyes.

Some kittens were talking in the library. They were laughing and giggling.

“NO talking!” Angie shouted at the kittens.

“Why am I still standing in the rain when I can go inside and save myself?” Bailey whispered song lyrics to himself while he was working.

“Nice lyrics,” Rose said.

“Thanks,” said Bailey.

“Hey, Bailey. I was wondering why you have an eartip and so does Angie.” Rose asked Bailey, as they were both scanning books.

“Well, if I told you…” he paused. “You wouldn’t believe it!”

“Tell me! Please!” she asked.

“An eartip helps to identify kitties who stayed in group homes and places like that. Angie has gone through that. So did I. I know our boss’s back story, but she doesn’t know mine.” He explained.

Rose gave Bailey a big hug.

“Ugh! Why are you two hugging each other?!” Angie yelled.

“It’s called friendship!” Bailey said.

“Who cares?! I never had friends! I was always a reject!!” Angie yelled and cried.

Tears rolled down Angie’s face.

Angie left.

“I get it,” Rose said as she looked at Bailey.

Lathan just completed his first day of work.

“How was the first day of work?” Bailey asked.

“Good, peaceful. I like this job. Not gonna lie.” Lathan said. “Can’t wait for tomorrow.”

“Glad to see you enjoy it! How about you, Rose?” Bailey asked.

“Nice,” she said.

A cat named Sky was reading a love-themed book at the table.

Angie was there and made a comment.

“Ha ha ha!! Books about love? You are reading love books? Disgusting!” she said.

“Very funny. This is the only library in our town! So, I have come here to read and pick out books.” Sky said.

“Whatever!” Angie said and laughed.

Sky rolled her eyes and continued to read her book.

It’s time for the employees to head home and come back the next day.

Bailey, Lathan, Angie, and Rose left work and went home.

Section 3

It’s morning, and Bailey and Lathan are ready to go back to work. But before that, Bailey wanted to share with Lathan a newly written song.

Lathan sat on Bailey’s couch, and Bailey asked him if he wanted to read his song.

“Why not?” Lathan asked.


My thoughts be zooming fast like a racecar

If there is a problem I can solve it

So many problems can’t play the guitar

Can’t turn the page

I don’t have a car

I don’t have a car

But, I have a racecar

People rather see you lose than to see you excel The car’s engine and motor are powerful

Full of fuel

I beg of you don’t make fun of me

Racecar, racecar, racecar

Going fast in the highway

Racecar, racecar, racecar

Going fast in the highway

High speed race

High speed race

Everyone’s watching

They shocked

Cooler than yo overpriced vehicle

Racecar, racecar, racecar

“Nice, bro!’ Lathan said.

“Thanks,” Bailey said.

The duo go to work.

They have arrived at the library and are greeted by Angie.

“Get to work!” Angie shouted.

Bailey and Lathan get to work.

Bailey started off cleaning the computers as he was told to by his boss.

After a few minutes, Angie walked up to him.

“You left a spot!” she said.

“Where?!” Bailey asked angrily.

She pointed at a tiny, tiny spot of dust that was on the computer mouse to make Bailey angry.

“What? That doesn’t make sense.” Bailey asked.

Angie laughed and left.

Bailey got irritated and angry.

He threw the washcloth on the ground and said, “I can’t take this anymore!”

He tried to think of ways to calm down and work.

Now, Lathan’s job is to help a patron find a book.

A pretty brown tabby cat with yellow eyes named Sunlight came up to Lathan for advice.

“Hey, I was wondering where I can find books about nature? I can’t seem to find them.” Sunlight asked.

“Wow! You are beautiful! How about you give me your number?” Lathan asked her.

“Excuse me?” Sunlight looked confused.

“What?!” Angie came by and yelled at Lathan.

“I am out!” Sunlight said as she left.

“Quit flirting with girls! You are driving them away! You are driving them and me crazy! Got it?!” Angie shouted.

“It’s called being kind,” Lathan said.

“Screw kindness!” Angie yelled. “Now, get back to work!”

“Got it,” Lathan said.

Angie thinks that Lathan is weird and off.

Bailey comes by to speak with Lathan.

“Having a hard time with-“ Bailey told Lathan as he was interrupted by him.

“Yeah, I hear you,” Lathan said. “I’m sorry!”

“Thanks,” Bailey said.

“Don’t let a bully impact your job, work, and everything else.” Lathan said.

Bailey nodded.

Just as the best friends were talking with each other, it was time for their break.

Also, Angie came by to eavesdrop on them.

“What’s Angie’s real problem anyway?” Lathan asked.

“Okay, but you promise not to tell her?” Bailey asked.

“I promise! Now, spill!” Lathan said.

“Okay, Angie’s not well because of the maltreatment and hardship she went through almost all of her life. She’s been in group homes and more. She had trouble making friends and had more enemies than friends. She was bullied a lot. She was innocent when growing up, I suppose. None of her relatives were friendly, just greedy and mean.” Bailey explained.

Angie had tears rolling down her face.

“Also, she’d get sick a lot, and poverty impacted her life.” Bailey told her.

Angie looked down at her toes.

“What else?” Lathan asked. “The things you just told me sound similar to your life, Bailey! Oh my!” he said.

Angie’s eyes grew wide in shock.

“Yeah, it is weird that we both share the same unfortunate life issues. But at least I’m nice.”

Bailey said.

“Hey, everything impacts each individual differently,” Lathan said.

“You are right,” Bailey said.

“Is that why you both are ear-tipped?” Lathan asked.

“Yes,” Bailey said.

Angie did not know about Bailey’s life. She now has different opinions about him.

“It’s hard being alone with no one warm and close to you,” Bailey said.

Lathan nodded.

“You can’t trust anyone,” Lathan said.

Just as the duo were ready to go back to work, they caught Angie eavesdropping on them.

“Why were you listening to our conversations?!” Lathan exclaimed.

“No! No! I was just-“ Angie said nervously.

“Save it! Whatever! Let’s get back to work.” Bailey said.

“Wait, not so fast!” Angie yelled.

“What?” Bailey said.

“I am sorry! I did not know we had so much in common!” Angie cried.

Bailey was in shock.

“I am sorry.” Angie said as she hugged Bailey.

Bailey accepted the hug. Angie was crying, and so was Bailey.

A friendship begins between Bailey and Angie.

What will happen next?

Bailey and Lathan: Interview

Bailey: Hello, all! I am Bailey! I am here today to interview my best friend, Lathan!

Lathan: Cool, can’t wait. Lay them questions on me!

Bailey: What is your favorite color?

Lathan: Black and purple.

Bailey: What are your favorite musical genres?

Lathan: Let’s see here. Hip-hop, rap, trap metal, metal, and hardcore.

Bailey: Same here. What other career would you want to have?

Lathan: A gym teacher!

Bailey: Good. On a scale of 1 to 5, how good are you at driving?

Lathan: Maybe, 3.

Bailey: What do you do to avoid bullies?

Lathan: Just ignore them, bro.

Bailey: Where would you go to take a vacation?

Lathan: South Africa, Norway, and Sweden.

Bailey: Nice. Favorite ice cream flavor?

Lathan: Chocolate.

Bailey: Okay. One more question. What is your favorite food?

Lathan: Pizza.

Bailey: Thanks, Lathan!

Arthur and Bailey: Interview

Bailey: Hello, again! Today I am going to interview Arthur the cat. He is from Camp Arthur.

Arthur: Ugh, hello?

Bailey: So, I hear you run a camp?

Arthur: I used to.

Bailey: Okay. Let’s get on with it. What is your favorite color?

Arthur: Orange, yellow, and red.

Bailey: What is your current job?

Arthur: I make music now. As far as you know, I used to run a camp.

Bailey: I see. Do you have a girlfriend?

Arthur: Uh, no? Why would you ask me that?

Bailey: Just curious. After all, you are being interviewed. How old are you?

Arthur: I am old! I am over ten years old.

Bailey: Wow! Okay. How would you explain your personality?

Arthur: I am shy. I am an explorer! I am very keen and smart.

Bailey: Good. What is your favorite food?

Arthur: Chicken pie. I also like vegan pizza.

Bailey: Nice. How do you feel about the cold?

Arthur: I can’t stand it.

Bailey: Neither can I! Would you ever get a job at the library and work alongside?

Arthur: Hmmm. I would love to! It’s a peaceful job, isn’t it?

Bailey: Yes, it is. Now, what is your favorite fruit?

Arthur: My favorite fruits are oranges, bananas, and kiwis.

Bailey: Nice! What do you do to cope with stress?

Arthur: I usually listen to music, read books, go on a road trip, or take a good walk outdoors.

Bailey: Alright, my friend! All done! Thanks, Arthur!

Arthur: Thanks for having me!

Lathan and Bailey: Interview

Lathan: Today, I will interview my friend, Bailey.

Bailey: Okay.

Lathan: What is your favorite color?

Bailey: Black, gray, and white.

Lathan: Nice. What was your first job?

Bailey: I used to sell lemonade before I became a library assistant.

Lathan: Great. What type of car would you want to have?

Bailey: I would want a black or blue car that functions well.

Lathan: Do you prefer cold, warm, or hot weather?

Bailey: Warm weather.

Lathan: What is your favorite drink?

Bailey: Orange juice, coffee, and water.

Lathan: Good. What types of books do you like to read?

Bailey: Fun, interesting books.

Lathan: What are your hobbies?

Bailey: I like to produce music, draw, take naps, and go on vacations.

Lathan: Nice. What is your least favorite color?

Bailey: Lavender.

Lathan: Great. What’s the one word to describe you?

Bailey: Nice.

Lathan: What is your favorite sport?

Bailey: Walking.

Lathan: Same here. What is your least favorite food?

Bailey: Jelly, peanut butter, and pepperoni.

Lathan: Great. One more question! Day or night?

Bailey: Night because it’s dark.

Lathan: Thank you, Bailey!

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