Poems and Short Stories by Basak Serin - HTML preview

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Poems and Short Stories

All Written By: Basak Serin

Clyde’s Poem

By: Basak Serin

I am Clyde, a gray and white tabby male cat I have dreams of visiting outer space I wish to be an astronaut cat

Visiting outer space would be my escape My spaceship will help take me out of this unkind, stressful world I would like to visit the planets, the moon, and the sun There are plenty of stars in the galaxy, as I have been told I believe that visiting space will be fun I would feel as free as the wind Space would light up my life

The stars would help clear my mind The stars and the cool breeze would be rife

Clyde 2: On My Way To Space (Poem)

I am Clyde the cat, and I am on my way to space Space is big and vivid

Adventure in space awaits

Space is wonderful; there is no reason to be timid The stars are shiny, and the planets are cool The Sun is yellow, intense, and bright The planets are vibrant and supercool The Moon is even cooler in person and only comes out at night Planet Earth is our home; the water is blue and the land is green The Moon is gray, silver, shiny, and splendid There are so many planets and stars left unseen Learning more about outer space is recommended

Clyde 3: Exploring Jupiter (Poem)

I am Clyde the cat, and I want to explore planet Jupiter Jupiter is very cool and the largest planet in the Solar System I am learning more about space and its structure Jupiter possesses a dense atmosphere Jupiter is very beautiful and stunning Jupiter possesses rings, but they are difficult to discern Space was very fun to explore, as I like learning The many facts about the planets I have yet to earn Jupiter is a very colorful planet, as it possesses colors of white, orange, brown, and red Jupiter is a very unique planet

There were so many stories about space that I read I wanted to visit space for as long as I remember; hence, my wish has been granted

Clyde 4: Back Home From Outer Space (Poem)

I am Clyde the cat, and I have enjoyed my time exploring space However, it is time to go back home I will miss space

Visiting space was a milestone in my life I miss the colorful stars and planets I miss the cosmos and the cosmic adventure I had I may be a small cat, but I felt strong as a lion I remember the Sun, which was bright as a button Space is sweet as sugar, and Neptune is cold as ice You could say I was brave as a lion Although I am a small cat

I will miss visiting space very much, although the adventure is not over yet!

Sunny and Rishi: The Interview Sunny: Hello everyone! I am Sunny the cat! Today, I am going to interview my little brother, Rishi!

Rishi: Little brother?

Sunny: Just go with it. Anyway, are you ready for your interview, interviewee?

Rishi: Sure. Get on with it, Sunny.

Sunny: Okay! First up, what is your favorite color?

Rishi: Orange and yellow. Bright yellow like my bow tie!

Sunny: What is your favorite country? Or what country would you like to visit someday?

Rishi: I would like to visit Nepal. Nepal sounds like a very neat and fascinating country!

Sunny: What is the meaning behind your name, “Rishi”?

Rishi: I believe my name means ray of light and accomplishment. I love my name!

Sunny: Very well! What is your favorite food?

Rishi: Spaghetti. Oh! Wait! Pizza! Yep, cheese pizza!

Sunny: Wow, that makes me hungry! What is your favorite genre of music?

Rishi: Ambient, hip-hop, and more.

Sunny: Great! Just one more question! If you opened a store, what would you sell, Rishi?

Rishi: I’d sell healthy food! Fresh and organic, healthy food.

Sunny: Okay! Awesome! Oh, wait, we are getting a call! Hey, Jessica!

Jessica: I am here!

Rishi: Uh, what’s going on? Why is our little sister, Jessica, here?

Sunny: I have decided to do a game show!

Rishi: What?! Are you kidding me?

Sunny: Up next is Sunny’s Game Show! The contestants will have to answer each question correctly in order to win a special prize! The contestants will be Rishi and Jessica! Stay tuned!

Sunny’s Game Show Sunny: Hello again! I am Sunny the cat, the host of today’s game show! Here we have Rishi and Jessica competing against each other for the special prize! I am so excited. I will ask a question, and whoever taps on the buzzer the fastest or answers the question correctly earns a point. Now, the person with the most points gets to take home the special prize! Here we go!

Rishi: We get it.

Jessica: Cool!

Sunny: What is the capital of Nepal?

Rishi: Kathmandu.

Sunny: Correct! One point for Rishi! Next question: what is the capital of Canada?

Jessica: I know this one! It’s Ottawa!

Sunny: Correct! One for Rishi, one for Jessica. What planet is closest to the sun?

Jessica: Mercury.

Sunny: Great. True or false: Am I awesome?

Jessica: True?

Sunny: Correct! One for Rishi, three for Jessica! What is my favorite color?

Rishi: Ugh. Blue.

Sunny: Wrong! It’s teal!

Rishi: What? Your favorite color is blue! (Growls).

Sunny: Okay. Next question. What is the capital of Ireland?

Rishi: Dublin.

Sunny: Right! Two for Rishi and three for Jessica! Let’s see who will win! Alright, next question. What does 12 x 12 equal?

Jessica: 144.

Sunny: What does 30 x 30 equal?

Rishi: 900.

Sunny: Great! That’s three for Rishi and four for Jessica. What is the capital of the state of Virginia?

Rishi: Richmond.

Sunny: Now it’s a tie! How many states does the United States have?

Jessica: I know! There are fifty states in the U.S. and the District of Columbia, also known as Washington, D.C.!

Sunny: Right. What is Rishi’s embarrassing secret?

Rishi: What?

Jessica: He has toenail fungus!

Rishi: Jessica!

Sunny: Correct! (Laughs). That’s four for Rishi and six for Jessica! Jessica is really trying, unlike some people.

Rishi: Hey!

Sunny: The next question is worth 5 points! Whoever answers it correctly wins a prize!

Rishi: Whatever. The prize is probably dumb.

Sunny: You spoke too soon, mister. Now the question is: What did I have for breakfast on my ninth birthday?

Rishi: That’s impossible to answer! Who’s going to remember that? I will try to answer it. Let’s see. Chocolate chip pancakes?

Sunny: No! Wrong! Jessica?

Jessica: Ice cream pizza.

Sunny: Correct! Congratulations, Jessica! You won!

Jessica: Yay!

Rishi: Ugh. What’s her prize?

Sunny: The prize is….

Rishi: Just say it, already!

Sunny: A blue sports car!

Rishi: (Gasps). What? She’s not even old enough to drive yet!

Jessica: (Cheers). Cool.

Sunny: Jessica won! Everyone did a good job today! Everyone, have a good rest of your day! Bye!

Sunny and Rishi: Interview 2

Rishi: Hello, again. I am Rishi the cat. This time, I will interview my brother, Sunny.

Sunny: Hi, Rishi! Bring me the questions!

Rishi: Okay. What is your favorite food?

Sunny: Macaroni and cheese and ice cream.

Rishi: Yummy. What does your name mean?

Sunny: Wow. Let me think. My name is very beautiful. It means sunshine, happiness, and cheerfulness.

Rishi: Okay. What's your favorite holiday?

Sunny: My birthday.

Rishi: What was your favorite subject in school?

Sunny: P.E. and art class.

Rishi: If you won a million dollars, what would you do?

Sunny: I would buy a car, a large apartment, clothes, and save my earnings!

Rishi: Smart. If you could only eat one food or snack for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Sunny: Pizza. No doubt.

Rishi: Same here. Would you rather go camping or swimming?

Sunny: Swimming in the ocean.

Rishi: Would you rather explore the deep ocean or outer space?

Sunny: Outer space.

Rishi: Thank you! That’s it for today!

Sunny and Rishi: Jessica’s Interview Rishi: Hi! Today, I will interview my little sister, Jessica! Hey, Jessica!

Jessica: I am excited.

Rishi: Okay. What is your favorite color?

Jessica: Pink!

Rishi: Would you rather be a hero or a monarch?

Jessica: A superhero!

Rishi: Very well. What country would you like to visit someday?

Jessica: Any country!

Rishi: What do you want to be when you grow up?

Jessica: A teacher!

Rishi: What is your favorite planet in the solar system?

Jessica: The Sun!

Rishi: What is your favorite kind of bug?

Jessica: Ladybugs and butterflies.

Rishi: What is your favorite season?

Jessica: Summer.

Rishi: What is your favorite subject in school?

Jessica: Reading and music class.

Rishi: What language would you like to learn to speak?

Jessica: Greek or just about any language.

Rishi: What instrument would you like to learn how to play?

Jessica: An electric guitar!

Rishi: What is your favorite kind of ice cream?

Jessica: Cinnamon-flavored ice cream.

Rishi: Awesome! Thank you, Jessica!

Gizmo’s Interview Gracie: Hello, I am Gracie the cat! I am here to interview my best friend, Gizmo! This short interview will be one to remember!

Gizmo: Hey, Gracie! I am ready!

Gracie: Sweet! What is your favorite genre of music?

Gizmo: Hip-hop, metal, and more!

Gracie: Splendid. What is your favorite color?

Gizmo: Dark blue.

Gracie: Awesome! What are your goals in life?

Gizmo: To perform the world’s greatest concert yet!

Gracie: If you could be any other animal, which animal would you want to be?

Gizmo: I’d be a lion!

Gracie: What is your favorite state?

Gizmo: Nebraska.

Gracie: How would you describe yourself?

Gizmo: Nice, smart, empathic, caring, and organized.

Gracie: What’s your favorite subject in school?

Gizmo: Science and, of course, music!

Gracie: If you had to change your name, what would it be?

Gizmo: I would go with Pilot.

Gracie: What is your favorite food?

Gizmo: Grilled cheese sandwiches.

Gracie: Great! Thank you, Gizmo!

Gizmo: Thanks! See you soon!

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