Benny the Hero 11 by Basak Serin - HTML preview

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Benny the Hero 11

Written by: Basak Serin

Benny Introduction Benny the cat is a hero. He rescues those who are in danger. He is a smart, short-tempered, alert, and brave cat.

He is a gray tabby cat with green eyes. He is medium-sized. He wears a blue collar. Benny resides in the city of Locktown.

Benny is a superhero during the day and a part-time math tutor during the evening hours.

He wears an electric blue cape with the letter “B” written on it in yellow font. The letter also has a yellow lightning bolt on it. Benny resides in a small apartment by himself.

The cool part about Benny’s hero job is that when he wears his superhero cape, he gains superhero powers.

Benny the Hero: Shorts Short #1

Benny: At least I’m unique.

Short #2

Benny has a talking car named Flash. Flash is an intelligent, self-navigating coupe car. He is blue and orange. The windshield represents his digital eyes. His voice comes from the engine. Most cars fuel on gasoline to run, but Flash fuels on strawberry cake. Flash is also Benny’s friend.

Flash asks his owner, Benny, a question.

Flash: Benny? What type of car did you first learn to drive with?

Benny: Hmmm. Interesting question. I practiced driving with an old white minivan.

Flash: A minivan?! Whoa!

Short #3

Emerald wants to tell his friend, Benny, a fun fact.

Emerald, the hamster, is Benny’s neighbor and friend.

Emerald is a light brown and white male hamster with light brown eyes.

Emerald: Benny! I have a fun fact to share with you!

Benny: Okay? What is it?

Emerald: There’s a school near Kitty City named after me! Emerald Career School!

Benny: That’s cool!

Short #4

Benny: I am so tired that I need another me.

Short #5

Benny: I wish I was in a music video one day. That would be so cool.

Short #6

Benny: If something good is happening to you, it’s probably too good to be true.

Short #7

Benny: You try to take me down? I’ll screw you up!

Short #8

Benny: Meet your hero!

Short #9

Benny helps to clean the local parks.

Short #10

Darkwave reads one of Benny’s good deeds from the newspaper. Darkwave is a dark brown tabby male cat with black eyes. He wears a dark purple cape and purple gloves. He is the anti-hero of the story.

Darkwave: Benny helped the elderly learn how to use a computer?! What a hero. Maybe I can do the same!

Darkwave wanted to do the same thing that Benny did to gain fame and praise. So, Darkwave is going to help local

senior citizens with computer skills at the local library.

Darkwave entered the library.

Librarian: Welcome, Darkwave. The computer room is that way.

The librarian is a cat named Star. Darkwave headed to the computer room. There are a few elders there to get their learn on.

First, Darkwave helped an older cat named Malia. She is a white and brown cat with blue eyes. She wears a green flower necklace.

Darkwave: Okay, Malia. It’s time to learn how to use modern technology.

Malia: Such as?

Darkwave: Well…things like smartphones and computers.

Malia: Smartphones?

Darkwave: (Signs). Miss. Malia, please turn on the computer.

Malia turned on the computer.

Darkwave: Okay. Now, in order to use a website, click on the world icon.

Malia tapped the icon with her paw.

Darkwave: No, no, not like that. It isn’t touch screen.

Malia: Touch screen?

Darkwave: (Signs). Nevermind. You need to click the icon with your mouse!

Darkwave has a short temper, and frustration makes it worse. Malia tried to use the mouse, but she was just learning.

Malia: Is it this one?

Malia unknowingly clicked on a different icon.

Darkwave: No! You accidentally turned on a video game!


Malia: (Gasps). Excuse me?

Darkwave: Now, the computer is going slow! Okay! I launched the web browser for you! Now, search for something—anything!

Malia tries to use the keyboard to type something.

Darkwave thought she was taking forever.

Darkwave: Ugh!

Darkwave slammed the keyboard on the desk.

Darkwave: That’s not how you use a computer! Slow does not win the race!

Malia cried because Darkwave yelled at her while learning computer skills. The librarian, Star, realized this and came over to Darkwave. Star is a brown tabby cat.

She has green eyes.

Star: Darkwave? There’s no reason to be mean and disrespectful! Get out!

Darkwave: Aw, what? Fine.

Darkwave left the library.

Short #11

Benny the cat leaves a thank-you note to the trash collectors.

Short #12

Benny: I don’t read; I write.

Short #13

Benny: No, I did not ask for your opinion.

Short #14

Benny: How can you be nice to someone who isn’t nice back?

Short #15

Benny donates blue light-blocking glasses to those who work with computers.

Short #16

Benny: It’s my world.

Short #17

Benny: People can be funny sometimes.

Short #18

Benny: Be yourself.

Short #19

Benny helps donate school supplies to those who need them.

Short #20

Benny: Race me, and you’ll lose.

Short #21

Benny: I want real fans, not fake ones.

Short #22

Emerald the Hamster: Benny, you gotta get your head out of the clouds sometimes.

Benny the Cat: What? I feel safer in my own world, alright?

Short #23

Cheddar the cat and Emerald the hamster are eating ice cream outside of their apartment building. Cheddar, the cat, is Benny’s cousin. He is a chubby, orange-tabby cat with green eyes. He loves to eat. He wears a yellow bow tie. Cheddar is nice, kind, funny, and loyal.

Cheddar let out a big, loud burp!

Emerald: That was very obnoxious of you.

Cheddar shrugged his shoulders.

Short #24

Rex is one of Benny’s neighbors. He is a black rat with brown eyes. He is short-tempered. He lives in the same apartment complex as Benny and his friend, Emerald. The same goes for Benny’s cousin, Cheddar.

Rex is talking to Emerald outside about nutrition.

Cheddar is being a nosey kitty! Cheddar opened his window and started to eavesdrop on them!

Rex: So what? I don’t eat fruits and vegetables.

Emerald: I heard that fruits and vegetables are very good for you. Those foods help boost the immune system. So, that’s why you get the flu sometimes.

Rex: Pfft! Whatever!

Cheddar: Ooh! Rex don’t eat his veggies. I’m gonna tell his momma!

Short #25

Benny helps to clean the local mall.

Short #26

Benny is watching television. He is watching his favorite astronaut!

Clyde is a gray and white tabby male cat with green eyes.

He is a space astronaut. His job is to study space! He is very interested in outer space.

(On TV)

Cindy, the cat; The Interviewer: So, Clyde, tell us about yourself.

Clyde: Thanks for having me! I love my job as an astronaut. It helps me to explore outer space and the universe. The stars are cool, and the planets are awesome!

Space travel is not only educational, but it also helps me take a break from the ruthless world. Furthermore, I’m a poet.

Interviewer: That’s neat! Would you like to give a shoutout to someone in mind?

Clyde: Yes. I believe that he is an awesome rescuer, a true hero who is selfless. Benny.

Benny could not believe that his favorite astronaut said his name on television! He smiled.

Clyde: Benny is one of my favorite heroes of all time, no doubt about it. Benny, the hero of Locktown, if you are watching this, keep on doing what you’re doing. Thank you, everyone!

Benny was excited, and he cheered!

Short #27

Benny got a help call. Benny picked up the phone.

Benny: Hello?

Ernie: Hi, Benny! I'm Ernie, the duck! Quick! I need some help! The duck pond is very filthy!

Benny: Eh!

Ernie: My friends and I don't like the uncleanliness of our habitat! So, may you please clean up the duck pond?

Benny: Sure. On my way!

Benny visits Ernie's home! Ernie and his friends all hang out at the duck pond. Ernie is a white-colored duck with brown eyes. He is nice.

Ernie saw Benny.

Ernie: Benny! Thank goodness you're here! May you clean our pond, please?

Benny: Sure, I fifty seconds flat!

Ernie was shocked.

Benny cleaned the duck pond in less than fifty seconds!

The ducks were happy that their pond was cleaned! They all cheered.

Ernie: Wow, Benny! Thanks! That's our hero!

Benny: You are all welcome!

Ernie hugged Benny, and the hero went home.

Short #28

Benny: Don't mess with me; then I won't mess with you!

Short #29

Benny’s computer and cellphone are going slow today.

Benny: Oh, come on, come on! Why is the internet connection so slow?!

Benny gets frustrated. As the internet goes slower, Benny shouts.

Short #30

Benny encourages his local community to recycle paper.

Short #31

Benny: Why can’t I get one moment of peace?!

Short #32

Benny: One problem ends, another problem starts.

Short #33

Benny: No, I’m not jealous of your luxury cars, morons.

Short #34

Benny: They say they don’t know me because they are jealous of me.

Short #35

Benny: Take down the enemies.

Short #36

Benny helps to bake cookies for everyone in the city.

Short #37

Benny: No, I’m not jealous of your luxury house, imbeciles.

Short #38

Benny: Basak is the hero of books.

Short #39

Benny helps to run a book fair to help the community read more books.

Short #40

Benny: Why do rich people take everything for granted?

Short #41

Benny: As the saying goes, if you hate someone or something, set them free. (Laughs) Short #42

Darkwave has some flashbacks of unfair events.

Darkwave: Why did people treat me differently? Why is the world so unfair? I have had it. I have had it! I HAVE


Short #43

Benny: Time to save the city.

Short #44

Darkwave: Benny’s actually a cool hero.

Short #45

Benny’s name starts with the letter “B”, just like the author’s name.

Short #46

Benny offers the local senior citizens fun math puzzles and games.

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