Benny the Hero 14 by Basak Serin - HTML preview

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Benny the Hero 14

Written by: Basak Serin

Benny’s Introduction Benny the cat is a hero. He rescues those who are in danger and those who simply need assistance. He is a smart, short-tempered, alert, and brave cat. He is a gray tabby cat with green eyes. He is medium-sized.

Benny resides in the city of Locktown. Benny resides in a small apartment by himself.

Benny is a superhero during the day and a part-time math tutor during the evening hours.

He wears a teal bow tie when he isn’t wearing his superhero bow tie. Benny used to wear a superhero cape, but now his outfit is upgraded to a navy-colored bow tie.

When he wears his superhero bow tie, he gains superhero powers!

Benny the Hero: Shorts Short #1

Benny gets a help call.

Benny: Hi.

Arthur: Hello, Benny. It’s me, Arthur, again. Can you mow my lawn, please?

Benny: Okay, I’ll be there.

Benny hung up the phone. He arrived at Arthur’s house.

Benny saw that Arthur’s front lawn was a mess. Arthur saw Benny and went outside to greet him.

Arthur: Hi, Benny. Are you ready to clean up my lawn?

Arthur is a large, orange-tabby male cat with orange eyes.

He is an older kitty. He owns a summer camp. He wears a yellow bow tie.

Benny: Hi. Yes, I am!

So, Arthur gives Benny the lawn mower. Benny mows Arthur’s front lawn quickly! The task is complete.

Arthur’s lawn looks neat.

Arthur: Well, thank you, Benny!

Benny: You are welcome!

Short #2

Benny gets another help call. This time, it’s from his friend, Valentino!

Benny: Hello? Valentino?

Valentino: Hey, Benny! I was wondering if you could help water my plants?

Benny: (Signs). Really?

Valentino: Yes! Please?

Benny: Okay! I’ll be there.

Valentino is a dark gray, long-haired tabby male cat with gray eyes. He wears a blue plaid tie. He is cool and nice.

Valentino is one of Benny’s best friends.

Benny made it to Valentino’s house. Benny knocked on his door.

Valentino: Benny! You made it!

Valentino let Benny in. He showed Benny his garden in his backyard. His garden is very beautiful and has lots of flowers!

Benny: Wow! Your garden is beautiful and pretty big.

Valentino: Thanks. Benny! Here’s the watering pot to water the plants! Good luck!

He gave Benny the watering pot. Benny watered the plants and flowers quickly. Valentino was amazed!

Benny: Done!

Valentino: Wow! Thanks! Here are some flowers as a thank you gift!

Valentino hands Benny some blue flowers. Benny takes them.

Benny: Thanks.

Short #3

Benny’s Dream

Benny is sleeping, and he has a dream! He dreams about his driving instructor from the past. Benny has fears of driving, however, he has a vehicle. He has a talking, self-navigating car named Flash.

In his dream, Benny sees that someone with a white vehicle stops by his home. It appears to be one of his driving instructors from the past.

Lester is a brown-colored fox with brown eyes. He wears a blue tie. He is a driving instructor. He taught Benny a few years ago.

Lester steps out of the sedan. He shouted something to Benny.

Lester: Benny! You are going to forget how to drive a car!

You better get on that wheel and get to practicing!

The dream ends, and Benny quickly wakes up from his sleep. Benny exhaled and panicked. He thought it was a nightmare, but it was an important message that needs to be taken seriously.

Short #4

I’m gonna show them what I mean.

Short #5

Don’t eat anything hard and brush your teeth twice daily.

Protect your teeth.

Short #6

Benny’s second favorite subject in school was geography.

In fact, Benny would like to teach geography, too!

Short #7

Benny is at Locktown Mall. The shopping mall is large and has many stores in it. The mall is three stories. He is signing autographs for his fans!

Short #8

Rescue those who care about you.

Short #9

When no one is protecting you, then you protect yourself.

Short #10

Think before you speak.

Short #11

It’s important to stop crimes or issues before they happen.

Short #12

Can’t you be nice to me?

Short #13

Benny is helping his cousin, Cheddar, sell his cupcakes.

Cheddar baked delicious cupcakes in different flavors, including chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry.

Cheddar, the cat, is Benny’s cousin. He is a chubby, orange-tabby cat with green eyes. He loves to eat. He wears a yellow bow tie. He looks up to his older cousin, Benny. Cheddar is nice, kind, funny, silly, and loyal.

At the table, Benny and Cheddar are waiting for individuals to buy the cupcakes.

Surprisingly, Darkwave stopped by! Darkwave is a dark brown tabby male cat with black eyes. He wears a dark purple cape and purple gloves. He is the anti-hero of the story.

Cheddar sees Darkwave coming towards their table, and he looks at Benny.

Cheddar: Our first customer!

Darkwave: Benny. Cheddar. I would like only one cupcake.

Benny: Okay. Which flavor?

Darkwave: Chocolate.

Benny: That’ll be two dollars.

He gave Benny the money, and Benny gave his cupcake to him. Darkwave ate his chocolate cupcake quickly.

Cheddar: Wait! Don’t you want to try the other flavors?!

Benny: Cheddar?

Darkwave: Why should I, cheesehead?

Cheddar: They are delicious. Please. For me.

Cheddar’s eyes sparkled.

Darkwave: Fine. Just one more. Vanilla.

Darkwave gave Benny the money and handed him his vanilla cupcake. Darkwave ate the second treat.

Darkwave: Yum! Alright, gotta go!

Cheddar: No! Stop!

Darkwave: What?

Cheddar: You haven’t tried the strawberry one yet!

Darkwave: That’s okay. I’m full. Thanks.

Cheddar didn’t listen and forced a strawberry cupcake into Darkwave‘s mouth! Darkwave’s stomach was about to burst!

Darkwave: Ugh! What part of “I’m full” don’t you understand?

Benny put his paws on his hips and showed a disapproving facial expression towards Cheddar.

Cheddar chuckled and smiled at Benny. Cheddar shrugged his shoulders.

Short #14

Put them in their place.

Short #15

My name, Benny, has five letters in it, as does the author’s name.

Short #16

Darkwave’s Quotes

1) “I don’t know you, so get lost.”

2) “I don’t care if I hurt your feelings.”

3) “Bring your enemies’ self-esteem and confidence down.”

4) “I’m tired of being nice.”

5) “And what are you so happy about?!”

Short #17

Benny receives many thank-you cards from citizens!

Short #18

The city of Locktown is so proud of Benny’s heroic work that the city made Benny’s birthday a national holiday!

How cool is that?

Short #19

It’s late at night, and all of Benny’s neighbors and nearby residents go outside to take a look at what’s going on.

It looks like Darkwave is driving a sports car. His car is a dark purple-colored sports car. Darkwave is also wearing sunglasses.

His sports car has LED underglow lights. It’s cool and bright. He revs his engine and honks his horn. Then he makes a donut in the parking lot. Darkwave wants to show off his driving skills.

Doing donuts in a car is a driving skills trick. It’s a move that flaunts a driver's expertise by driving fast in circles while the vehicle's back tires are burning out.

Benny was shocked.

Benny: What the?

Darkwave cackled as he left.

Benny doesn’t know if he is amazed or annoyed.

Benny: What was that about?

Short #20

I rule…again.

Short #21

If I win, I win, your loss.

Short #22

It’s my fame.

Short #23

Benny encourages his community to create a music playlist that inspires and motivates them.

Short #24

Benny wants to give his best friend, Emerald, a gift!

Emerald, the hamster, is Benny’s neighbor and friend.

Emerald is a light brown and white male hamster with light brown eyes. He wears a green bow tie.

Benny knocks on his door. Emerald opened the door.

Emerald: Benny! What’s up?

Benny: Emerald, I would like to give you a gift.

Emerald: Aw! What is it?

Benny wants to give him a good book to read. It’s about cooking healthy foods.

Benny handed him his gift.

Emerald: A book? What an awesome topic! Thank you, Benny! I’ll get to reading!

Benny smiled.

Short #25

It’s my turn to lead.

Short #26

Benny recycles paper to help the environment and encourages others to do the same. He also encourages the community to conserve energy and water.

Benny’s Celebration The city of Locktown holds a celebration for Benny, who is the hero of the series! It’s a thank-you party to show appreciation for Benny’s heroic work.

The citizens and Benny are at Locktown’s national park.

All of Benny’s friends are there! Emerald, Cousin Cheddar, Daphne, Valentino, and even Darkwave are there!

The town’s speaker and leader is a cat named Sunny.

Sunny is a red tabby male cat with orange eyes. He has a very good heart, and he is very intelligent. He wears a green tie.

Everyone is quiet and listens to Sunny speak. Sunny speaks through a microphone.

Sunny: Welcome, everyone. The City of Locktown! I think it’s time to appreciate and thank a hero for their help! Benny! Thank you for your heroic work!

Everyone applauds. Benny is seated in his chair. He is excited.

Sunny: To show our appreciation and gratitude for him, we would like to give Benny a gold medal!

Congratulations, Benny!

Benny quickly gets up from his seat and accepts his reward! The gold medal is shiny and bright.

Benny: Thank you!

The park was surrounded by colorful balloons, confetti, and a vanilla-flavored cake!

Emerald: Good job, Benny!

Daphne: We knew you could excel, Benny!

Daphne is a small, orange tabby cat with orange eyes. She wears a pink necklace.

Cheddar clapped and cheered for Benny.

Cheddar: Whoo! That’s my cousin!

Valentino cried tears of joy, and Darkwave even cheered.

Benny: Thank you all!!

Everyone eats cake and enjoys the day!

The series finale! Thank you for reading!

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