Five Amazing Children Stories (3) by The Protected By Allah - HTML preview

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Maysa opened the package that her grandmother had sent to her, and took out the sweets one after the other.

Akram's eyes shone with greed as he longed to eat even some of it. But his sister said:

- No, Akram.. These bags were sent by our grandmother to be distributed to our cousins, may Al ah have mercy on him, to comfort them in their mother's il ness.. You have to be honest, my brother!

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Thus, the two of them started arranging the bags, then Maysa went to get some

decorations, while Akram stood holding the table with his two smal hands and staring at the delicious colors of the sweets, his saliva dripping as he imagined his teeth chewing them piece by piece.. Shal I eat them or leave them to my cousins?

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Immediately his demon jumped up, saying slyly:

- Why don't you eat them?!.. Aren't you a child like your cousins?!.. Aren't you craving them?!

Akram replied: Yes, I crave them very much..they are of the delicious kind!..but my sister wil tel me off if I eat..what should I do?

Eat a little bit, and your sister won't notice.. eat..

eat.. eat!!

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And suddenly, in an unfortunate moment of weakness, he lost his honesty, and his hand greedily extended and slipped (lightly took) some pieces of sweets, and put them in his mouth, and his tongue began to enjoy the taste of sugar while his eyes wandered left and right with fear watching; Wil anyone see me??

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He swal owed the sugar and no one saw him, he was relieved of his fear before he re-thought of stealing more, but he heard the sound of his sister's steps coming into the room, so he put his hands back down, while she entered smiling with the decorations shining in her hand and stood wrapping the sweets while she hummed (whispering singing)!

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Suddenly, she turned to her brother to joke with him, saying:

- Akram!.. as if I saw you eating some of these sweets!

But here, a shocked stroke Akram, he was seized with fear and intense questioning, so that he shouted in surprise, his face turning red:

- Impossible!.. I made sure you are far away and you couldn't see me!

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But the surprise was when his sister’s face faded and the laughter disappeared from her mouth before she said in a faint voice:

- Is it possible??.. Is it possible that you did it, Akram?!.. I was only joking with you.. I never imagined that you would abandon your precious honesty!

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Akram could say nothing, but his sister sadly said to him:

- Didn't you know, my brother, that Al ah, who commanded us to be honest, always sees us and never be unaware of us.. I mean, I actual y didn't see you eating, but as soon as I saw you, Al ah made me suddenly joke with you like this in order to discover the right, but you real y shocked me!

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Akram had melted because of shame before suddenly raising his head and saying:

- But.. wait, Maysa.. I wil ask forgiveness from Al ah and buy sweets with my money tomorrow and make up for what I ate.. I'm sorry, sister.. I promise to be honorable and keep my honesty as I keep my eyes!

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I need not tel you; Since that day, Akram knew what the word “Al ah is with me, Al ah is my witness, Al ah is aware of me” means, which he learned in school. He knew that Al ah sees him every moment, hears every word from him, and wil hold him accountable for every sin if he does not repent of it either in this world or in the Hereafter, and that is why he loved the honesty since that day, and began to rage his devil whenever he commanded him to steal or betray!

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...Done by the grace of Almighty Al ah...

Can you find the five differences between the two images of demon after Akram overcame him?

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Can you help Akram to get the sweet in the maze to put it to his cousins instead of what he had eaten?

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Did you know what happened with my grandfather? This is a useful story that teaches us the benefit of patience, I am going to tel you!

My grandfather was poor. But Al ah gave him a fat chicken that used to walk around my grandfather’s little hut and purr: Bak, bak, baki ik!

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But, unfortunately, life contains evil, selfish people; There was a thief roaming the place when he saw the fat and

graceful chicken as it jumped from one place to another and purred: "Bak, bak, baki ik ! "

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Soon, the thief infiltrated his house, brought his knife, and slaughtered the chicken while dreaming of a hearty meal for lunch, forgetting that it was forbidden money. In this time, I discovered the theft and hurried to tel my grandpa, but I was surprised when my grandpa had replied calmly before returning to sleep:

- We belong to Al ah and to Him we shal return!.. Al ah suffices me, and He is the best disposer of affairs..

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It is amazing! .. My grandfather never got angry even though this chicken was his main source of food, and without it he would not be stuffed, yet he calmed himself down and put his trust in Al ah the Almighty to take revenge, and to take his right back from this despicable thief.. And Al ah Almighty is the best disposer of affairs!.. So how did Al ah the Almighty take revenge on the evil thief in this world?

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What I learned later is that when the thief was plucking the feathers of the chicken after boiling water and preparing the spices to cook it, something happened to him that he hadn't thought of, as feathers like the feathers of a chicken grew on his face, so the chicken fel from his hand and he looked at the mirror in terror and bewilderment.. what a shame !..

How wil people see him like this?!.. Everyone wil laugh!

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The thief was confused and angry out of shame, and no matter how hard he tried to pluck the feathers from his face, he was in pain, and immediately the feathers would grow back quickly! .. So of course he realized that this was a punishment from Al ah for his theft and taking il egal money from a poor old man who can not work to support himself!

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And when the thief became certain of his inability to help himself, he covered his face and went out at night to a friend he knew wel and trusted to ask him about the appropriate solution to the predicament he was in, and as soon as the thief uncovered his face, the man burst out laughing, so the thief's face reddened and he shouted angrily:

- What a friend you are!... It's not funny at al !

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So the friend swal owed his laughter and listened to his friend's shameful story, then he said:

- You fool!... It is clear that you assaulted a believer who trusted in Al ah , so Al ah took revenge on you for him, because he was patient with your wickedness and oppression, youthief .

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The thief shouted: What should I do now that it is too late?

The friend: Wel , I have a cunning trick..and I wil implement it tomorrow! the solution is to make him get angry for himself and pray against you, and so Al ah is satisfied with answering his supplication and does not punish you Himself, so these feathers fal !..but I warn you that your punishment wil be difficult on the Day of Resurrection if you do not repent!

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The next day, the thief's friend, the merchant, knocked on my grandfather's door and said:

- Peace be upon you, old man.. I came from afar to see your graceful chicken.. They told me that it is fat and produces large eggs.. I wil buy it from you for three times its price..

What do you think?.. Do you sel ?

My grandfather stood rigid, feeling the loss, but he control ed himself and said, bowing his head with sadness and anguish: It was stolen from me..

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The merchant shouted : What?.. stolen?!..You poor!.. You lost a lot of money while the thief is luckily enjoying a delicious meal or a lot of money!.. what a clever thief!

So my grandfather's face turned red with anger and he lost his patience, shouting: Clever??.. He is a criminal.. He ate unlawful food and deprived me of my sustenance.. I ask Al ah to deprive him of his sustenance (his food) and make him starve as he deprived me of my precious chicken!

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So the fraudster smiled and left victorious to find his friend -the foolish thief- laughing after the feathers were gone from his face because my grandfather lost his patience and got angry for himself, but if my grandfather had remained patient and relied on Al ah to take his right in His own way, the reward would have increased, and the feathers remained on the face of the thief to put him in shame forever.. I wish you hadn't lost your patience, grandpa!

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In fact, that was a test from Al ah for my grandfather's patience, but after that, Al ah compensated him for his sustenance when the merchant came repentant and gave us a cow that gives us fresh milk . My grandfather and I broke our fast with joy after we were hungry in the past two night!.. But do you think that the thief wil be escaped by his act?

No, of course!.. Al ah answered my grandfather's ask; after the thief ate the chicken, he had a severe toothache, so he could no longer eat, and was deprived of his sustenance, indeed, he was in a lot of pain and hungry for a long time!

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Can you find then seven differences between the two images?

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Can you get the lawful egg out of the maze?

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...Completed by the grace of Al ah...

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