Sunny and Rishi 5 by Basak Serin - HTML preview

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Sunny and Rishi 5

By: Basak Serin

“Let’s Make Videos!”

Section 1

Sunny and Rishi are brothers who are cleaners. They wish to seek new careers that are compatible and may fit their criteria. They live with their younger sister, Jessica, and their grandmother, Susie. They live in the city of Melissa. Sunny and Rishi are cats with big dreams.

Sunny is an orange and white tabby male cat. Rishi is an orange tabby male cat. Jessica is an orange tabby female cat. Grandmother Susie is a brown tabby female cat.

Sunny and Rishi just came back home after a long, busy day. They cleaned the entire store!

Sunny and Rishi knocked on the door.

“We’re home!” Sunny shouted.

Jessica opened the door. She sees that her brothers are very tired and stressed.

“Woah. Are you guys okay?” Jessica asked as she let them in.

“We’re fine. What’s for lunch?” Sunny asked as he panted.

“Grilled cheese and tomato soup!” Jessica cheered. “I know you guys are very hungry!”

“Sounds pleasant,” Rishi said.

Sunny, Rishi, Jessica, and Grandmother Susie all sit together at the table for lunch.

“So, how was today, Sunny and Rishi?” Grandmother Susie asked.

“Brutal,” Sunny told her. “Cleaned every inch of the store! So tired.”

“Eh, it couldn’t get any worse,” Rishi said as he took a bite of his lunch.

“I may have a suggestion for you both!” Grandma Susie told Sunny and Rishi. “Why don’t you both try making online videos? Internet stars make a lot of money just by working at home! You may make a lot of money if you get a lot of people to watch your videos! I don’t guarantee you’d be successful as the current rising internet stars, but try?”

Sunny and Rishi thought for a moment.

“Sounds good! Rishi, do you know what this means? We’d be famous! Rich! We’d work without having to move a muscle!” Sunny shouted.

“Sunny, I think you are right. But do you think it’d work out?” Rishi asked his brother.

“You bet! Being an internet star is on my bucket list.” Sunny said.

“Let’s do it!” Rishi cheered.

After lunch, Sunny and Rishi come up with ideas and get their equipment ready to make their videos.

Section 2

Sunny and Rishi get ready to make their online videos.

“The viewers would want to watch something that is funny and eye-catching. Also, interesting!”

Rishi told Sunny.

“Yeah,” Sunny told him. “We should make dare videos.”

“What?” Rishi said as he looked worried.

“You heard me. I dare you to do something, and you do it.” Sunny said.

“Woah! That was not a part of the plan!” Rishi said.

“Come on, it’s not that bad. Dare videos would increase our chance of success. Please, Rishi!”

Sunny begged.

“Fine,” Rishi said as he crossed his arms.

“Very well!” Sunny shouted.

What’s Rishi’s dare?

Sunny got the table ready. Rishi sat at the table, waiting for Sunny’s instructions. Sunny got his camera ready.

“Okay, Rishi. Your dare is to eat an entire cup of salt!” Sunny said.

“What?! That’s dangerous to one’s overall health! Not doing it!” Rishi shouted.

Sunny didn’t listen to his brother.

“3, 2, 1!” Sunny said as he got the video ready. Sunny started to record the video.

Rishi looked into the camera, unamused. His arms were crossed.

“I’m Sunny!” Sunny said as he pointed the camera at himself.

“Yeah, that’s my little brother, Rishi.” He said this as he pointed the camera at Rishi.

Rishi rolled his eyes.

“Doesn’t Rishi look handsome in his purple bow tie? I think we can all agree on that one! Today, I dare Rishi to eat an entire cup of salt!” Sunny said to the audience.

“Get ready, Rishi!” Sunny said.

“Okay, here it goes!” Rishi said.

Rishi took a nibble of salt.

“Ugh! It’s like eating poison! I can’t! Please, Sunny, don’t make me do this! Go on to the next dare; I don’t care what it is!” Rishi cried.

“Okay, Rishi, stop!” Sunny told Rishi.

Sunny decided to come up with another dare.

“I dare Rishi to drink eight bottles of water in under five minutes!” Sunny said.

“I guess that can’t be any worse! I’ll do it!” Rishi said.

“Okay. Go!” Sunny said. Sunny gets his timer ready.

Rishi starts drinking from the water bottle very quickly. After a few seconds, he becomes nauseated. He starts to have a headache!

“Oh! My electrolytes!” Rishi cried.

“It’s okay! You are almost there!” Sunny said.

“Can’t! Must go to the bathroom!” Rishi said this as he quit and ran to the bathroom. He only drank two bottles of water in under five minutes.

“Nice job for Rishi! Stay tuned for the next dare I have in mind for him! It’s a surprise!” Sunny said to the audience as he laughed.

Sunny stopped recording the video.

“That’s one video made! Yes!” Sunny cheered.

Rishi came back from the restroom, wondering what would be next for him.

“Ugh, what’s next?” Rishi cried.

“Rishi,” Sunny told his brother. He laughed and snorted very hard. “I can’t!”

“What’s with the laughing? I don’t like it! You better tell me what’s going on, Sunny!” Rishi shouted.

“Today, your dare is going to be asking girls out online, and you must find a partner in under ten minutes!” Sunny laughed as he told his brother.

“What?! Are you serious? Is this a joke?” Rishi said.

“No! You must sit at the computer! Just build a dating profile, so we can get the video rollin’!”

Sunny said.

“Fine,” Rishi sighed.

Sunny laughed.

“What?” Rishi asked Sunny.

“You like checkers? Reading books? Helping others? What a dork!” Sunny laughed as soon as he read Rishi’s bio on his profile page.

“Shut up!” Rishi said.

“Okay! Ready, Rishi?” Sunny asked before recording the video.

“Whatever,” Rishi said softly.

Sunny started to record the video.

“Hello, welcome back! I am Sunny, and this is Rishi!” Sunny told the audience. “Today, I dare Rishi to find a girlfriend online in less than ten minutes! Could he do it? Or not? The boy never had a girlfriend before!” Sunny laughed.

Rishi growled in frustration.

Rishi looked for girls near his location and girls who were about the same age as him.

“Okay, I found one! Her name is Kiana. She seems nice.” Rishi said.

Kiana is a smart white cat with blue eyes who is about the same age as Rishi.

“Well, say hi and get it goin’!” Sunny said cheerfully. “I can’t wait for the final results!” Sunny whispered to his audience.

Rishi typed his greeting in the chat box.

Sunny narrates to the audience as Rishi chats with the girls.

Dating Chat Box

Rishi and Kiana

Rishi: Hello, Kiana! You seem nice!

Kiana: Uh, hey…

Rishi: So, you live around here? I work as a cleaner! What about you?

Kiana: I am a makeup artist. Yes.

Rishi: Great. I think you are beautiful. Wanna be my girlfriend?

Kiana: Uh, no.

Chat Ended.

“Aw, what?” Rishi cried.

Sunny laughed. “I knew it! Who’s next?” he said.

“Okay, I guess Rose might work out,” Rishi said.

“Yeah, might,” Sunny said as he air-quoted his phrase.

Rishi began to chat with Rose. Rose is a red tabby cat with blue eyes.

Chat Box

Rishi and Rose

Rishi: Hello, Rose. You seem fine.

Rose: Thanks…

Rishi: How are you?

Rose: Good! You?

Rishi: Swell. Do you wanna-

Chat Ended

“Oh! Rishi got rejected in the middle of the conversation!” Sunny laughed.

Rishi cried.

“Just one more person, Rishi!” Sunny told him.

“Okay, Isabella seems fine.” Rishi said.

Rishi proceeds to chat with Isabella. Isabella is a brown tabby cat with golden eyes.

Chat Box

Rishi and Isabella

Rishi: Hey, Isabella! How’s it going?

Isabella: Not much.

Rishi: What do you do for a living?

Isabella: I am a painter.

Rishi: Neat! I am a cleaner! Say, would you like to be friends?

Isabella: Sure!

Rishi: Yes! I was wondering if we could hang out.

Isabella: Yeah. How does February 31st sound?

Rishi: What? That doesn’t make any sense! There is no February 31st!

Isabella: Exactly. Bye!

Chat Ended

“Woah! Rishi, I feel ya! What does it feel like to be rejected?” Sunny asked Rishi.

“Not good; I feel like a loser. Must cry!” Rishi cried and ran to his room.

“Okay, guys! Stay tuned for more! Dang, I feel bad for Rishi!” Sunny told the audience as he stopped recording the video.

Section 3

Rishi finally comes out of his bedroom. He has calmed down.

“What now, Sunny?” Rishi asked him.

“Let’s take a break from dare videos. Have any more ideas?” Sunny asked Rishi.

“Yeah,” Rishi said seriously. “How about I dare you to take on challenges instead?”

“What? No! I—” Sunny said this and was interrupted by Rishi.

“I will not accept no for an answer. Listen to me. This time, I rule.” Rishi said.

Sunny gulped and agreed.

Rishi gets his camera and gear ready.

“So, what are we doing?” Sunny asked Rishi.

“Oh, nothing special.” Rishi said as he got Sunny ready for something out of the ordinary.

“Jessica!” Rishi yelled.

“Here!” Jessica shouted.

“Sunny, today Jessica will put makeup on you!” Rishi said.

“Oh, no way, man!” Sunny shouted.

“Oh, come on. It’s not that bad. You will look beautiful. Do it.” Rishi demanded.

“Fine!” Sunny shouted. “This better be quick!”

“I am a good makeup artist!” Jessica said. She giggled.

“I hate you,” Sunny whispered to Rishi.

Rishi turned on his camera and started recording.

“Hi, I am Rishi! That’s Sunny! I present to you all a special guest star, our little sister, Jessica!”

Rishi told the audience.

“Today, I dare Sunny to get his makeup done by Jessica!” Rishi said.

“Ugh,” Sunny said.

“You ready, Sunny?” Jessica asked.

“Whatever!” Sunny said.

Jessica starts putting makeup on her brother. She decided to turn him into a clown!

Rishi laughed.

“How do you like your new look, Sunny?” Rishi asked.

“I look pathetic!” Sunny said as he looked into the mirror.

“That was the best I could do! Sorry!” Jessica told Sunny.

Sunny growls. He crossed his arms.

Rishi turned off his camera.

Sunny got rid of his makeup and got ready for the next event.

“What’s next, Rishi?” Sunny asked.

“What’s next is eating a bunch of donuts!” Rishi exclaimed.

“What? That’s not bad at all! I love donuts!” Sunny said cheerfully.

“Okay, get ready, Sunny and Jessica!” Rishi told them.

Rishi got his gear ready.

Rishi turned on his camera.

“Today, Sunny will manage to eat five high-sugar donuts without quitting! Thanks to our baker, Jessica, we have these five colorful donuts! You are in for a sweet treat, Sunny!” Rishi told all.

“Thanks for baking the donuts, Jessica!” Rishi told her.

“You are welcome! Good luck, Sunny!” Jessica said.

“Okay, go!” Rishi said.

Sunny began to eat the donuts quickly. The donuts taste bad since they are high in sugar, and Jessica is a first-time baker. She is just learning how to bake treats.

“These donuts are not as good as I thought they’d be,” Sunny cried. He took another bite.

“Too much sugar! I feel like gagging!” Sunny said as he became sick.

“Oh no, Sunny! Don’t vomit! Hold it in! You can stop eating those donuts!” Rishi cried and shouted.

It was too late.

Sunny’s face turned green, and his stomach was growling.

Sunny vomited on Rishi, and Jessica captured it all on video!

“Ugh! Sunny! That was disgusting!” Rishi yelled.

“Ouch,” Sunny said.

“Now, I feel like barfing!” Rishi said.

Rishi gagged, and his face turned green.

“Oh no!” Jessica and Sunny yelled.

Grandma Susie entered the living room because she wanted to offer the cats some cookies. But all of a sudden!

Rishi vomited on Grandma!

Grandma Susie screamed!

“What do you think you are doing?!” Susie shouted at Rishi.

“Sorry! I didn’t mean to!” Rishi told Susie.

The boys explained everything that happened to Grandma Susie.

“Well, what a disgusting day!” Grandma said. “I hope you all feel better.”

“You said it!” Sunny said.

“Let’s all go take a good shower, then we can read the stats of our videos. Sounds like a plan?”

Rishi suggested.

“Yes.” Grandma Susie and Sunny agreed.

They get cleaned up shortly after.

Section 4

Sunny, Rishi, and Grandma Susie get cleaned up.

Sunny and Rishi wonder how many views they got on the first day.

Rishi opened the laptop. Sunny and Grandma Susie are next to him.

“Hmm, let’s see!” Rishi said. “What? Only sixteen views?”

“Oh!” Sunny cried.

“No worries, boys! It’s just the first day! No one became famous on the first day! It takes time to succeed!” Grandma Susie said.

“She’s right,” Rishi told Sunny.

“How about you both check those stats in a few weeks?” Grandma asked.

“Sure,” Sunny said.

After a few weeks had passed, the brothers decided to check back on the statistics of their posted online videos.

Sunny opened the computer and took a look.

“What? Only seventy-four views total?” Sunny cried.

“It’s okay, Sunny. It may take years! Let’s focus on other jobs! Sounds good?” Rishi said.

“Yeah, I agree!” Sunny said.

Sunny and Rishi gave each other high-fives.

“Wait a minute!” Rishi said.

Rishi believes that Jessica has her own video channel.

“What?” Sunny asked.

“I think Jessica has her own video channel! See!” Rishi said.

“What? I don’t think she does…OH MY! SHE DOES!” Sunny shouted as he took a deep look.

“What’s the purpose of her videos?” Rishi asked.

“Doing makeup. Baking. Wow! She has over a hundred thousand views! She has hundreds of thousands of subscribers!” Sunny exclaimed.

“I am so proud of her!” Rishi said.

“Jessica!” Rishi and Sunny shouted.

Jessica giggled.

“You just found out about that now? Oops! Sorry, I forgot to tell you both! Making videos is fun!

See you both later!” Jessica said as she went outside.

Sunny and Rishi are both shocked.

Grandma Susie understood what the boys were going through.

“Internet stars don’t get paid unless they reach millions! But I believe in you both! Good luck!”

Grandma Susie told the boys as she handed them a plate of graham crackers.

“Thank you!” Sunny and Rishi told Grandma Susie.

“Oh, well. That’s off our career list!” Sunny said.

“Don’t worry, pal. There are plenty of other jobs that may be for us.” Rishi said.

However, he was hopeless.

“Oh! What’s the point? We are going to be cleaners forever!” Sunny cried.

Rishi sighed.

“What’s next on the so-called career list?” Rishi asked.

“Drawing cartoons!” Sunny said.

“You have got to be kidding me!” Rishi said. “How’s your drawing?”

Sunny showed Rishi his drawings.

“They are not good, Sunny! Heck, you don’t wanna see mine.” Rishi said.

“Let me see your drawings, Rishi!” Sunny said with a smile.

Rishi showed him his drawings.

“Oh! It’s hideous! What an eye-sore!” Sunny said.

“You are right! That’s okay; there are plenty of jobs in this world! Am I right?” Rishi asked.

Sunny agreed with him.

What’s next for the cats?

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