Sunny and Rishi 1-4 by Basak Serin - HTML preview

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Sunny and Rishi

Written By: Basak Serin

“Let’s Be Herbalists”

Section 1

Who is Sunny? Who is Rishi? Who are Sunny and Rishi? These two cats are siblings who are trying to get through life. They try their very best to make ends meet. They are two brothers who live with their younger sister, Jessica, and their grandmother, Susie, in a two-story townhome in the city of Melissa.

Sunny is an orange and white tabby cat with orange-colored eyes. He wears a blue bow tie. He is slightly larger than his younger brother, Rishi. Sunny is ambitious, cool, short-tempered, and responsible. He is serious, but he is sometimes goofy. He likes to relax, and he is sometimes lazy and complains about all the hard work he goes through. He works as a cleaner along with Rishi.

Rishi is an orange tabby cat with light orange-colored eyes. He is sympathetic, nice, caring, smart, and strong. He wears a dark orange-colored bow tie. He cares about work and overstresses things in life. He wants to get a better paying job that will help him and his family for the rest of life. He works as a cleaner with Sunny.

Sunny and Rishi go to random houses, gas stations, pizza places, restaurants, hospitals, schools, and more to clean. They get very exhausted, and the pay is, you know, not the best. They work all day. They drive an old white sedan, which is not cool in Sunny’s opinion. They wish to move out of their grandmother’s home to their own apartment. Hence, they are trying to find various jobs to make that possible; however, it usually ends up being unsuccessful.

First, they get up early in the morning and get ready. They hop downstairs to eat some breakfast with their younger sister, Jessica, and their grandmother, Susie.

Jessica is an orange tabby cat with golden eyes. She is small, young, and nice. She is cute, shy, smart, and playful. She wears a hot pink scarf. She is the younger sister of Sunny and Rishi.

Rishi is the middle child, and Sunny is the oldest. Jessica is the granddaughter of Susie. Sunny and Rishi are the grandsons of Susie.

Grandma Susie is a chocolate brown and white tabby cat with light green eyes. She is large and strong. Susie is strict, serious, and sweet-hearted. She wears a light green flower necklace. She is constantly telling Sunny and Rishi to focus on their goals and providing them with daily plans

and curfews. She is also funny. Her occupation is that of a knitter, as she crafts fabrics like socks, pullovers, scarves, hats, jackets, clothes, and dresses. She drives a dark blue sedan.

Sunny and Rishi sit down at the table with their sister, Jessica. They are all hungry. Jessica will go to school, whereas Sunny and Rishi will go to work. Grandma Susie just cooked buttermilk waffles. She also made vegetable sandwiches for them.

“Yeah, what a day, Rishi,” said Sunny unhappily.

“Oh, come on, Sunny, be grateful!” Rishi told him.

“Jessica’s here! The breakfast smells so great! Yummy!” exclaimed Jessica as she took a bite of the fluffy waffles.

“How’s everyone this morning? Is everyone enjoying the breakfast that I made?” said Grandma Susie.

“Super!” shouted Jessica.

“Never better, Grandma Susie,” said Rishi.

“I am feeling swell. But I asked you all if the breakfast was delicious?” said Susie seriously.

“Yummy!” said both Rishi and Jessica, sweating and anxiously.

“The waffles taste really good. However, the sandwiches taste bad,” said Sunny with a sarcastic tone.

Grandma Susie looked up into Sunny’s eyes as she made eye contact with him. “What’d you say, boy? Don’t make me mess you up!” she said.

“I don’t have to listen to you. I told you like it is, and I said these sandwiches taste unpalatable and rancid.” Sunny said.

Susie got upset and angry. She tried to not let Sunny’s manners get to her. “Be nice or else,” said Susie. “You don’t have to eat it if you don’t want it!” she yelled at Sunny.

Sunny apologizes, smiles, and continues to eat his waffles.

“I have so much knitting to do today. The fabrics that I knit with to make clothes and scarves out of are so colorful and soft. I sell them for profit. Check it out. They are so colorful.” She told the cats as she laid some blue, teal, and pink yarn on the table.

“Awesome!” Jessica and Rishi shouted.

“It’s time to go to work, Rishi and Sunny! It’s school time, Jessica!” exclaimed Susie.

As soon as everyone is done with their breakfast, Jessica goes to Susie’s car, as she will drive Jessica to school. Sunny and Rishi get ready to go to work as cleaners, as usual. They all say their goodbyes and take off to continue their day.

As soon as the duo get in their car, Rishi has something to say about their day’s work plans.

“Today we are ordered to clean the gas station by our boss, Arthur.” Rishi told Sunny.

“Blast it. That’s the hardest job of all!” Sunny cried.

“Don’t worry. The cat who works there is our friend, Marisa. Oh, by the way, did I mention she’s super sweet and loves her potato fries? Ha! She’s the best!” Rishi exclaimed.

“That made my day better. I can’t wait to see Marisa again.” Sunny said as he drove to the gas station.

The two make it to work. The name of the gas station is “Puzzles”. Sunny parks the car, and Rishi and Sunny check in.

“Hey, Rishi and Sunny! How has it been?” asked Marisa.

Marisa is a nice cat. She is caring and sympathetic. She is an orange and white tabby cat with yellow eyes. She wears a dark pink scarf. She kind of looks like Sunny. Marisa works at the gas station and is the only employee there. She loves eating potato fries and is always seen eating them.

“Good!” Sunny and Rishi said.

“Boys, your duties are to clean the windows, the floors, the walls, and most importantly, the bathrooms. As said by Arthur, your boss.” Marisa told them.

“The bathrooms? Are you serious?” Sunny cried.

“It’s okay, Sunny.” Rishi said. “We are getting paid extra for cleaning up the bathrooms, right?”

chuckled Rishi nervously.

“I don’t know, Rishi. Best of luck to both of you. I will let you know when it is time for a break and lunchtime. I may even get you both some fries after your responsibilities are done.” Marisa told them.

Rishi and Sunny get started on their jobs. “I am going to clean the windows. Wow, they are so dirty! What the heck?” said Rishi as he touched the dirty, brown-colored windows.

“Hard day, I tell you!” Sunny said as he got done cleaning the floors. The floors are very clean now. Now, it’s time for Sunny to clean the restrooms.

“Time to clean the bathrooms. Ugh, I guess it’s worth the trouble.” Sunny said.

As soon as Sunny went to clean the bathrooms, a large cat stepped out. “You might not want to go in there for a while, buddy,” the large, tan-colored cat, who is a truck driver named Blizzard, told Sunny.

The bathroom smells very bad. Sunny goes insane and is stressed. “Whatever! I am going in.”

Sunny exclaimed.

“Horrible smell! Can’t breathe. Must clean. Thank goodness I carry my cologne with me. Spray time!” Sunny said as he sprayed the bathroom with his fragrance. “Now it’s time to get to cleaning.”

He puts on his gloves and mask, and he cleans the floor, doors, and sinks. The worst part is cleaning the toilets.

“Yuck!” Sunny shouted. “This toilet is clogged! The other toilets work, though.”

“Is everything okay in there? I can help!” said Rishi.

“Yeah, right. This toilet is clogged! Smells gross if you ask me!” said Sunny. The water splashed on his face as soon as he used the toilet plunger. “Screw it! The nasty water got on my face!”

Sunny cried.

“Oh no!” cried Rishi. He tried to repair the toilet. “There. Fixed it.”

Rishi fixed the toilet, but all of a sudden the toilet overflowed. “Oh no! What are we going to do?!” cried Sunny. Rishi gasps.

“I don’t freaking know! What the applesauce?” said Rishi. The water floods the floor.

“The restroom is soaked like Hurricane Katrina.” Sunny laughs.

“No time for jokes!” Rishi said. He then uses another strategy to fix the toilet. They also cleaned the floors due to the overflow of water. “There. Did it. Fixed it! Now we can go home.”

“Wow! Thank you, Rishi!” Sunny said. “Let’s tell Marisa we are finished with the workload.”

“Wow, done already? Great job, boys! Here are your paychecks for the day! Enjoy!” said Marisa as she handed the boys their checks. “Almost forgot to give you both some potato fries! Here you go! See you next time!” she told them.

“Thank you!” Rishi and Sunny shouted. They then leave the gas station and head home.

Section 2

The weekend is here, and Sunny and Rishi do not have to go to work. They take their days off on the weekends. They often sleep and relax. The duo also makes efforts to find new careers, possibly better ones.

The duo wakes up and gets ready for the day. Rishi and Sunny share a room upstairs, which is right next to Grandma Susie’s. The bathroom is also located upstairs. Jessica’s room is pink and is located downstairs next to the kitchen and living room.

“We all had a tough week, am I right?” said Sunny. Everyone agrees.

“I was thinking, can we go to the mall today?” Jessica asked Grandma Susie.

“Sure we can. I don’t know if the boys will come with us. I may even take you out for ice cream, my little one.” Grandma Susie told Jessica. She gave her a kiss on her little head.

“What will you boys be doing?” Susie asks Rishi and Sunny.

“Oh, I guess, napping? No! Trying to find a new job that is high-paying and less overwhelming than our current one. What else?” Sunny told Susie.

“Oh my,” said Susie. “You are not going to find another, decent job with that kind of attitude. It is okay; you will excel someday.”

“Thanks,” said Sunny hopelessly.

Sunny and Rishi speak with each other about the other types of jobs they can get. They made a list and cut out the jobs that did not work out. For example, they once tried to be window cleaners, but it did not work out.

“Every job we plan to get ends up being a failure. I mean, seriously! I have a list of fifty different jobs, and Rishi and I are going to try each one of them slowly. We cross out the ones that don’t fit us or don’t work out for us. Wish us luck, Jessica and Grandma Susie.” Sunny spoke calmly.

“We will!” Jessica and Susie said.

“Today my herbalist certificate will come in the mail,” Rishi told his family. “I also ordered a pizza for brain food. Ha! It’s our favorite. Mac and cheese pizza! Yum!”

The door knocks, and the pizza delivery racoon named Rocket hands Rishi the pizza. “Thanks!”

Rishi told Rocket. The pizza smells very good.

“Yay! Pizza! I must sprinkle some turmeric on it. Maybe some basil, too.” Jessica said.

“Turmeric is healthy for you all, as are other spices and herbs.”

“Jessica’s right. I took the courses.” Rishi said as he bit into his pizza.

“Since when?” Sunny asked.

“Bro, remember when I told you I took online classes to be an herbalist? Ring a bell? Sunny?

Huh?” Rishi said.

“Oh, I wasn’t listening, as I do not care or give two crackers about that. Ha!” Sunny said.

“Overall, I am still proud of you.” Sunny told Rishi.

The door knocked as the postman, who is a black cat named Midnight, arrived. “I’ll get it. It’s my certificate.” Rishi said as he got to the door. He opens the mail, obtains his certificate, and sits down at the table. He shows it to his family.

Jessica says, “I am so happy for you, Rishi!”

“Yes! I am so proud of you! Way to go! At least you are doing something. I am looking at you, Sunny.” Grandma Susie said.

“Whatever,” Sunny said. “That’s awesome, Rishi. I bet you can get a neat job with that.”

The family is finished with their pizza. Sunny and Rishi sit down on the purple couch to exchange words.

“We should try to find another job that isn’t overbearing and stressful. That isn’t low pay. That isn’t lame.” Sunny told Rishi.

“Sunny, I hear you. Since I have superb knowledge of herbs and alternative medicine, let’s be herbalists!” Rishi said as he waved his certificate in the air.

“Are you serious?” Sunny asked.

“Yes, they make a lot of money, and we will be at the park all day selling herbs and spices for health!” Rishi said.

“I am in!” Sunny hollered.

“Okay, grandma, we are going to be herbalists now.” Sunny said as the two headed out with supplies.

Grandma Susie often answers the boys with her iconic line of “Okay, boys” or “Good luck, boys” whenever they are out looking for and trying a new job.

“Good luck, boys!” Grandma Susie exclaimed.

Rishi and Sunny hop in their car and drive to the park.

Section 3

Sunny and Rishi arrive at the park. They set out their table and are ready to sell herbal plant-based medications, teas, vegan food, and spices that are good for the health and for the planet.

“Okay, let’s get ready!” Rishi said.

“Our first customer,” Sunny said as he looked at Nina, who is a black tabby cat with amber eyes.

“Hello, my name is Nina. I want to lose weight. Any advice?” she asked.

“Well,” Rishi thinks to himself. “Fenugreek! It helps curb your appetite. But remember to eat healthy foods, too, as that is the major deal.” Rishi winks at her.

“Yeah,” Sunny said as he read the book that Rishi gave him. “Also try cayenne pepper, as it may enhance metabolism and decrease appetite to help with weight loss. It also helps the immune system. That’ll be ten bucks.” Sunny told Nina.

Nina agrees and pays Sunny. Their next customer, Dana, arrives. “My name is Dana. I am looking for something that can help my acid reflux.” Dana said as she burped loudly. Dana is an orange, small tiger with blue eyes.

“Ew. Okay. Let’s see. Ginger, lemon tea, and peppermint oil! Take these once a day, but daily. It will help! Eating a healthy diet will also help your stomach, liver, spleen, kidneys, brain, and more!” Rishi told her.

“Yeah, well,” Sunny interrupted. “Eat one sweet potato a day, as it helps maintain healthy digestion, spleen, and stomach health. Not only that, but they are loaded with vitamin A, which helps maintain healthy skin, an immune system, eyes, and more! Awesome vision, am I right?”

Sunny told Dana.

“Excellent!” Dana says as she pays Sunny.

“Dude, how do you do that?” Rishi asked Sunny.

“I got in my gut! Woo!” Sunny yelled. He quickly grabs a microphone and speakers. “Attention all. Sunny and Rishi are herbalists! Helping people with their health is our deal. We help people eat a healthy meal!” Sunny blurted out his intentions into the microphone. The microphone made a loud, annoying noise.

Rishi stares at Sunny in a frustrated way.

“What? I see Grandma Susie do this at her clothing store. She knits awesome scarves and makes clothes.” Sunny told Rishi.

“At least she knows how to use a microphone,” Rishi said as he rolled his eyes.

“Hello! My name is Ellie! I need some tea to help boost my immune system.” she asked. Ellie is a gray tabby cat with green eyes.

“Don’t worry, kitty! I got you!” Sunny exclaimed. “We recommend drinking turmeric tea and/or ginger tea! They are healthy and contain antioxidants. You are welcome!” Sunny told Ellie as he gave her packets of tea.

“Thank you!” Ellie replied.

After having several customers come and go, the duo is finally successful.

“Yes!! We did it! We excelled!” Sunny cheered. “We made about two hundred bucks! Also, look how happy and healthy we made our customers.”

“You are right. Best job we’ve ever had.” Rishi told Sunny. “You know, this would not have happened if I had not gotten that certificate.”

“Yeah, whatever,” Sunny said.

Rishi growls. “Whatever!” he said.

“Okay, fine. Thank you so much, Rishi!” Sunny told him. Rishi nodded.

“Hey, Sunny bunny,” said Rishi. “Let’s take a break?”

Sunny agreed. The two take a break. “Rishi,” Sunny said. “I was thinking: why don’t we mix all the teas we have together and make a super, immune system power tea?” Sunny informed Rishi.

“What?! Are you kidding me?! No way!” Rishi said. “Not a good idea, or a smart one, if I may add.”

“Fine,” said Sunny. “I am going to take a walk…that way. Okay?”

“You go do that. Walking is very healthy; it helps your heart and blood circulation. It helps to strengthen one’s cardiovascular health. Did I mention it helps support bone health?” Rishi informed Sunny.

“Wow! Amazing. Well, I’ll be back in ten minutes.” Sunny said as he took off.

However, Sunny has different things in mind. He wants to make an ultra, powerful tea. He wants to mix different kinds of tea and sell them. He gathers a large cup and several different types of teas. He grabs a spoon and mixes the tea packets.

“A little bit of green tea, black tea, white tea, matcha tea, ginger tea, turmeric tea, rooibos tea, purple tea, chamomile tea, and some mint, stevia, peppermint, and of course, warm water!”

Sunny said as he made the power tea.

Too much of a good thing can lead to other health issues. Sunny doesn’t know much about that, but there is hope he will after this. He believes in himself, and he believes that the drink he just made is very healthy. Moderation is key.

Sunny goes up to Rishi and shares what he did.

“Yeah, right,” Rishi told Sunny. “Who is going to drink that?”

“Anyone,” Sunny said. “I think that cat? Yeah, him. He is coming up to us!” Sunny said as the white, large cat with blue eyes named Blade went to their stand.

“Hi! My name is Blade! I am looking for something amazing, something that will improve my immune system and overall health.” Blade said.

“I have just the thing!” Sunny said as he poured the tea drink he had made into a cup. “Here you go, sir,” he said.

Rishi facepalms himself as he feels unsure.

“Sunny,” Rishi said. “This may not work like you thought it would. Too many antioxidants are not good.”

“What does he know?” Sunny laughed as he pointed his paw at Rishi.

“I will drink it!” said Blade as he drank the tea. After a couple of minutes, his stomach started to hurt. His belly made a loud noise.

“What did you do?! How come you never listen to me?!” Rishi shouted as he held on to Sunny’s bow tie.

“Well, I—I didn’t know?” Sunny said as he chuckled. “I think he is going to blow!” Sunny said as he looked at Blade.

Blade let out a loud burp and a loud intestinal gas. “Ouch,” he said. “I don’t feel so good. Must call my nurse.” Blade said as he phoned nurse Karli.

“Wow, some bottom burping you have done there, mister,” Sunny said as he covered his nose.

“It reeks! We are so sorry, sir!” Rishi told Blade.

Nurse Karli rushes to the park, near Sunny and Rishi’s herbal stand. Karli is a nurse, and she is also Sunny and Rishi’s next-door neighbor. She lives across from them. She is a dark brown tabby cat with green eyes. She is often seen in her nurse clothes, which are scrubs that are burgundy-colored. Sunny is attracted to her, and he likes her. Sunny, Rishi, and Karli are just about the same age. They are young adults.

“I am here!” Karli hollered. “Let me quickly check your health, Blade.” Karli said as she helped Blade.

Karli helps Blade by giving him a warm towel, some medication, a bottle of water with electrolytes, and a heating pad on his abdomen.

“Thank you, Karli. I feel so much better now!” Blade said as he got up.

“I was wondering how this happened?” Karlie questioned. “Hello, Sunny and Rishi! How’s it going?” Karli asked Sunny and Rishi.

Sunny explained to her what happened. He also apologizes to Blade.

“You call yourselves herbalists?” she asked.

“I am the one who took the class and earned the certificate! Sunny just made the tea! I did not!”

Rishi shouted.

“I am really sorry!” Sunny shouted. “I don’t think this job is right for us, Rishi.”

Rishi looks at Sunny in surprise, eyebrows raised. Blade goes home well.

“What made you boys want to become herbalists?” Karli asked Sunny and Rishi.

“Rishi earned a certificate in this field with his smarts. So we thought we could be good at it.

But, you know, hee.” Sunny said as he grinned at Karli nervously.

“Wow, okay,” said Karli. “Maybe you guys should look for a better job? I am sorry for you both.

But I guess for the last time I can buy some ginger powder and vegan mac and cheese from you?”

Karli did, and Sunny and Rishi handed her the requested items.

“Okay, thanks! See you both soon!” said Karli to Sunny and Rishi.

Sunny and Rishi packed up their things and went home. They have crossed “herbalists” off the list. That’s alright; there are plenty of jobs in the world that are better. The main message here is to never give up and to never stop searching for that one true calling.

Section 4

Sunny and Rishi make it home. “Well, we are here,” Sunny said unamusingly.

“Sunny. Rishi. How’s everything? How did it go?” asked Grandma Susie.

“Being herbalists is not our jam,” Sunny said.

Grandma Susie puts down her book and says, “That’s okay! You guys still have a lot to see and learn about the work life. Don’t worry, better luck next time.”

“At least we learned from our mistakes, Sunny.” Rishi said as he looked at him. “Well, I am starving and exhausted!”

Sunny smiled. Sunny looked over his notes and list and thought about being successful in other jobs in the near future.

“Individuals learn many things from their daily life events! It is important to stay focused on new things that are going to be great and beneficial!” Sunny said.

Sunny, Rishi, Jessica, and Grandma Susie all sit down and enjoy grilled cheese sandwiches, tomato salad, and carrot juice for dinner. They all talk about how their day went and enjoy their food.

New career adventures await Sunny and Rishi!

Sunny and Rishi 2

“Let’s Be Musicians”

Section 1

Sunny and Rishi are brothers who are cleaners. They wish to seek new careers that are compatible and may fit their criteria. They live with their younger sister, Jessica, and their grandmother, Susie. They live in the city of Melissa. Sunny and Rishi are cats with big dreams.

Sunny is an orange and white tabby male cat. Rishi is an orange tabby male cat. Jessica is an orange tabby female cat. Grandmother Susie is a brown tabby female cat.

Sunny and Rishi just entered the pizza place to start their cleaning jobs.

Their friend, Rocket the raccoon, works at the pizza place. He is the only employee there, and he also delivers pizzas. He is a gray raccoon with brown eyes. He wears a work uniform and a blue and red baseball cap.

“Hey, Sunny! Oh, hey, Rishi!” Rocket, the racoon, said as he waved his paw.

“Hi, Rocket. Let’s get to business, I mean, cleaning.” Sunny said.

“Sure thing! Here are your cleaning supplies. The kitchen needs to be cleaned, as does the oven; uh, good luck with that! You know, since grease and grime are hard to come off!” said Rocket.

The oven is very dirty and smells rancid.

“Oww,” Rishi said as he frowned.

The crew cleaned the kitchen. The duo is taking their time cleaning the oven.

“There. Done.” said Rishi as he panted. “Phew! We are done, Sunny!”

“Yeah, I am glad this is over,” Sunny said.

“What a hard, tiresome day!” said Rishi as he took his gloves off.

“I agree,” said Sunny, unamused.

Sunny and Rishi have just finished cleaning the pizza restaurant called, “Pretzel’s Pizza Place”.

They seem awfully tired.

They walk over to Rocket, claiming that their duties are done. Rocket gives them their paychecks and free pizza!

“Thank you, Sunny and Rishi! You guys deserve free pizza!” Rocket said he gave the boys a box of pizza.

Just as Sunny and Rishi were about to leave, their favorite rapper, DarkCat, entered the restaurant.

DarkCat is a famous rapper. He is a black male cat with long fur. He has yellow eyes. He wears a dark purple choker. He owns a dark purple guitar. He is cool. His music is often in the genres of hip-hop, trap, rap, and metal. His full name is “Dark Chocolate”.

“Hello! It’s DarkCat! I would like to order a cheese pizza! Back-to-back touring makes me hungry!” DarkCat shouted as cool music played in the background. His sunglasses are gold.

“D-D-DarkCat?!” Sunny, Rishi, and Rocket screamed. They are all surprised when they see their favorite singer and celebrity.

“Don’t be so surprised when you see me. It’s cool! I love my fans!” DarkCat said.

“Ah! My brother, Rishi, and I are your biggest fans! He and I have written some songs! But we just need someone who can produce it for us.” Sunny said excitedly.

“Let me see ‘em?” DarkCat asked Sunny.

Sunny handed DarkCat the song lyrics that both he and Rishi wrote. DarkCat seems very interested.

“…and you can finally scratch “musicians” off your list? Am I right, Sunny?” Rishi whispered to Sunny.

“Shhh! I think DarkCat is about to say something.” Sunny told his brother.

“Excellent! I think you cats are great! Your songwriting skills are excellent! Just call or email if you want to meet up to produce these songs.” DarkCat told Sunny and Rishi.

“Yes! How about tomorrow afternoon? How does that sound, DarkCat?!” Rishi asked excitedly.

“Sure,” DarkCat said.

“Yes!” Sunny and Rishi said while they giving each other high fives.

“DarkCat, your pizza is ready, along with your orange juice.” Rocket told DarkCat. “Oh, by the way, love your music!”

“Thank you, Rocket! I can’t wait to eat some pizza and relax. I have been touring from Los Angeles to Sacramento! From Moore, Oklahoma, to Oklahoma City! So tired!” DarkCat told all as he took off.

They all waved goodbye. Sunny and Rishi then head home.

Section 2

Morning is here, and Sunny, Rishi, Jessica, and Grandma Susie all get ready to start their day.

Grandma Susie made breakfast. She made confetti pancakes, breakfast toast with butter, and banana milkshakes.

“What a wonderful day!” Grandma Susie told her grandkids.

“Yes! The breakfast smells very good!” Jessica said.

“So, Rishi and I are going to meet our favorite rapper, DarkCat! I am so excited. Today he is letting us make music in his recording studio! We’ll be out soon!” Sunny said happily.

“So, I guess Sunny and I are officially musicians?” Rishi told his family.

“Slow it down,” Grandma Susie said. “Give it a try and see if it works out.”

“Oh! Why do you always have to ruin our ambitions?!” Sunny hollered at Susie.

“Oh! Sunny! I didn’t mean to! Just good luck today,” she said.

“I bet I can sing, too! La-la-la! I am a golden, cute kitty!!” Jessica sang loudly on her tippy toes while dancing. She is a very cute cat.

Rishi and Sunny covered their ears.

“Aww, Jessica! You are good! Eat your toast, please! Today, you and I are going to hang out in my clothing store. I have lots of dresses to sell today!” Grandma Susie told her granddaughter, Jessica. Grandma Susie is a knitter and a clothing designer and maker.

“Okay!” Jessica giggled.

Grandma Susie turned her head toward the boys. “May I take a look at your songs?” she asked.

Rishi and Sunny handed her the songs. She is amazed. She told the boys that they would do well considering how well they wrote their songs.

“Yeah, I hope something good comes out of today,” Rishi said.

Breakfast is done, and Sunny and Rishi are headed out to DarkCat’s music studio. Sunny and Rishi are excited and getting ready to go.

“Okay, Nana, we are going to be musicians now.” Rishi said as the duo left the apartment.

“Okay, boys,” Grandma Susie said.

“Bye!” said Jessica.

Sunny and Rishi get in their car and drive off to the music studio.

Section 3

Sunny and Rishi have made it to the recording studio. The name of the recording studio is

“Melissa’s Musical Studios”. They are very excited. They park their car and enter the building.

“Hello,” said the cat named Tana, who works at the front desk lobby. “You two must be Sunny and Rishi?” she said.

“Yes, we are,” said Sunny in a cool way.

“DarkCat is located in recording room sixteen, which is located on floor three. Just take the elevator, and you will be there. Good luck, Sunny and Rishi!” Tana said.

“Thanks!” said Sunny and Rishi. The two went to DarkCat’s recording room. They are eager to begin their musical careers.

DarkCat is excited and wants to help Rishi and Sunny be successful in their music careers.

“Hello, Sunny and Rishi!” DarkCat cheered. “My fellow music producers and I have some beats that I would like you both to hear as you produce your music and songs!” he said.

“Thanks!” said Rishi. “Music producers like whom?” he asked.

“Oh! Have you heard of Razor, Gizmo, Shadow, and Blair? I think you two will be amazed!”

said DarkCat as he showed them his recording room.

“Yes! Sweet!” said Sunny. “Where do we begin?!” he said as he held his lyric sheets.

DarkCat showed them musical beats one, two, and three. They listened to the musical beats.

Sunny must choose one beat so he can sing his songs. Sunny told DarkCat he prefers trap metal and hip-hop beats.

“Okay, Sunny, you go first!” said DarkCat. “After you, Rishi can go. Then, you two can sing your duet song! Good luck!” He told them both as he put his headphones on to listen to Sunny’s song.

“I was wondering who produced this beat? It’s awesome!” Sunny asked.

“The one and only Razor!” DarkCat told Sunny. Sunny smiled and continued. He is a little nervous, but happy at the same time.

“Okay, here it goes,” Sunny said as he took a deep breath.

Sunny’s song is called “Sunlight”.


Written and sung by: Sunny

Produced by: Razor


The name’s Sunny, and I am sun-stoppable

There is nothing that can stop

Me from making it to the top

Let me tell you, I let my abilities make that possible Screw the stress and hardship

If you mess with me, I’ll turn into a killer bee

Let me just say that lots of sunshine is good for you Sunshine provides you with that vitamin D (hey!)

The name’s Sunny, and I am sun-stoppable

There is nothing that can stop

Me from making it to the top

Let me tell you, I let my abilities make that possible The sun’s UV rays are so strong

So don’t stay in the sun too long

Without sunscreen

If you cross my line, the sun will give you a sunburn Why you bullies be mean and angry?

Just ‘cause you have a rainy day?

I swear the stress gives me that heartburn


Don’t mess with my sunlight

‘Cause it’s mine

And the sun looks so fine

And it’s Sunny’s time to shine!

Sunny did a good job. Both DarkCat and Rishi are amused, amazed, and shocked at his melodic performance.

“I don’t believe it,” said DarkCat with his eyes wide open.

“Me neither,” said Rishi.

“Thanks! Beat that, Rishi,” Sunny said confidently.

“You are next!” said DarkCat. He let Rishi pick a musical beat and let him begin. The genre is a mix of hip-hop and metal. The musical beat’s producer’s name is Shadow. Shadow is a black and white tabby male cat with blue eyes. He is a music producer and artist.

“Okay,” Rishi said.

Rishi’s song is called “Orange Music”.

“Orange Music”

Written and sung by: Rishi

Produced by: Shadow



What am I gonna do with all this excess stress?

What am I gonna do with all this excess mess?

Don’t worry, I am a cleaner

I am a hard worker, so don’t take granted for the things I do!

At least I ain’t getting’ any weaker

At least I ain’t a greedy trouble seeker

At least I ain’t a greedy beekeeper

No, I wanna be an achiever!

It’s Rishi! It’s Rishi! It’s Rishi!

I am here to vent

All my emotions, and yes

I am here to represent

Myself, I think I am too tired to make any progress (No!) (Aye, don’t mess with Rishi)

Underneath this orange fur, I hold my grudge

I may be silly, but at least I am kind to animals

Who are you people to judge?

I am so good; I might as well make it to the internationals!

(Go Rishi! Go Rishi!)


Sunny and DarkCat both cheered. DarkCat told Sunny and Rishi to sing their duet song. They all worked together for the next one.

“Dang, that was very good. You poured your heart into that song, Rishi! You okay?” DarkCat told him.

“Yeah,” he said.

“What’s the next song called?” asked DarkCat.

“Emperor Cats,” Sunny said. DarkCat let them choose the genres of hard metal, trap, and rap for this song.

Sunny and Rishi get ready to sing their song, “Emperor Cats”. The music was produced by DarkCat himself.

“Emperor Cats”

Written and sung by Sunny and Rishi

Produced by: DarkCat


Alright, bro, you got it?

Just making sure you got it


Let me express my thoughts here

Been bullied since preschool ‘till the end of high school Don’t mess with me, ‘cause my tension is severe

Screw you all; my enemies are not cool!

My ambition for writing is as strong as systemic candidiasis Can’t swallow all this painful judgment from you all It freakin’ feels like I have dysphagia (Sheesh!)

I am going to be so big; someday I am going to tour in Nepal!



Thanks, Sunny; that was nice of you

Give us our respect! (x3)

Seize a nation; don’t care!

Be somebody! Don’t be unaware

Rule a country; be fair

We are the Emperor Cats (x3)

At least I ain’t unsympathetic like cold-hearted people At least I ain’t heartless like dumb people

Life is difficult, but I cannot get breaks

What’s it gonna take for us to get our respect?

Must we be perfect? Must we be perfect?!


Give us our respect! (x3)

We are the Emperor Cats! (x3)

(Sunny and Rishi)

Give us our respect! (x3)

We are the Emperor Cats!

Sunny and Rishi did a good, excellent job. Even DarkCat was surprised.

“Sunny. Rishi. You both did great! I am going to call my boss, Malia, and inform her and show her your talents! Maybe we can get you both signed and a record label!” DarkCat told them.

Sunny and Rishi cheered. DarkCat called his boss, Malia, who is a brown and white tabby female cat with blue eyes. Malia told him that the boys were good and talented. However, there is a surprise.

“They are just like professionals!” Malia shouted from DarkCat’s phone. Malia informed DarkCat that Sunny and Rishi are required to move out of state for their musical jobs. This means Sunny and Rishi would have to move thousands of miles away from their hometown of Melissa and be away from their family and friends.

DarkCat told Sunny and Rishi the great news and the hard news.

“Wow! Awesome!” said Sunny.

“That’s great and all, but we can’t relocate somewhere else and be away from our family! What if we are unsuccessful? This is a hard choice, Sunny.” Rishi concluded.

“Oh, come on, Rishi. Don’t ruin everything. This is our only chance to succeed, and I am not going to let you ruin it!” Sunny said.

DarkCat watched as the two went back and forth. “Sunny and Rishi. It is okay to decline due to relocation issues. Tell you what, I will keep your talent files with me, and you cats can come meet me anytime that is flexible for all of us. What do you say?” DarkCat told Sunny and Rishi.

“Really?” Sunny asked.

“Yes!” Rishi exclaimed.

Sunny thought to himself for a little bit. There are some jobs on his list that he is still willing to try out, so he agreed with Rishi and DarkCat.

“Fine, I am in,” Sunny said.

“Sweet! You both are great musicians, and don’t forget my promise! Here are my phone number and email! See you next time!” DarkCat told Sunny and Rishi.

Sunny and Rishi cheered and went home.

Section 4

Sunny and Rishi came home and were informed by their grandmother that it was time for dinner.

“Hello, grandma,” Rishi said.

“How are you boys? How was today? Did you make talented songs? I made dinner! Enjoy!”

Grandmother Susie told them.

“Fine,” Sunny exhaled. “Rishi and I are talented musicians. Just won’t work out right now due to relocation issues. I was hoping you’d listen to our songs?” He asked Susie.

Susie agreed and listened to their songs on Sunny’s phone. She told them they were very good.

“Thank you,” Rishi said as he ate his dinner. “Vegan spaghetti sure is the best! Yummy!”

“I agree!” said Sunny.

Grandma Susie thanked the boys.

“Sunny and Rishi rule! You all put your intentions, thoughts, and feelings into your music! Life can be unfair sometimes, but it is important to look at the bright side of it.” Jessica told Sunny and Rishi as she ate her dinner.

“You are right, Jessica!” Sunny said. “I agree with you. Always give it one more attempt; that's the surest way to succeed.” Sunny told everyone. Everyone agreed.

Sunny did not cross “musicians” off his list but instead circled it as he believes he may have another chance of becoming one. What’s the next career on Sunny’s list? What’s more for Sunny and Rishi? Stay tuned!

Sunny and Rishi 3

“Let’s Be Driving Instructors!”

Section 1

Sunny and Rishi are brothers who are cleaners. They wish to seek new careers that are compatible and may fit their criteria. They live with their younger sister, Jessica, and their grandmother, Susie. They live in the city of Melissa. Sunny and Rishi are cats with big dreams.

Sunny is an orange and white tabby male cat. Rishi is an orange tabby male cat. Jessica is an orange tabby female cat. Grandmother Susie is a brown tabby female cat.

This time, Sunny and Rishi are cleaning up their grandmother Susie’s bedroom. They are very tired and finished with their workload.

“We are done! Can you give us our money now, grandma?” Sunny asked as he took off his apron and gloves.

“Why, sure. Well done, boys,” Grandma Susie said as she handed Rishi and Sunny their money.

“Thanks! Only twenty bucks each?” Rishi asked.

“Be happy with that!” Grandma Susie yelled. “So, what will you boys be up to today?”

“Today, we are going to be driving instructors. Just for the day! If we like it, we will stick to it.”

Sunny told Susie.

“Nice! You guys have to bring Jessica along with you. I will be in my clothing store knitting, stitching, and sewing fabrics all day. My needlecraft speaks for itself!” Grandma Susie called out.

“Fine,” Rishi said. “We will take good care of Jessica! No worries.” he told Grandma.

Jessica, who is Sunny and Rishi’s younger sister, entered the room.

“Hi, Sunny and Rishi! You cats will be teaching students how to drive a car? I am in! I wanna watch and learn!” Jessica said excitedly.

“You will,” Rishi said. “Come on, Sunny, let’s get ready already.”

The duo get ready, along with Jessica.

“I can’t wait!” Sunny shouted.

“Neither can I!” Rishi said.

Rishi and Sunny both shout as they give each other high-fives, “Let’s be driving instructors!”.

“Are you both ready, Jessica and Sunny?” Rishi asked both of them.

“Yes,” they said.

“Okay, Grandma Susie, we are going to be driving instructors now,” Sunny told Grandma.

“Good luck, boys,” Grandma Susie said.

Sunny, Rishi, and Jessica leave the apartment and go to the driving school.

Section 2

Sunny and Rishi entered Ziggy’s Driving School to teach new drivers how to drive. They will be driving instructors for the day.

“Welcome, Sunny and Rishi!” exclaimed Mr. Ziggy, who is the owner of the school and is a driving teacher. He is a gray, chubby male rabbit who wears a blue baseball cap and a white polo shirt. He has blue eyes, and he is nice and funny.

“Uh, who is this?” he asked Sunny as he looked at Jessica.

“It’s Sunny, and that’s Rishi. This little orange girl is our little sister, Jessica. She had to come with us, so if you don’t mind?” Sunny told Mr. Ziggy as he pointed his thumb at Rishi and Jessica. He smiled at Ziggy.

“Hi, Mr. Ziggy!” Jessica said cheerfully as she waved her paw. Mr. Ziggy waved hello to Jessica.

“No, not at all,” Ziggy told Sunny. “Are you both ready to be driving coaches for the day, Sunny and Rishi?”

Sunny and Rishi both cheered. “Yes, we are!” they both yelled. They also showed Ziggy their driver’s licenses.

“Nice! So what you boys will be doing today is following this book of driving rules. Just go over it with the student (who is a beginner driver), and I think you all should be okay?” Mr. Ziggy told Sunny and Rishi.

Sunny gulps as soon as he hears “beginner driver” because he is nervous.

“You mean someone who has never driven a car before?” Rishi asked anxiously.

“Yeah, well, at least the front passenger side has an extra brake pedal. Use that when you feel as if the student is speeding or when enduring unsafe situations. Any questions? Please call me or the emergency department if something comes up. Good luck!” Ziggy told Sunny and Rishi.

“Okay! We understand. Who is our student today?” Sunny asked Ziggy.

“Your student is a beginner driver. His name is Checkers. The learning vehicle is a yellow sedan.

Here are the keys. Good luck!” Mr. Ziggy told Sunny and Rishi as he gave them his car keys.

“Thank you, Mr. Ziggy.” Sunny said.

“Hi, Sunny and Rishi! I am Checkers. I will be your student driver today. I can’t wait for my first driving lesson!” Checkers told Sunny and Rishi.

Checkers is a black and white panda bear. He is a young male. He wears an orange bow tie. He has brown eyes. He is not used to learning new things and is a difficult student to teach. Let us see what this student has to offer!

“I have never driven before. Just so you both know. I am ready to learn! Driving rules!”

Checkers shouted.

“Uh, I hope you will excel, Checkers,” Rishi said. “The car we will be using for your driving lesson today is the yellow sedan. Just do what Sunny and I tell you to do and drive safely.”

"Okey dokey!" Checkers said.

“Hand him the keys,” Rishi told Sunny.

Sunny hands Checkers the car keys.

“Go ahead. Start it.” Sunny said.

Sunny, Rishi, Jessica, and Checkers all head out to the student car and start the driving lesson.

Checkers starts the vehicle. Sunny is seated in the front passenger seat, while Jessica and Rishi are seated in the backseat. Checkers, the student driver, is seated in the driver’s seat.

Section 3

Checkers’ driving lesson has begun!

“What do we do now?” Checkers asked.

“Well, the car’s engine is on, so it’s working! Uh, let me flip the book, eh?” Sunny said as he took a look at the driving book. He dropped his book.

Rishi rolled his eyes. Jessica smiled. Checkers just glared at Sunny.

“I should have been sitting in the front seat,” Rishi said, annoyed.

“Okay! Got it! First, the driver and all passengers in the car must buckle their seatbelts. So, Checkers, do as you must.” Sunny told Checkers.

Everyone buckled their seatbelts. Rishi told Checkers the basic steps of adjusting the seat and mirrors and learning more about the turn signals. Checkers honked his horn and learned how to use the windshield wipers and headlights. He learned how to use the steering wheel and more.

“Very good! I think this one’s got it.” Sunny said this and winked his eye.

“Now, Checkers, this is very, very important! The car we are in has an automatic transmission.

Vehicles with manual transmissions are difficult to drive and use.” Sunny continued.

“The brake pedal is on the left side, which is large and rectangle shaped. The gas pedal is on the right side! The emergency brake or the parking brake is very helpful for keeping the car stable when you park.” Sunny said.

“Got it,” Checkers said.

“You see the gear shift? P is for park, R is for reverse, N is for neutral, and D is for drive. Park should be used when parking the car, and reverse should be used when backing up. Neutral is for coasting (do not use it much), and drive allows the car to move forward. You got it?” Rishi told Checkers.

“Yes, sir!” Checkers said.

“Both hands on the wheel!” Rishi shouted. Checkers nodded.

“Okay, Checkers, time to get on the road!” Sunny shouted.

“Are you sure he is ready?!” Rishi shouted.

“Oh, come on, relax, Rishi. Yes!” Sunny said. “Ready to get on the road?” he asked Checkers.

“Yes!” Checkers the panda said as he exhaled.

They all get ready to drive on the road.

Section 4

Sunny, Rishi, Jessica, and Checkers are on the road. Checkers the panda does great in the neighborhoods and with the turns. He does great with the observations and scanning other cars and hazards to ensure driving safety.

“Nice. Here we are at the stoplight. Red means stop, yellow means caution, wait, and slow down, and green means go.” Sunny said as the crew stopped at the stoplight.

“Okay.” Checkers said. “Why are there so many luxury SUVs and cars here? Cool. Why can’t we all get one?” he asked.

Sunny looked at the luxury cars and got distressed.

“Screw them! Rich people think they are better than everyone else. They think we are jealous of their dumb, lame SUVs and cars! They are so dumb! Forget about them! Focus on the road!”

Sunny cried.

“You are right, Sunny; they are. I am happy with my older vehicle!” said Rishi.

“Okay! Green means go!” said Checkers as he drove off.

Jessica chews on her gummy bears.

Then, Checkers had to practice parking the car outside Grandma Susie’s clothing store. A surprise happened!

Just as when Checkers tried to park the car, he accidentally stepped on the gas pedal hard!

Everyone screamed! They almost drove into a store! Sunny, in panic, stepped on his side of the brake pedal, which saved the day.

“AHHH!!!!” Sunny screamed. “You NEVER, ever step on the gas pedal when parking! Do you understand me?! We almost went flying into my grandmother’s clothing store!!!!” he shouted.

Checkers was scared. “I am so so sorry!” he said. “I’m learning!”

“It’s okay! Everybody calm down.” Rishi said.

Sunny shrugged it off. “Now, let’s go on the highway,” Sunny said.

Grandma Susie looked out the window and said, “Hmmm?” but she believed it wasn’t her family, so she minded her own business.

Checkers drove to the highway, along with Sunny, Rishi, and Jessica.

“Now, when getting ready to go on the highway, you must not be scared. Do not hesitate to merge!” Sunny shouted.

Checkers is afraid of driving on the highway.

“Merge, already! Slow down, then increase your speed; the road signs will tell you the speed limits. Always pay attention to the road signs!” Rishi called out.

“Take notice of the construction workers, too. There aren’t any today, but you will come across them someday.” Sunny told Checkers.

Checkers nodded and merged onto the highway. He then increased his speed. The speed limit sign read 60mph, then 70mph.

Sunny, Rishi, and Jessica start to feel nervous and scared.

“Stay on the right side of the road. We will exit the highway shortly.” Sunny said.

All of a sudden, Sunny passed nervous gas. Sunny’s gas made a loud noise. The air turned green, and the car started to smell bad.

Everyone coughed, and Checkers’ face turned green.

“Ew, Sunny farted!” said Jessica.

“It smells like pickled eggs!” said Checkers.

“Bro! Dang! It reeks!” Rishi said as he coughed and opened his side of the window. “Oh, the ozone layer!”

After some time had passed, Sunny told Checkers to exit the highway.

They now encounter a crosswalk. There are some pedestrians. Rishi told Checkers that pedestrians always have the right of way.

“Thanks! What now?” asked Checkers.

“Just one more thing, turn on the radio. Come on, you have to practice how to turn on and off the car’s radio!” Sunny said.

“I hope you have learned a lot today, Jessica! This will be useful someday for you!” Rishi told Jessica.

“I agree! Thanks!” Jessica said.

“Sunny? Rishi? How did you guys get your driver’s licenses?” Checkers asked.

Sunny laughs. “Hard work, boy. I took the test seven times. Rishi only took it once.” he said.

“Oh my,” Checkers said.

“We are going to learn how to turn on the radio when driving. Now, turn the radio station to pop, then hip-hop, then the weather channel.” Sunny said.

Checkers did just that. He did great.

Sunny ordered Checkers to turn off the radio.

“Good,” Sunny said.

“I think we are lost!” Rishi said as he looked out the window.

“Uh, my phone isn’t working! Oh! Remember, everyone, never text and drive! Distractions are the number one cause of car accidents!” Sunny said.

“Thanks for the information. My phone isn’t working, either!” Rishi said.

“I have no signal!” Jessica cried as she used her phone.

“Don’t worry, I have a map.” Sunny said as he reached for the paper map.

Due to the car’s window being open, the wind made the paper map fly into Checkers’ face!

Everyone panicked. Checkers could not see the road, so he started to swerve the car on the road.

Then Sunny took the map off his face.

“Oops! Sorry!” Sunny said as he chuckled.

“I knew I should have sat in the front,” Rishi said as he palmed his face.

The crew quickly thought of something. Checkers remembered which way to go.

“Don’t worry, I got it!” Checkers said.

Sunny chuckled. “You will have to go through several lessons before you get your driver’s license!” he said.

“I can’t wait to get my license!” Checkers said.

The lesson is finally over. So, Sunny and Rishi told Checkers to drive back to school.

They are stopped at the stop sign!

“The stop sign is a red and white sign that has eight sides and is octagonal shaped. You must always stop at this sign and wait until the path is clear. Safety is my specialty!” Rishi said.

“Okay,” said Checkers. They all head back to the school.

“I have graded your lesson for the day, as did Rishi.” Sunny told the student.

Checkers stares at Sunny for a bit.

“Don’t look at me like that, boy; I am writing on my clipboard for your benefit.” Sunny said.

When Checkers stopped the car, he made a rough stop, which scared Jessica.

“Ugh! You are not supposed to stop like that! Smooth stops, not rough!” Sunny said.

“It is completely normal to make mistakes, especially since it’s your first day of driving!” Rishi told Checkers.

“Oh! Look! A new ice cream place! Look at the carnival! It’s back in town!” Sunny said. He distracted Checkers from the road!

“Woah!” Checkers was amazed! His eyes opened widely. The crew finally made it to the parking lot at Ziggy’s Driving School.

“Watch out! You are going to crash into that bicycle!” Rishi yelled!

Everyone panicked.

Checkers crashed into the bicycle. But it was not just any other bicycle, it was Mr. Ziggy’s bicycle!

“Oops! Is everyone okay?!” Sunny said.

“Yeah! Why did you have to distract the student driver with your nonsense?!” Rishi shouted at Sunny.

“What?! What happened to my bike! My gold bike!!” Mr. Ziggy cried.

“I am so sorry, Mr. Ziggy! Sunny distracted me with awesome ice cream places and carnivals that I could not keep my eyes away from!” Checkers told Mr. Ziggy.

“You are the worst student I have ever had!” Ziggy yelled at Checkers.

“Oh,” Checkers said sadly.

“And, you! You are the worst teacher I have ever hired!! Sunny, this is all your fault!” Mr. Ziggy yelled.

“Don’t make it such a big deal,” Sunny said calmly.

Mr. Ziggy’s face turned red, and he is very angry.

“Why you so angry, rabbit?” Sunny asked him. This made the teacher very mad.

“What are you doing?! Trying to get us cooked?!” Rishi told Sunny. “We are sorry, Mr. Ziggy!”

he told Ziggy.

“NO, no, no!” Mr. Ziggy said as he hopped up and down in anger.

“I do not accept your apologies! Checkers, get out! Go to another driving school!” he told Checkers.

“Oh, man! I better call my parents and tell them to pick me up! It was nice knowing you all.”

Checkers said as he took off. He called his mom to pick him up from driving school.

“Sunny! Rishi! You two better pay for this! I don’t care how!” Mr. Ziggy yelled.

“But we don’t have that kind of money!” Rishi yelled. “It was also not my fault! I knew I should have sat in the front!”

“You said that three times already!” Sunny shouted at Rishi.

Jessica just watched them talk as she ate her gummy bears.

“I don’t care, Rishi! Then, you both will clean my school and car all evening long! Got it?!”

Ziggy told the duo in anger.

Sunny and Rishi agreed. Grandma Susie visits the school to pick up Jessica.

“This bites. Now, we both have wasted our precious time due to something silly we did!” Sunny laughed as he cleaned the desks.

“What?! This was all your fault!” Rishi shouted as he slammed his glove on the desk.

“Whatever,” Sunny said. He saw Susie coming to pick Jessica up. “Hi, Grandma, just cleanin’

out of punishment until midnight, no worries.”

Grandma Susie was informed by Mr. Ziggy of what the boys did. “Sunny! Rishi! I can’t believe you! There’s more where that came from!” she said.

“What do you mean?” Rishi asked nervously.

“I mean, you both will spend the rest of your weekend cleaning the entire apartment!” Grandma Susie said.

“Are you kidding me?!” Sunny cried.

“No arguing with me! Come on, Jessica!” Grandma Susie told the duo as she held Jessica’s paw.

“Bye!” Jessica said as she left the school with her grandma.

“Ugh! There is gum stuck to these desks!” said Rishi.

“Yuck,” said Sunny. “I guess I can finally cross off “driving instructors” from our career list.”

Sunny told Rishi.

They both agreed. Sunny crossed this career off his list.

“Everyone learns from their mistakes; it is important to continue one’s job search, even if it seems impossible.” Rishi said.

The duo continued to clean the driving school.

What’s next for Sunny and Rishi? Tune in next time!

Sunny and Rishi 4

“Let’s Be Grocery Store Workers!”

Section 1

Sunny and Rishi are brothers who are cleaners. They wish to seek new careers that are compatible and may fit their criteria. They live with their younger sister, Jessica, and their grandmother, Susie. They live in the city of Melissa. Sunny and Rishi are cats with big dreams.

Sunny is an orange and white tabby male cat. Rishi is an orange tabby male cat. Jessica is an orange tabby female cat. Grandmother Susie is a brown tabby female cat.

This time, Sunny and Rishi are cooking up something good. They made breakfast for their family. After breakfast, they will go to the grocery store to work for the day.

“Breakfast time!” Sunny yelled.

“What’d you cats cook? What’s for breakfast?” Grandma Susie asked as she sat down at the table.

“We cooked breakfast pizza! It is cheese pizza with vegetables! There’s chocolate milk, too.”

Rishi said.

“Yummy!” Jessica said.

“So, I heard you two will work at the grocery store for the day! Are you both excited?” Susie asked.

“Yes! Beats cleaning!” Sunny told Susie.

“How’s the breakfast?” Rishi asked.

Everyone nodded.

“I know I said I would pay you boys twenty bucks each for the meal, so here you both go.” Susie told Sunny and Rishi as she handed them their notes.

“Thanks!” Rishi and Sunny said.

After breakfast, the boys cleaned the table and got ready for work.

“I believe this new job will change us for the better,” Rishi told Sunny.

“Can I come?” Jessica asked her brothers.

“No, Jessica, I am sorry!” Sunny said.

Jessica was upset that she could not go with the boys, but she accepted it.

“Let’s be grocery store workers!” both Rishi and Sunny shouted as they gave each other high fives.

The two are ready to go to work.

“Okay, grandma, we are going to be grocery store workers!” Rishi told Grandma Susie.

“Okay, boys!” Grandma said.

“Bye, Sunny and Rishi!” Jessica said.

The two took off to begin their workload.

Section 2

Sunny and Rishi entered the grocery store to start their new jobs for the day. They will be cashiers and grocery store workers. The name of the grocery store is “Fluffy’s Foods”.

“Hi, Miss. Fluffy!” Sunny and Rishi both said as they entered the store.

“We are here!” Rishi exclaimed.

“Hello, Sunny and Rainy!” said Fluffy. Fluffy is the grocery store owner and manager. She is a white cat with black ears. She has green eyes. She wears a yellow bow tie. She hires people.

“It’s Rishi!” Rishi told Fluffy in a harsh tone. He crossed his arms.

Sunny laughed. “Rainy! Ha, ha, ha!” he said.

Rishi rolled his eyes.

“Ready to begin your jobs as grocery store employees? All you both have to do for the day is stock items on the shelves and handle and receive payments from customers! Here are your name tags and dark pink-colored polo shirts! Good luck!” Fluffy told both Sunny and Rishi as she handed them their shirts and name tags.

Rishi and Sunny get ready to begin their jobs for the day.

Section 3

Sunny and Rishi are excited to start their new job for the day.

“First, this is how you work the cash register. I presume you boys know basic math?” Fluffy told Rishi and Sunny as she taught them how to use the cash register.

“Yeah! I was an A student back in high school!” Rishi said.

“What’s multiplication?” Sunny asked. Rishi palmed his face.

“That’s good. Uh. Well, this is how you stock the items on the shelves. Each item is either heavy or light. It is clearly written on the list of which items must be restocked.” Fluffy told them.

“Okay, we understand,” Rishi said.

“Now, if there is anything you both need, please don’t hesitate to call me.” Fluffy told them.

Sunny nodded. Fluffy went back to her office.

“Trying out new jobs is my specialty!” Sunny said. “What do we do now?” he asked.

“Hmmm,” Rishi said. “We can stock the cookies and sodas first.”

Rishi and Sunny stocked the sodas and cookies.

“I like this job. We are getting good exercise. Don’t you think, buddy?” Rishi asked.

Sunny seemed to hide behind the aisle, drinking the sodas and eating the cookies! Rishi found Sunny!

“Ahhh! What are you doing?! We were supposed to stock up the shelves, not feed ourselves! We are supposed to be working, not slacking!” Rishi yelled at Sunny. His face turned red.

“Wow! I am sorry!” Sunny said. “I thought it was our break.”

“Stop lying!” Rishi shouted. Sunny quickly got up and helped his brother out.

The stocking job is over; now they are handling the customer’s payments and assisting any customers with questions.

“You yelled at me,” Sunny said sadly.

“That’s because you weren’t listening to me, sunscreen!” Rishi told Sunny.

“You broke my heart, Rishi!” Sunny said as he rushed to the microphone.

Sunny blurted something from the store’s speakers!

“Attention all shoppers! Rishi broke my heart! I repeat, Rishi broke my heart!” Sunny shouted through the microphone. The microphone made a loud, annoying sound. The customers heard it and covered their ears.

Rishi noticed. “What are you doing?! You idiot!” he told Sunny. The two fought over the store’s microphone.

“Give it!” Rishi demanded.

“No!” Sunny shouted.

“Fine, whatever, I am not going to lose this job because of your nonsense.” Rishi told Sunny as he headed back to work.

Sunny stuck his tongue out.

A customer walked up to Sunny for advice. Lola is a black and white female cat with green eyes.

“Sir,” said Lola. “I am Lola. May you help me find the makeup section?” she asked.

“Uh, no, I don’t use makeup. Thanks!” Sunny said coolly.

Rishi came by. “What?! You are supposed to help the customers out with their needs!” He told Sunny.

“Oh, right…” Sunny said. “Don’t worry, pretty girl, I will show you where the makeup section is!” Sunny told Lola.

“Thanks,” Lola told Sunny as she followed him to the makeup aisle.

Now, a customer named Evans came up to the cash register. He is ready to check his items out.

“Okay!” Sunny said as he scanned each of the customer’s items.

“What is this? Laxatives?!” Sunny laughed as he held a clear bottle of laxative.

“Be quiet! I am constipated!” Evans told Sunny. Evans is a white, arctic male fox.

“Uh, Sunny, you are not supposed to question the customer’s items! Got it?!” Rishi told Sunny.

“Next time, I am using self-checkout!” Evans exclaimed.

Sunny apologized. He handed the customer his receipt, and Evans took off.

“Sunny, would you listen to me for once? Just for the day?” Rishi asked Sunny.

“Breaking news: I don’t care!” Sunny laughed like a little kid.

“Ugh! I can’t believe this guy is older than me.” Rishi said as he pointed his thumb towards Sunny.

“The day’s almost over, so that’s good!” Sunny said.

“Let’s go get the ice cream and other frozen foods out of the walk-in freezer so that we can stock those items.” Rishi told Sunny.

“Sounds like a plan.” Sunny said.

“Okay, Sunny, you hold the door while I get the frozen goods! Got it?” Rishi asked him.

“What if I don’t hold the door? What if the door accidentally closes? What if the door handle accidentally breaks?” Sunny asked Rishi.

“All good questions,” Rishi paused for a moment. “Then I will be stuck here in the cold and get hypothermia!!” He said angrily.

Rishi entered the walk-in freezer.

“I can’t hold it much longer! So heavy!” Sunny said as he tried with all his strength to keep the door from shutting.

“Would you relax? I am the one who is doing all the heavy lifting.” Rishi said.

Sunny accidentally let the door shut.

“Uh-oh! Oops! Don’t worry, Rishi! I’ll get you out!” Sunny said as he thought of a plan.

“What is wrong with you?! Can’t you do one job correctly?” Rishi shouted at Sunny.

“Help!” Rishi repeatedly cried out.

Sunny called Fluffy and told her everything. She came in with her tools and opened the freezer’s door. Rishi is finally out of there; however, he is freezing and needs some heated blankets and hot drinks to come back to health.

“How long were you in there?” Fluffy asked Rishi. She handed him some blankets and a hot cup of tea.

“Thanks! Oh, about thirty minutes because somebody I won’t name got too tired of keeping the door wide open!” Rishi said as he looked at Sunny.

“What a tough day!” Sunny said nervously.

“I guess you cats aren’t fit for this job for now,” Fluffy said. “But you both are welcome to apply anytime! I am hiring!” she chuckled.

“I guess you are right. Thanks, Miss. Fluffy!” Sunny said.

Rishi is slowly recovering, and they both exit the store. They get paid for today’s work. Sunny and Rishi go home.

Section 4

Sunny and Rishi came back home. They put their backpacks down and told their family about their day.

“How was work?” Grandma Susie asked the boys.

“Good, I enjoyed it! However, Sunny made it difficult, considering he accidentally left me locked inside a freezer!” Rishi told Susie.

“Sheesh, Sunny!” Susie said.

“Sorry!” Sunny told Rishi.

“Guess what? Jessica baked us a cake today! I taught her! She is very smart.” Grandma Susie said.

“Smells good! What kind of cake is it?” Sunny asked.

“Red velvet!” Jessica said excitedly. “Try some!” she said as she gave everyone a slice.

They all enjoyed the cake. “I think I would be a good chef and baker one day!” Jessica told her family. Everyone agreed with her.

“So, what is next for you both?” Grandma Susie asked.

“I am not sure,” Sunny said as he looked at his career list.

“Don’t worry, there are plenty of jobs in the sea!” Rishi said.

Everyone laughed and enjoyed the rest of the evening. New adventures await Sunny and Rishi!

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