The Box of Smiles: And Other Stories by Laura Rountree Smith - HTML preview

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Little Boy lived with such old people they had forgotten what a Birthday Party was, so he said,

“How can I give invitation hearty,
Unless I prepare for a Birthday Party?”

To his surprise, the staircase on which he stood, answered,

“If you go up this staircase as like as not
You’ll get to the bottom instead of the top.”


Little Boy chuckled as he rattled the pennies in his pocket and said happily,

“Little pennies, dimes will make,
Soon I’ll buy my Birthday Cake!”

Before the pennies could be changed into dimes or answer a word, and before Little Boy could get into bed, (for it was his sleepy time) “pitter, patter, pitter, patter” was heard on the staircase and up came Fairy Good-Cheer, saying,

“I need a Birthday Cake I fear,
My birthday comes but once a year.”

The Fairies had always been so good to Little Boy that he emptied his pockets of the pennies he had saved for his own Birthday Cake, and Fairy Good-Cheer went off singing,

“When anything you want to know,
To the enchanted staircase go.”

Little Boy saved up his pennies again for a week and a day and said,

“Little pennies round and bright,
Will you buy me candles for a light?”

Before the pennies could answer a word, “pitter, patter pitter, patter,” was heard on the staircase and up came Fairy Light-Heart saying,

“I must buy eight candles to lend a glow,
You’ll lend them to me Little Boy I know.”

As Little Boy handed Fairy Light-Heart the pennies she sang,

“When anything you want to know,
To the enchanted staircase go.”

Little Boy saved up pennies again for a week and a day and said,

“Little pennies for a treat,
Will you buy some candy sweet?”

Before the pennies could answer, “pitter, patter, pitter, patter” was heard on the staircase and Fairy Sweet-Tooth said as she bounded in,

“All I need is some Birthday Candy,
Do you happen to have some handy?”

As Little Boy parted with his pennies again, she went off singing,

“When anything you want to know,
To the enchanted staircase go.”


Once more Little Boy saved his pennies and when he had twenty-three he said,

“Little pennies twenty-three,
Will you buy a top for me?”

He put his hand up to his ear to listen.

Sure enough, again he heard, “pitter, patter, pitter, patter” and up came Fairy Sing-Song, singing,

“All I need is a musical top,
That will spin, and spin and never stop.”

As Little Boy counted out his twenty-three pennies she went off singing,

“When anything you want to know,
To the enchanted staircase go.”

Little Boy sighed after the Fairies left him and he went out and sat down on his own staircase saying,

“To-morrow my Birthday will be here,
I’ll have no party now I fear.”

Then the enchanted staircase on which he was sitting cried,

“Just go to the bottom, look up and see,
The Fairies surprise both you and me.”

Little Boy ran down stairs and looked up.

He saw on the tip top step a wonderful Birthday Cake. It was large and round and had pink and white frosting upon it.

Just then a cheerful voice called,

“Fairy Good-Cheer makes no mistake,
She has sent to you a Birthday Cake.”

Then, as Little Boy winked and blinked his eyes to be sure he was not dreaming, a laughing voice called,

“Fairy Light-Heart brings the candles,
More than one Boy ever handles.”

There shone candles on every step, big candles, little candles, middle-sized candles, Birthday Candles, red, white and blue candles, ready to light the Birthday Cake.

Then he saw boxes, and boxes of candy, while a sugary voice cried,

“Fairy Sweet-Tooth pile them higher,
Of candy, small Boys never tire.”

Little Boy laughed so hard that he rolled right over in a heap on the floor, for the Fairy piled candy right up to the ceiling.

Then a Musical Top began to spin down the staircase singing,

“Fairy Sing-Song’s smile is winning,
See, she sets your top a spinning.”

“My Top,” said Little Boy in surprise.


Then all the fairies trooped down stairs and cried,

“’Tis heigh! my hearty, and ho! my hearty,
We’ll help you make a Birthday Party.”

Then the most wonderful thing of all happened.

The top step of the enchanted staircase opened.

The Birthday Cake led the way.

The lighted candles went two and two, and the candy boxes followed, while all the time the Musical Top played.

Fairy Good-Cheer and Fairy Sweet-Tooth cried,

“When you give pennies up ’tis true,
Surprises sometimes come to you.”

The Musical Top took one of Little Boy’s hands singing,

“We are on the road to Fairyland,
We hear a distant Elfin Band,
Thither we’ll haste without delay,
For the fairies call, ‘Away, away,’
When you feel the touch of the magic hand,
You can see the lights of Fairyland.”

Fairy Light-Heart took Little Boy’s other hand singing,

“How shall we ride to Fairyland?
Shall we find the realm on sea or land?
In that wonderful hour when dreams come true
There’s a fairy palace for me and you,
I am the Queen you understand,
And you are the King of Fairyland.”

In less time than it takes to tell it, the Fairies led Little Boy into Fairyland.

They had a Birthday Party and danced round and round in a ring and for all I know they are dancing yet.

If you ever hear an old staircase go “creak, creak” when you are on it, put your ear close to one of the steps and listen. It may be trying to talk to you and say,

“When anything you want to know,
To the enchanted staircase go.”

Whether your staircase is enchanted or not you can never tell until you try it.