Amazing Children Stories 2 by The Protected By Allah - HTML preview

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It was a sad night when the prince held the hand of his father, the King who was about to die. Moments later, the King opened his weak eyes and said with trembling lips: Son, I want you to live happily, so I recommend that you marry only the most beautiful woman in the world!

The prince said in astonishment: Who is she, sir and father?

The King replied: She is a woman like the moon, a stranger has never seen her!

After the death of the King, the prince became king over the countries, but still thinking about how he would carry out his father's will, so he asked the ministers to search the width and length of the country in order to bring him the most beautiful woman in the world!

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Indeed, it did not take long until they brought him a woman of unusual beauty , so wedding, happiness and sweet nights were held, and the people rejoiced in the marriage of their King and the coronation of the new Queen, everyone started talking about her brilliant beauty, but the days made them all suffer a violent shock when they knew that the morals of that Queen were the worst calamity that struck them!..Within five years, the beautiful kingdom turned into a pale after the King started gathering taxes harshly and charging men to fight wars, so the people became hungry and mothers grieved.. Do you know - O intelligent ones - the reason for all this sorrow??

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Well done!.. It is the Queen who loves jewels and gold and encourages her King husband to love the enjoyments and wage wars to get more money, kingship and wealth.. No one ever cares about her beauty or talks about it, it has become a disaster that everyone wishes Allah would get them rid of!

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On a moonlit night, while the Queen was strolling in the beautiful garden of the palace, a large snake bit her, and despite the soldiers trying to save her and the doctor coming in a hurry, her life ended and she died instantly that night.. Thus, everyone felt happy in their hearts and thanked Allah who saved them from this evil, but no one ever dared to show that for fear of the King!

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But one night after, the King went out alone and sad touring the kingdom when he stood at one of the houses and heard their voice celebrating.

For that, he came close to knowing the reason but he was shocked to know the truth that people celebrate the death of the Queen, so he blushed with anger and decided to punish these people severely, but when he reached the garden of his palace, he saw the beautiful moon in the sky, so he thought:

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- This moon is beautiful, it lights for people and does not harm anyone.. Now I understand!

That's what my father meant! My wife must be like the moon, beautiful, benevolent and harmless!

The King scratched his head and shouted:

- Also.. it should belong to me.. no stranger had ever seen her face before me.. so where can I find a woman with these amazing characteristics?!

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The next day, the King gathered his men and told them of his sudden desire, and stipulated that this bride should be like the hidden pearl; a stranger had never seen her face.. So the men went in every direction to ask the people about such a rare woman, but no one was able to help the soldiers at all, but every woman -in the kingdom- wished she was veiled to become a queen!

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Soon the King was disappointed, but a soldier suddenly knocked on the King's door and told him about a message that was suddenly found at the door of the palace.. the King read the message:

"If you want a bride that no one had ever looked at, then do not look at men's wives, and if you want Allah to repair your life, repair the life of people!"

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Because there was no evil queen encourages the King to be greedy or miser, the King could come back to his previous goodness and so was affected by this fair sermon, and he decided to change himself and give up his oppression first so that Allah would change his sad situation, and repair his life with the desired bride secondly, since then the King turned a blind eye to women, gave the usurped money back to its owners, fed the hungry people and of course stopped waging wars and harming people!

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Two years later, while the King was touring his kingdom to check out the conditions of his public, he stared at the shining moon and said, calling upon Allah, his Lord:

- Oh, my God.. I gave up injustice and corrected people's condition, so when - O my Lord - will You correct my situation and guide me to my righteous bride?

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Minutes later, the King heard a shouting sound from the depths of the forest, so he poked his white horse and set off quickly.

But when he arrived, the horse whined scared because of hearing a frightening close roar, so the King drew his long white sword and run towards the sound with courage, and when the horse got scared, he dismounted and attacked the tiger himself..!

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Within minutes, the brave King defeated the tiger after he had stabbed him with his sharp sword, then the King turned around looking for the owner of the shout he had heard a while ago.. There he saw the ghost of two persons near the tree, he approached them quietly and saluted them!

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The voice of an old ill man -who was able to be seen in the moonlight- answered him thanking, while the other person who was hidden with clothes from head to toe did not answer, so the King could not recognize him at all. He asked the elder about him and he answered coughing:

'This is my daughter, she loves Allah and obeyed Him, for that she allow no stranger ever looks at her face!"

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The King yelled happily:

- Haaaaa!!!.. Allah has responded to my prayers!.. A word 'Yes' from Allah is unvaluable!

Then the King ran quickly on his horse, while the old man and his daughter froze and never understood the reason for what happened, but in the morning they found themselves going in a great procession to the palace!

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Of course, the King held a very large wedding for several days commensurate with his expected happiness, also the people celebrated despite their fear of the unknown, but soon they were happy with their new Queen when they discovered her good morals that does not resemble the morals of the old Queen at all.. although no one spoke about the beauty of the Queen, because none of them ever saw her face, but everyone was talking morning and evening about her good deeds and her kindness to everyone!!

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Excuse me because I did not paint for you the Queen the most beautiful woman in the world, because the King and Queen did not agree, as she is -as I told you- the hidden pearl of the King; strangers should never see it, but I will tell you that the King no longer stares at the moon after that; because he has his own moon in his palace!

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...Done by the grace of Allah...

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"Game over” This is the sentence that appeared to Mazen every quarter of an hour when he lost a level, but Mazen did not give up, he was confident that he was able to achieve his dream and finish the game with all its levels, defeat the adverse monsters and win the golden cup, so Mazen continued to play day and night Whenever he had the opportunity!..Finally, that awaited moment came; Mazen fulfilled his hope and saw success with his own eyes (he saw it a reality), joy filled him, he wanted to spread his happiness to everyone and be proud of his achievement, which he considers great!

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Mazen hurried to his parents telling them the good news, but the surprise was when Mazen's parents did not care about the news, but instead blamed him for wasting his time. At school, Mazen spoke enthusiastically with his friends, but some of his friends cared, while others ignored him or shook their heads at him. Mazen could not remain silent, so he and his best friend Hamed started whispering when they found the teacher next to them staring at them sharply, then quickly punished them for talking about a silly game during the lesson!

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Mazen returned home with sadness on his face.. One thing was going through his mind (mind): This is not an achievement.. This is not an achievement!.. He sat with his eyes talking; They say: "I will make an achievement that will shake the world around me... you will see!"

Several years later, Mazen graduated from high school carrying the same old dream. This hardworking student got high marks, and earned the certificate deservedly!

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Mazen hung the certificate on the wall of his home so that his father and mother could be proud of it, and when he gave a speech at the graduation ceremony that was held by the school and all his relatives and acquaintances congratulated him, he thought that he had become an important person and that he had achieved a great achievement in life, but one day when he passed through the neighborhood he found some boys beating a fat boy, he tried to defend him, but none of the naughty cared about him or responded to him. At that time, Mazen felt that he was an unimportant person, so he was deeply saddened and angry, so he made his decision to make himself a great person!

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Several years later, Mazen graduated from the College of Business Administration, which he loved, he aspired to be an important businessman, but he was also proud of the result he had achieved in the sports club to which he was registered to since that time. ; No one ignores him anymore as those boys did in the past, Mazen now thinks that he has achieved his goal (his desire) and is able to shake the world around him!

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Since Mazen has reached the age of men, he decided to get married, so he asked his mother to betroth him to a woman of good faith and morals, but the shocking surprise was when his mother told him that the bride’s family refused him because he did not have enough money. A that moment, the man felt very angry and realized that he did not become the great person he had dreamed of; That important person that everyone respects and wishes to get close to, so he mustered his will and rolled up the sleeves of hardworking and diligence to achieve his dream that has not yet been achieved!

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It took years that Mazen spent training, persistence, and practice, until Allah made him a prominent and famous businessman, money began to flow into his safe like a torrent, and then he married a woman more beautiful than the one whose family rejected him, afterward Allah bestowed upon them with good children, Mazen became a father who loves his children and enjoys them with his money and his good deeds.. He felt happy, he thought that he had achieved his desired dream, especially since all people wanted to please him and get close to him!

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One day, Mazen's daughter came back from school crying and said to her father with a faded face: "Father, is it true that the rich are the last to enter Paradise because their account is difficult and long?...Father, I love you, I want you to enter Paradise with us!"

Mazen remained silent and no longer knew an answer. He broke into a sweat when he saw the tears of his daughter crying for him; Unfortunately, he was preoccupied with collecting money far from his religion, so he nether memorized the hadiths of the Messenger of Allah, PBUH, nor knew about them, so he began to think: “For many years I have been doing the impossible in order to possess every dignity so that I will never feel embarrassed.. Well, it seems that the story of my struggle ( My fight) in life is not over!"

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Once again, Mazen decided to prepare himself for a greater rank and a more honorable honor, so he embarked on a new field that he had never entered before.

He wanted to be a millionaire of good deeds, to be crowned in Paradise as a happy king and lives in bliss that the kings of the world have not tasted, as they are deprived of the happiness of being close to Allah and living in His pleasure, may He be exalted!!

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Mazen became skilled in the job of the rich, which is distributing money to the poor, it became his preoccupation and his main work.

Allah The Generous bestows upon him money and he distributes it generously (loving giving) hoping for acceptance from Allah and enjoying this privilege which is not available to many people. For example, once he was walking in avenues when he noticed the thrown garbage here and there, they got uncivilized appearance, so he announced a competition and specified a prize for the house that sorts the most garbage and hands it over to the recycling company in every neighborhood in this area. Everyone hurried to win the competition in greed for money, but the result was amazing.

With time, families got used to the neatness and began to seek cleanliness themselves, even without competition !

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Whenever Mazen hears about a problem in society, he spends (offers) his money to solve it by encouraging people to do good.. Once Mazen heard about people's bad morals, he thought carefully, then announced competitions in schools that would offer a valuable prize for the best moral student in every school. Many students were happy and greedy for the award, they competed to get it, and within a short period of time, Mazen received a lot of thanks from many school managers who expressed (showed) their gratitude (thanks) to him, as the students’ morals improved and the problems between them clearly decreased!

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We do not forget what Mazen did when he learned of poor people who live with well-off neighbors (they have an increase in money), and yet these neighbors do not give charity and do not help their poor neighbors at all, as if they do not see them and do not know their misery, so angry seized Mazen, he decided to teach them a lesson and make them get used to give charity, so he thought of a trick, then he asked his assistant and friend Hamid to give charity to these poor people in front of the people, the next day the residents of the neighborhood were talking about the news of the reward that Hamid received because of his charity yesterday!

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After two days, Mazen sent another man to give charity to some of the poor. Again, people informed about the reward that the giver of charity, so greedy shone in their eyes, a lot of them hurried to give their money as charity hoping that Mazen would know about them and reward them. Within a day, Destiny smiled at many of the poor; Allah saved them from misery with Mazen’s trick, they turned into rich people overnight. Mazen rewarded those who gave charity with a large amount only. As for the others, they understood the humanitarian message of Mazen, they realized that Mazen's trick defeated them and defeated their selfishness!!

This is a family of the poor whose conditions have changed and they got rid of misery because of Mazen..

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Thus, on the ladder of goodness, Mazen continued to climb throughout his life, taking advantage of what Allah gave him of goodness and money to get closer to Allah and do good to people. As he did good to people, Allah did good to him; his company got more flourishing, his benefits increased, so he lived a good life being kind with his elderly mother, loving his wife and children and supporting of knowledge and scholars!!!

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... Done by the grace of Almighty Allah...

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The phone rang,



grabbed him and

said, "Peace be




was silent, waiting

for the answer

when he heard a

voice he knew it

well.. It was the

voice of his late

father! The voice

of a person who

died a long time



happening here??

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Aamer froze when he heard his father's voice saying to him: Aamer, where are you, my son??.. Finally, Amer replied: I am here, but where are you, Dad?.. Father: I am here; in the isthmus.. Aamer: Isthmus?!.. What is the isthmus?.. Father: It is the world in which the dead will remain, waiting for the Day of Resurrection until they know their fate; Either to Paradis or to Hell.

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anxiously: What about

you, Dad? How do you

feel?.. Is your grave




Father: Praise be to

Allah.. Praise be to

Allah, who made me a

Muslim and helped

me to do good, so he

saved me from the

torment of the grave,

Son!.. I am very happy





praying all my life,

especially the prayers

that I prayed on time

in the mosque, it is

shining like the sun!

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Aamer replied in a trembling voice: What about my brother Louay?.. When he died in the train accident, he hadn't been praying..

So what happened to him?.. Father: Frankly, I did not find him anywhere here, it seems that the fire had taken him. I seek refuge in Allah from Hellfire.. Beware, Aamer, do not leave your prayers; It is your light and the evidence of your love for God.. Watch out, Aamer..

Don't make me lose you either...!

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At that moment, a

woman took off the

phone from the father

and said: Aamer, my

son, how I missed you!.

Aamer: Mom, how are

you? Are you relieved

of the pain of the

disease?, Are you okay

now?. Mother: I am

fine, Aamer, do not

worry about me, thank

Allah; I have erased by

the pain of the disease

a lot of my bad deeds,

I got purified, as for

now I am a young

woman of your age..

and here I am waiting

for you!

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shocked: Mom!.. Do

you wish me death?,





mean??.. Mother: I am

waiting for you to

send me gifts, but you

are too late for me.. Is

it possible that you




pray for us once a

month and you only

visit our graves once a

year?! Do you not love

your parents?? Aamer:

On the contrary, of

course I love you, but



distracts me..

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But do you really receive my prayers as gifts, and get happy because of my visit to your graves?.. Mother: Of course, we look forward to that impatiently; especially our work is cut off after death, and you, my son, have become our hope for more good deeds.. I also benefit from the ongoing (continuous) charity that I left in the mosque, remember?

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Aamer: That new rug that you donated to the mosque, it was just a small rug! The mother: Nevertheless, as the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Do not belittle any good deed.” This little rug is very useful to me. Whenever someone prays on it, the good deeds will come to my account on a plate of gold!

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Aamer: Amazing!.. So I can do a lot of these little golden deeds before I die, Allah willing!.. But suddenly the father and mother shouted: Do not forget us, Aamer!..

But immediately, Aamer opened his eyes to realize that he was in a dream..but what dream?.. It was a wonderful strange dream..!!

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So, Aamer sat, saying affected: 'This dream has made me pay attention to my shortcomings in the right of my late parents. I must be righteous with them, so I will pray for them in every prayer and give alms for their souls' sake. Life is an invaluable treasure.

Yes, from now on I will sanctify the prayer and love it and do all the best, Allah willing!!!

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...Completed by The Grace of Allah...

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