Rhymes of a Child's World by Miriam Clark Potter - HTML preview

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Through the rain and mist they’re shining; O yellow city lights,

How good you are to twinkle so on dark and windy nights!

Through the puddles splash the horses, and below the window glass

I can see the wet umbrellas of the people as they pass,


O yellow city lights—O yellow city lights!

How brave you are to twinkle so on dark and rainy nights!

For the wind is blowing, blowing, and the water comes in sheets

Against the sides of houses, and all up and down the streets.


You are friendlier than the stars I think, O lights in proud array,

The stars are all magnificent, but cold and far away,

And they never dare to twinkle, on dark and stormy nights,

While you shine out as brave as brave, O yellow city lights!