Benny the Hero 4 by Basak Serin - HTML preview

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Benny the Hero 4

Written by: Basak Serin

Benny the Hero

Benny the cat is a hero. He rescues those who are in danger. He is a smart, short-tempered, alert, and brave cat.

He is a gray tabby cat with green eyes. He is medium-sized. He wears a blue collar.

Benny is a superhero during the day and a part-time math tutor during the evening hours.

He wears an electric blue cape with the letter “B” written on it in yellow font. The letter also has a yellow lightning bolt on it. Benny resides in a small apartment by himself.

The cool part about Benny’s hero job is that when he wears his superhero cape, he gains superhero powers. For example, he can shoot lasers from his eyes and paws. He gains super-strength. He can blow cold air from his mouth if needed. Benny can also strike lightning.

Night vision is one of his powers. He has super speed, which helps him run faster than a cheetah. He can also fly.

Benny’s Quotes Part 2

1) “Every hero needs a hero.”

2) “Nobody is 100% cold-hearted, and nobody is 100%


3) “Nice cat, not so nice!”

4) “Help!”

5) “These people don’t get me.”

6) “If I am seeing red, you have no luck.”

7) “Don’t try to fight me.”

8) “Your wrong move becomes your doomsday.”

9) “Don’t mess with Benny!”

10) “Seeing red. Building rage.”

11) “One day, my enemies will become my fans.”

12) “A hero is a hero.”

Benny’s Fan Mail Questions: Part 2

Benny received a lot of mail from his fans again. He will record a video about it. So, he gets ready to record the video with his camera and begins to read his fan mail.

Benny: I got a ton of fan mail again. Here we go!

Benny reads the first letter.

Benny: Cleo the cat asks, “Benny, what is your zodiac sign?”. I am an Aquarius.

Benny: Okay! The next one! Max the cat asks, “When is your birthday?”. My birthday is on January 26th.

Benny: Let’s get this going. Zu Zu the squirrel asks,

“Have you ever gotten a root canal and crowns on your teeth before?”. Yes, I have. Twice. Tooth number 5 and tooth number 19.

Benny: Okay! Bree the zebra asks, “What are you mostly terrified of?”. I am mostly terrified of dogs.

Benny: Fizzy the cat writes, “What do you want most out of life?”. A quiet, peaceful, and safe life.

Benny: Alright. Ivy the cat asks, “Did you have any friends as a child? Do you have any friends? If so, what are their names?”. Well, when I was growing up, nobody wanted to be my friend. They all disliked me. Now, as an adult, I have a small group of friends. My friends are Emerald, Daphne, and Valentino.

Benny: Okay. Tyler the cat writes, “How many superpowers do you possess?”. A lot. There are many powers that I have yet to discover and explore.

Benny: Gadget the cat asks, “What was your biggest accomplishment in elementary school?”. My biggest accomplishment in elementary school was being first on the math lead. That was in the third grade. I could solve mathematical problems in less than a minute.

Benny: Eva the hamster asks, “What was your biggest accomplishment in high school?”. My biggest accomplishment in high school was that I completed four semesters worth of schoolwork in five months. I also was the only student passing in math! That was in the eleventh grade.

Benny: Ava the bunny asks, “What is your favorite juice?”. Orange and carrot juice.

Benny: That’s all. I love my fans!

Benny stopped recording the video and posted it online.

Rescue Mission 9

It is evening, and Benny is sitting on the couch and coloring with coloring books. It helps him to ease his stress. He gets a call from a security officer named Evans.

Evans is a white and dark brown cat with hazel eyes. He wears a bright red tie and a black ball cap. He is a joyful, funny, and good-hearted cat.

The phone rings.

Benny: Hello?

Evans is assigned to patrol an apartment complex in a high-crime area for a few hours today. However, he wants additional assistance from Benny because he is a little scared to patrol the area by himself.

Evans: Hi, Benny! I am Evans, and I am a security officer.

I need some extra help because I am patrolling a high-crime neighborhood for the night. I have done this before, but I am not so sure now! So, help?

Benny: I’ll be there.

Benny hung up the phone, put on his cape, and went to Evans’ location. When Benny arrives at the location, he gets terrified by the loud sounds. He sees that Evans is in his patrol car. Evans’ patrol vehicle is a white SUV with the word “security” written on each side of the vehicle.

Evans is inside his car. He honks his horn, opens his window, and calls Benny’s name.

Benny: Evans?

Evans: Benny! There you are! Hop inside my car so that you can help me!

Benny sat next to Evans on the front passenger side of the vehicle and put on his seatbelt.

Evans: Okay, Benny! Let’s be heroes! First, we will be patrolling the most unsafe apartment complex in the city!

The Arcade apartments!

Benny looked nervous and gulped.

Evans: Oh, don’t worry, buddy! I’m the one who’s nervous! (Laughs).

Benny: Nervous? I am anxious; never nervous.

Evans drives around the complex. The duo sees and hears people arguing and cars that are speeding.

Evans: Wow, look at that!

Benny: You are not being serious! You’re so chill.

Evans: Oh, come on, it’s important to have fun on the job!

All of a sudden, Evans increased his speed and got lost in his conversation.

Evans: A true hero helps citizens and minimizes crime.

They try to stop crime from happening in the first place, too. I know a lot about heroism!

He got off track and drove the car in the wrong lane.

Benny: (Screams). Eyes on the road! And what do you know about heroism anyway?

Evans drove the car down the right path again.

Evans: Anyone can be a hero. Not every hero wears a cape or has superpowers like you do. My job is not as easy as it seems, as I may get hurt trying to protect everyone. I try to stay happy to cope with the day.

Benny: Wow. You are a lot like me.

Evans: I am? You know, Benny, I watch you a lot on the news for how you fight villains and help others. I am your biggest fan!

Benny: Wow, thanks. I appreciate that. Now let’s protect the neighborhood.

Benny puts sunglasses on. Evans notices that.

Evans: You realize that it is nighttime and you don’t need to wear sunglasses, right?

Benny took off his sunglasses.

Evans spots colorful lights coming from a unit on the lower level of the apartment building. It looks like whoever lives there is having a party.

Evans: Whoa! Benny! Look! Colors!

Benny: Cool, right? Now let’s get back to the show! The show of security!

Benny crosses his arms and rolls his eyes.

Evans’ phone rings. He answers it.

Evans: Hello?

Miss. Sadie: Hi! I am Miss. Sadie and I live on the lower unit, right next to my next-door neighbor. He appears to be having a party! He is so loud that I can’t sleep! I have work in the morning! Please, help!

Miss. Sadie is a white and dark brown cat with green eyes. She wears a hot pink flower necklace. She goes to work every morning. She is a teacher.

Evans: You bet!

Evans hangs up and explains to Benny the issue.

Evans: Benny, someone’s party is making too much noise that it is upsetting their next-door neighbor. Let’s go!

So, Benny and Evans went to the resident who was throwing a party late at night. The individual who was throwing a party was a raccoon named Zee.

Evans knocks on Zee’s door.

Zee’s party has about fifteen animal guests, and the party is loud with colorful lights glowing in his unit. He was hanging out with his friends when he heard a knock on the door.

Zee is a gray-colored male raccoon with brown eyes. He wears an orange tie. He likes to have fun and does not care about anything.

Zee: I’ll get it. Must be more guests.

Zee opened the door. He realizes that a security officer and a superhero came to his unit.

Zee: Security?! Oh, and you brought a hero wannabe with you.

Benny: Hey! I’m no hero wannabe! I am a hero! (Grunts).

Zee: What’s the issue?

Evans: We are here because we got a noise complaint that your party was too loud and is not helping anyone sleep!

Zee: Well, I, Zee, don’t care!

Benny: Well, your neighbors want to sleep! So this party is over!

Benny tried to walk over to the music player, but Zee stopped him.

Zee: No way!

Evans just went in and danced with the others. The party played hip-hop and trap music. Benny noticed that Evans was partying with the others.

Benny: Evans?! We are supposed to stop the party and not have fun.

Evans: Oh, right.

Evans rushed right over to Zee and Benny.

Evans: Stop the party! Or at least lower the volume?

Zee laughed.

Zee: Not a chance!

Benny got furious.

Benny: The party’s over! Everyone, go home!

Benny almost blew ice on the music player to make it not work anymore. However, Evans stopped him because there is another assertive approach that he can take.

Evans: No need to do that, buddy!

Benny: Why?!

Evans: I have a better idea. Benny, tell him like it is!

Benny: Okay. Zee, how would you like it if you were trying to sleep and your inconsiderate neighbor made loud noise that would not let you rest?!

Zee shook his head no. Zee is stubborn.

Evans thought of something to make the guests leave instead. So Evans started to dance silly in the living room.

Not only that, but he also took some food out of the fridge. He also started to make fun of Zee. The guests look annoyed.

Evans: Hey, everyone! I am Evans and have a lot of things to say about Zee!

Zee: What?

Evans: Zee is not nice, not a rule-follower, and not cool.

Plus, that orange-colored tie is ugly! Who’d wanna party with Zee?

The guests looked at Zee funny. Suddenly, Zee’s party guests leave.

One of Zee’s party guests: I’m out!

Zee got annoyed and mad. He looked at Evans.

Zee: Oh! What? You!

Evans: You gotta follow the rule. The rule of quietness!

Zee: Fine. You win.

Finally, Miss. Sadie, Zee’s next-door neighbor, fell asleep in her bedroom.

Evans and Benny went out to the car.

Evans: Benny, I am very proud of you!

Benny: Thanks.

Evans: I meant you helped two people today! Me and Miss. Sadie. You are a true hero, Benny! And, hey, you just made another friend, me!

Benny: Thank you, friend! You are a hero yourself, too!

Everyone needs you to protect people from trouble!

Evans: Thanks.

Benny and Evans became friends. What’s next for Benny?

Benny’s Quotes Part 3

1) “Overjoy is my weakness.”

2) “I lose my confidence when I get too happy. Or when something embarrassing happens.”

3) “I fight realistic crime.”

4) “Time to save the day.”

5) “I have a talking car named Flash. I may be scared to drive, but Flash does it all.”

6) “I do not have the answers for everything.”

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