Benny the Hero 5 by Basak Serin - HTML preview

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Benny the Hero 5

Written by: Basak Serin

Benny the Hero Benny the cat is a hero. He rescues those who are in danger. He is a smart, short-tempered, alert, and brave cat.

He is a gray tabby cat with green eyes. He is medium-sized. He wears a blue collar. Benny resides in the city of Locktown.

Benny is a superhero during the day and a part-time math tutor during the evening hours.

He wears an electric blue cape with the letter “B” written on it in yellow font. The letter also has a yellow lightning bolt on it. Benny resides in a small apartment by himself.

The cool part about Benny’s hero job is that when he wears his superhero cape, he gains superhero powers. For example, he can shoot lasers from his eyes and paws. He gains super-strength. He can blow cold air from his mouth if needed. Benny can also strike lightning.

Night vision is one of his powers. He has super speed, which helps him run faster than a cheetah. He can also fly.

Benny’s Thoughts

1) “Tooth sensitivity is the worst. Especially when I eat something cold or hot. The pain is very bad, and yes, I do brush my teeth.”

2) “I have had about 16 cavities in my life. I beg for no more cavities. It’s more painful than you think.”

3) ”Get out of my way.”

4) “Why is life so hard sometimes?”

5) “I need to eat more fruits and vegetables.”

6) “As far as I know…”

Benny’s Dream

Benny is asleep in his blue bedroom, and he is seeing a dream. Benny is dreaming about his friend, Daphne.

Daphne is a small, orange-tabby female cat with orange eyes. She wears a pink necklace. She is nice, smart, and outgoing. She is close friends with Benny.

So fast forward to Benny’s dream, he sees that he is hanging out with Daphne.

Benny: Daphne, you are the best. I am so glad we are best friends.

Daphne: You do? I feel the same way.

Benny: You are so beautiful, nice, and smart.

Daphne: Thanks, Benny. I think you are handsome, intelligent, and great.

Daphne blushed, and she smiled. Benny holds Daphne's paw. They take a short walk in the park. They talk and laugh with each other.

Benny: There is something important that I have to tell you.

Daphne: What is it, Benny?

Daphne smiled at him. Benny gets down on his knees and proposes to Daphne. The ring that Benny proposes with is a silver diamond engagement ring.

Benny: Daphne, will you be my wife?

Daphne has tears of joy. Her smile was big.

Daphne: Yes, Benny, I will marry you!

Benny and Daphne hug each other and share a big kiss.

The dream ends, and Benny wakes up.

Benny: Wow. What a dream.

Benny decided to call his best friend, Valentino. Valentino is a dark gray, long-haired tabby male cat with gray eyes.

He wears a blue plaid tie. He is cool and nice. Benny wants to tell him about his dream.

Benny called Valentino, and he answered the phone.

Valentino: Hello, Benny? What’s up?

Benny: Valentino, I just had a dream!

Valentino: Go on…

Benny: Well…

Valentino: Don’t be shy! I am all ears!

Benny: Okay! I had a dream that Daphne and I were hanging out. Then, I asked to marry her, and she said yes.

We hugged, and we also kissed! But the engagement ring was beautiful!

Valentino: Woah! On the lips?

Benny: Yes.

Valentino: So, do you know what this means? You like Daphne!

Benny: What? No. I mean, she’s nice and all, but we are friends.

Valentino shook his head no.

Benny: She’s pretty, and her voice is beautiful. I mean, we’re friends!

Valentino: Admit it, Benny! You like Daphne! Just admit it!

Benny: Superheroes don’t date.

Valentino: Yeah, right! Whatever! Just say so, and I’ll keep your secret.

Benny: Fine. I love Daphne. Keep this between us.

Valentino: Woah, not even like, but love! Okay, your secret’s safe with me.

Benny: Thank you. Goodbye, Valentino.

Benny the Hero: Shorts

Short #1

Benny and his cousin, Cheddar, are stuck at sea. They are on an old boat. They were out to sea since they had to help find a lost and broken-down cruise ship. However, they got lost.

Cheddar, the cat, is Benny’s cousin. He is a chubby, orange-tabby cat with green eyes. He loves to eat. He wears a yellow bow tie. He looks up to his older cousin, Benny. Cheddar is nice, kind, funny, and loyal. Cheddar decided to tag along.

Cheddar: Where are we, Cousin Benny?

Benny: Sheesh, I don’t know, lost?! This is all your fault, Cheddar.

Cheddar: My fault? Why?

Benny: Because you wanted to sail to Hawaii! We are nowhere near Hawaii! We’re stuck here!

Benny was frustrated.

Cheddar: Oh, I am so sorry.

Cheddar’s stomach growls.

Cheddar: I am so hungry right now.

Benny’s stomach also growls. He is hungry, tired, and stressed.

Benny: So, I guess we’re both stuck in the same boat then. Literally.

Short #2

Benny gets a help call from a shark named Skater. He is trapped in a large net in the ocean. He is a male great white shark with black eyes.

Benny arrived at Skater’s location. They are under the ocean. It looks like the shark is stuck in the net and can’t get out. Benny can breathe underwater with the powers of his cape, of course.

Skater: Benny, you are here! Wait, you can breathe underwater?! How’s that possible?!

Benny: It’s one of my specialties.

As Benny was about to save the shark, the shark’s instinct was to eat Benny! So the shark licked his lips, and his mouth began to water, and he began to take deep breaths.

Benny: Okay, I saved you. Now, it’s time to-

Skater: Thanks for freeing me, but you look tasty.

Benny: Seriously?

Benny screams as Skater goes after him. He swims very fast to shore.

Short #3

Benny’s Neighbor

Benny has a neighbor named Jaden. Jaden is a white arctic male fox with orange eyes. He wears a white-colored jacket. He likes to point out the obvious to his neighbors.

A hamster named Quinnlyn was scratching her body.

Jaden popped up and went out of his way.

Quinnlyn: So itchy!

Jaden: Do you know why you’re itchy? Because you don’t take showers.

Quinnlyn growls.

Brett, the cat, was complaining about his stomach aches.

Jaden suddenly pops up.

Brett: Ouch. My tummy hurts.

Brett gasps as soon as he sees Jaden.

Jaden: Do you know why you have a stomachache?

Because you are constipated.

Brett: Thanks a lot.

Next, Jaden watches his neighbor, Emerald, trying to take a nap on the couch. Emerald is one of Benny’s best friends. Emerald is a brown and white male hamster with brown eyes.

The highway is very loud in the morning with all the cars and trucks passing through, so Emerald had trouble resting.

Emerald: I can’t take a nap!

He gasps as he sees that Jaden opened his window in order to speak to him.

Emerald: How’d you open my window?

Jaden: Not important. Do you know why you can’t take a peaceful nap? Because of the traffic noise!

Emerald: I knew that!

Jaden: Oh. Sorry, Emily. I meant Emerald!

Jaden closed Emerald’s window and left.

Benny’s Talking Car Named Flash Benny has a talking car named Flash. Flash is an intelligent, self-navigating coupe car. He is blue and orange. The windshield represents his digital eyes. His voice comes from the engine. Most cars fuel on gasoline to run, but Flash fuels on strawberry cake. Flash is also Benny’s friend.

Flash knows that Benny is too scared to drive. However, his owner, Benny, holds a driver’s license. Flash has a built-in GPS, camera (for security), snacks, and so much more.

Benny decides to go out for a drive.

Benny: Hi Flash! How are you?

Flash: Good. You? I am a little empty. Do you mind giving me some cake? Strawberry’s my favorite! It is my only fuel source!

Benny: Sure.

Benny gave his car some cake. Flash thanked him. Benny gets inside the vehicle and puts his seatbelt on.

Benny: As far as you all know, I am afraid of driving, and I let my talking car Flash do all the work.

Flash steers the steering wheel, uses the gas and brake pedals, uses the turn signals, operates the windshield wipers and lights, and more. Flash and Benny both know the traffic laws. And what does Benny do? Benny just sleeps or does nothing behind the wheel.

Flash drives Benny around while Benny sits in the driver’s seat.

Flash: I really like spending time on the road with you, Benny, but it would be great if your fear of driving disappeared.

Benny: I agree. But…I don’t know.

Benny read a newspaper after.

Flash: But, Benny, you are going on about this all wrong.

Someday, you’ll need to learn how to drive a car all on your own. Without having the need to depend on anybody.

Benny: No! I don’t think so.

Flash notices that the newspaper that Benny is currently reading has an ad for safety driving classes.

Flash: I got it! A safety driving class is coming up soon!

You should finally attend!

Benny: Not doing it.

Flash: Benny, please do it for me?

Flash plays sad music in the car.

Flash: Please, for me?

Benny: Fine. I’ll give them a call tomorrow.

Flash: Thanks, Benny!

Short #4

Benny and his cousin, Cheddar, are watching a movie at the movie theater. Benny was told by a citizen that if he watches the movie, the movie theater will fund the local food bank. The movie is about superheroes. Both are wearing 3D glasses.

Cheddar: This movie is cool!

Benny: Man, keep it down, will you? We helped donate funding to the local food bank!

Cheddar is eating his popcorn. He finished the large bag of popcorn in a short time. Benny noticed that.

Benny: Huh? The movie barely started, and you finished the whole thing in a minute? Unbelievable.

Cheddar let out a big burp, and everyone in the theater started to stare. Benny grunted and rolled his eyes.

Cheddar drank a big bottle of soda. All of a sudden, he had to use the restroom.

Cheddar: Uh, Benny, I have to use the restroom because I just drank a large soda.

Benny: What are you? A little kid? Ugh! Just go!

Cheddar: Come with me?

Benny: No, you need to be a good boy and go on your own.

So, Cheddar went to the bathroom and came back a few minutes later. Cheddar sat in his seat.

Cheddar: I am bored. Benny, how much longer?

Benny: What? I don’t know! Be patient.

Suddenly, a movie theater employee named Don came towards Benny and Cheddar for being disrespectful, disruptive, and for talking. Don is a brown tabby male cat with gray eyes. He wears a red work outfit.

Don: What are you both doing? Stop making so much noise!

Benny: Okay! We are sorry!

Everyone in the theater tells the two to be quiet.

Moreover, Cheddar wants to open a can of orange soda but has difficulties opening it. As a result, the soda splashed on the employee, Don.

Benny: (In a frustrated tone). Way to go, Cheddar!

Cheddar: Oops! My bad! (Chuckles nervously).

Don: Oh! What! That’s it! Get out! My eyes!

So, Cheddar and Benny got kicked out of the movie theater.

Benny: This is all your fault, Cheddar!

Cheddar: Sorry!

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