Benny the Hero 2 by Basak Serin - HTML preview

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Benny the Hero 2

Written by: Basak Serin

Rescue Mission 7

Benny the cat is a hero. He rescues those who are in danger. He is a smart, short-tempered, alert, and brave cat.

He is a gray tabby cat with green eyes. He is medium-sized. He wears a blue collar.

Benny is a superhero during the day and a part-time math tutor during the evening hours.

He wears an electric blue cape with the letter “B” written on it in yellow font. The letter also has a yellow lightning bolt on it.

Benny, the hero, is eating potato chips. All of a sudden, Emerald, the hamster, was hiding in his snack bag.

Emerald the hamster is his neighbor and friend. Emerald is a brown and white hamster with brown eyes.

Benny bit into the chip and felt that he bit something.

Benny was surprised to see that Emerald was sitting on it.

Emerald: Ouch.

Benny accidentally bit Emerald’s paw.

Benny: Emerald?! Oh, how am I not surprised? What are you doing with my chips?!

Emerald: Trying to find you.

Benny: Are you kidding me?! How did you get in here?!

Emerald: Well, I found you! The spare key under your doormat helped me!

Emerald told him this as he showed Benny his spare house key.

Benny: Great.

Benny’s phone rings. He picks it up.

Benny: Yeah, hello?

Charlie: I am Charlie, and I have an issue. An mice infestation! Seriously, come by because there are tons of mice you need to catch.

Charlie is a gray (mostly) and white cat with green eyes.

He wears a blue collar.

Benny: Be there.

Emerald: Good luck!

So, Benny exited his apartment to run to the situation. But a few seconds later, his curious cousin named Cheddar wonders where he’s going and wants to join in on the hero fun.

Cheddar: Stop right there, Cousin Benny!

Cheddar the cat is Benny’s cousin. He is a chubby, orange tabby cat with green eyes. He loves to eat. He wears a yellow bow tie. Now, he is wearing a yellow superhero cape because he looks up to his older cousin, Benny.

Cheddar is nice, kind, funny, and loyal.

Benny: Cheddar?! What are you doing here?! Don’t you see that I am on my way to solve someone’s problem right now?

Cheddar: Yeah, let me come with?! Please!

Benny: Fine!

Benny ran fast with his super-speed power, while Cheddar was out of breath, panting, and sweating while he ran.

Benny and Cheddar made it to Charlie’s house. They are shocked to see the trouble that Charlie is in.

Cheddar: So, what’s the problem again?

Benny: Charlie’s home is infested with mice. Gross.

Charlie opened the door as soon as Benny knocked.

Charlie: Thanks for showing up, Benny.

Charlie stared at Cheddar.

Charlie: Well, who’s this guy?

Benny: That’s my cousin, Cheddar. He’ll be joining us today.

Benny looked around the house and was disgusted.

Benny: Shouldn’t you have called animal control?

Cheddar: Or pest control?

Charlie: Well, because they didn’t eliminate the problem, and my home remedies didn’t work out!

Benny: We understand.

Cheddar’s tummy growls.

Cheddar: I am so hungry.

Benny: Eat later! We have a house to save!

Benny followed the sounds that the walls in the living room made.

Benny: These creatures are living in the walls. It is tough to beat, but we will try to help.

Benny saw the mice in the walls with his heat-vision goggles.

Benny quickly thinks of an idea.

Benny: I got it! I will make poison tablets by using my powers to eliminate the mice once and for all.

Cheddar: How do you come up with ideas that fast, Benny?

Benny: I am not like you, chubbo!

So, Benny produced poison tablets by using his electric powers. A few seconds later, the mice began to be attracted to it.

Benny: It’s working!

Mouse #1: What did these idiots leave us here?

The mouse was not affected after taking a bite of the tablet.

Benny: Nasty pests! I don’t think it’s working. Gotta come up with another idea! Hmm. Do you have some chocolate, Charlie? I heard it’s toxic.

Charlie hands Benny some chocolate.

Cheddar: Ooh! Is the chocolate for me?

Benny: Hands off, Cheddar! It’s for the mice.

Cheddar: Pfft! Lucky mice!

Benny put some bitter chocolate around the corners of the house. Even under the oven and fridge. The mice smell it and take a bite. It makes them sick.

Cheddar: I think it’s working!

Benny: You think?

The mice began to feel sick and weak. Some of the mice began to faint, while others didn’t.

Charlie sees the progress. The rest of the mice began to follow Cheddar. It is because Cheddar has cheese puffs, which the mice really love.

Cheddar is snacking on some cheese puffs.

Benny: Oh, would you put those snacks away?!

Cheddar: Sorry! I was hungry! Wait, why are the mice staring at me?

Charlie: I am guessing because they want your cheese puffs!

Benny: Wait, that’s it! I will get a box and grab Cheddar’s junk snack and put it in the box to trap them!

Charlie: That’s brilliant!

Cheddar: My cheese puffs!

Benny made a trap box and threw Cheddar’s bag of cheese puffs in it. Benny’s idea worked. The mice are trapped inside the box.

Cheddar: Aw, what? I was eating those.

Benny: You have already done your job, superhero wannabe!

Charlie: Oh! Finally! You both have saved the day! Those mice have been causing me havoc! They left their droppings, chewed through my snacks, and woke me up in the middle of the night with their hideous sounds!

Benny: I understand that, and I am glad I could help! And you know what else?!

Charlie: What?

Benny: I am a hero, and that’s what I do! I eliminate problems that don’t comply, and who’d be a better hero than me? (Laughs manically).

Cheddar: That’s great to hear! (Chuckled nervously).

Benny gets overpowered with ego and heat.

Benny: (Grunts). I LOVE BEING A HERO. I LOVE


Benny laughs loudly and evilly, with fire in the background.

Cheddar and Charlie had a worried look on their faces.

The task is done, and Charlie thanked Benny and Cheddar for their heroism. Cheddar gets hungry, so he takes some mice with him and puts them in a popcorn bag.

Benny: Thanks. Just remember to clean your house, Charlie, to avoid another infestation. Such an unclean day, I must take a shower.

Benny’s face looked tired and unamused.

Charlie led them to the door. But before the two cousins took off, Cheddar gulped down two mice.

Cheddar: Thanks for the yummy snacks, Charlie.

Cheddar burped after swallowing two more mice.

Charlie’s face turned green, and he gagged. He shut the door as they left, and he cleaned his house.

But then something happened!

A large mouse (who is the leader) was furious with Benny for eliminating his colony. He is living and hiding behind Charlie’s wall.

Toxic the Mouse: I will get you back for this, Benny! You will see! (Cries aggressively).

He banged on Charlie’s wall. It was loud.

Charlie: Hey, what’s the loud, obnoxious sound? Eh, whatever.

Charlie continued to clean his house.

What’s next for Benny the Hero?

Rescue Mission 8

Benny is drinking tea in his kitchen, and all of a sudden, he gets a letter from the mailman. The letter slides under the door. Benny got the letter and opened it.

Benny: I wonder what it is.

He read the note.

The note reads:

Dear Benny,

You’re the kind of cat who helps someone out with their problems? Right, well, I need you to get my bicycle back from the junkyard! It’s gonna be tough since there are two large guard dogs of the German shepherd breed! Once you get my bike back, I need you to mail it to me! I will give you the address as soon as you message me that the mission is accomplished!

-Twiggy the cat

P.S. Don’t get a scratch on my best friend—I meant bike! Ha ha ha.

P.S.S. The bike is purple and white.

Benny: Oh, great, another battle to conquer. It looks like the job is on me!

Benny put on his cape and then made his way to the junkyard.

He comes across the two bodyguards who are protecting the junkyard. Benny walks up to the dogs.

Eddy is the lead bodyguard. He is a German shepherd male dog with brown eyes. He is strict and aggressive. He wears a red collar.

Kyle is the second bodyguard. He is a German shepherd male dog with green eyes. He is dimwitted and soft. He wears a gray collar.

Benny: Hello, I am Benny the hero, and I am looking for a bike. It looks like this.

He said this as he showed a picture of Twiggy’s captive bike in the junkyard. The bike is purple and white.

Eddy: What? You are that cat hero? I have heard a lot about you! The bike’s ours! Beat it! (Growls).

Kyle: Hi, Benny! I am a big fan of you! Can you share some insight about your cape? Share some fun facts about yourself?

Benny: Well, I am here to retrieve the bike. But I can. My favorite colors are red and blue. My cape gives me all the powers I need, but if someone were to touch it, they would be electrocuted! Cool, right?

Eddy: Dang!

Kyle: Continue!

Benny: Okay! Whoa, whoa, whoa, don’t distract me! I need you two slops to give me Twiggy’s bike back so that we can all go home. Does that sound clear?!

Kyle: Okay!

Eddy: No, we will do this the hard way. The bike’s ours, cat!

Benny saw the bike in the junkyard and ran towards it. It seems that Eddy is eager to not let Benny win.

Benny: Got it!

Eddy: No!

When Benny tried to get the bike back, Eddy came and rode the bike away from the hero.

Benny: Hey! You get the bike back here!

Benny flew in the direction of Eddy’s path. Benny shot lasers from his eyes, and it burned some parts of Eddy’s fur! So Eddy stopped riding the bike.

Eddy: Ouch! What’d you do that for?!

Benny: Well, you didn’t stop, but now you did!

Benny laughed.

Now, Benny flew down to the ground and saw that both Kyle and Eddy were trying to spit spitballs at him!

Eddy: Now, let’s settle this like real men.

Kyle spat one at him.

Benny: Ew!

Eddy did too.

Benny: Ugh! Cut it out! I mean it!

Kyle spat at Benny. But this time he spat out large amounts of chewed-up gum at Benny!

Benny: That one didn’t suck. End this now, and you will be free.

Kyle and Eddy laughed. Their laughter made Benny angry, very angry. Benny grunted so loudly. His noise made Kyle and Eddy scared. One of his powers is to make loud noises when triggered by stress and anger.

Both Kyle and Eddy closed their eyes and covered their ears with their paws.

Eddy: Fine, you win.

Kyle hands over Twiggy’s lost bike to Benny.

Benny: Now, was that so hard to do?!

Kyle and Eddy both shrugged their shoulders.

Benny left the junkyard with Twiggy’s bike and was on his way to contact him for information to send the package back to Twiggy.

What’s next for Benny the Hero?

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