Snickers! Bobby's First Adventure. by Devin Keith Nerison - HTML preview

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“Oh lord! I know you have taken care of me. I need to say Thank you. I never would have made it without you. Your wisdom. Snickers and Roxy helped me through this. I know You were there with me. Amen.”

It was the ocean now. Bobby was not so sure of the tides and the currents in the ocean. He just wanted to do something to get him home.

It was dif cult to relax but he felt he was going in the correct direction.

He relaxed and fell into a relaxed mood but falling asleep was dif cult for him in this unknown adventure.

Something hit the boat!

He looked around to see Snickers and Roxy pushing the raft what he gured was north. Wait! Wrong way! But they kept pushing him north!

What was this?

Bobby was scared. After a few moments he stopped shaking and put things into something he could understand. Snickers always saved him.

Roxy saved him from his sleep and took him to get that big sh. Both of these animals wanted Bobby to succeed and live!

Bobby let down his guard. If they had an idea I trusted them. They were always with me so I would not doubt them now. They always loved me. I was thinking about all this when I dozed off to sleep feeling comfortable with my friends.

There was a knock. Then it was a series of bumps. I got up to see a very large ship! It was a lot bigger than my fathers shing boat. It was early morning so I thought they were asleep. I started yelling.

“Hey! Anybody there!”

