Three Colorful Stories for Children by The Protected By Allah - HTML preview

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On a bright morning,




energetically to visit his good friend, Doctor

Ahmed, but when he

arrived, he knocked on the door three times




answer, so he turned



disappointment visible on his face, and started walking slowly through the



garden of the house;






undoubtedly adds a

touch of laziness to the entire atmosphere of

the village.

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During his steps, he passed the garden benches that he had always sat on with his friend Doctor Ahmed, but when he glanced at them, his eyes picked a grape lying on the tile under the bench, so he frowned while whispering to himself:

“Grapes?! Ahmed, my dear friend, gathered everyone and served them grapes, and they had a good time together without inviting me?!"

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grape and went to

wash it thinking: “What friends!..


shocked me with this

behavior.. but at least I will take my share of





missed, even if my

share was a single

grape!” Amjad actually washed the grape and

ate it, thanking Allah who made it lawful for a Muslim to eat from





relatives or his honest friend, if that does not harm him! This is in

verse 61 of Surat An-


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The next day, Amjad

returned to visit his

friend, and as soon as he opened the door,




warmly, then Amjad sat in the guest room, soon Ahmed



some watermelon, but

when Amjad saw the

watermelon, he was

silent for a while before jokingly saying: Only

watermelon, Ahmed?!..

Where is it? Grapes?..

Ahmed replied: - Which grapes are you talking about?!..



bought grapes since

the last evening, as you remember!

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Amjad replied: Are you making fun of me?!.. I found my share of your grapes under one of

your garden benches!..

Ahmed scratched his

head and said: What do you mean?.. I don’t

understand anything!,

so Amjad explaind with his eyes shining the

shine of victory: When I came yesterday to visit you, I did not find you, but I found a single

large grape in your

garden, and with that I knew



evening that you hid

from me and did not

invite me to!

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Ahmed was shocked, his face turned red before he burst out laughing!, Amjad looked at him in astonishment, but eventually, Ahmed stopped laughing, saying: “Your imagination is fertile, my friend, but the worse is that you misunderstood me a lot.. Listen to the story then we will laugh together!.. The story began the evening before yesterday, when I was strolling in the garden and watching the beautiful full moon in the sky..

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Suddenly, a group of

young men came carrying a man claiming that he needed urgent aid after he swallowed something that




suffocate him. In my

capacity as a doctor, I rushed to administer first aid to that man, and I actually succeeded in

making him spit out that thing



suffocated him, but in the dark it was not clear to me what that thing was...

As for the man, he

started coughing violently, then when his family was sure of his survival, they carried him on their

shoulders happily and left while dancing with joy for his survival!

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Ahmed swallowed a

bite of his watermelon before



smiling humorously:

"Now you have just told me that that thing was that grape that

you found and ate!!

Bon appetit!, Amjad's




choked with his saliva, and started coughing




must be wrong, you

don't mean that I ate a grape that was in

another man's throat..




dipped in his saliva..

Oh my God.. This is

not funny.. I feel


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Ahmed laughed and

said: My friend, you

do not know that man,

but Allah knows that

he owns a grape that

was created for you

to eat, and that is why Allah brought it to you, and



curiosity drove you to pick it yourself and

enjoy its taste without thinking that it almost killed a man before

you. Now, don't you

think badly of me

again, or I will invite you to no soirée again, you deprived!!!

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...Done by the grace of Allah Almighty...

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Asmaa ran on her

grandmother's lap

crying, and when



patted her back,







while her eyes are

tearful: Grandma,



want to share with

me the new toy

that the Aunt gave

him! It's as if I'm

not his little sister, tell him something,


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replied from afar: This is my toy, Grandma, I

am the owner and I

have the right to play with it alone or to

share with someone.



nswered in a loud

voice - so that Saied




wiping gently Asmaa's

hair: Leave him, my

daughter, and come to

tell you a story with

which you have fun...

Come on, pray for the

Prophet Muhammad


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And the grandmother began her story: Once upon a time there was a child named Asaad who was running in the world of colors, running and running after a fascinating bird, but suddenly he stopped when two huge doors appeared in front of him. Asaad then came forward, choosing the first door, and pushed it with a strong blow, and then it was opened to the maximum.

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To his surprise, he found a group of people around a round table, gathered around a large bowl of soup, the smell of soup was delicious, everyone was looking at it greedily, but they were all thin and sad!.. Little Asaad asked: What a strange thing!.. As long as they are hungry, why don't they eat this delicious food?

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noticed something



hands were all like

spoons, they were

so long that they



them to put them

in their mouths;









dreaming of being

full. "Assaad" was confused,


suddenly he felt

something pulling

him from behind.

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Asaad turned to see the lovely bird the he run after him, pulling him out of the rooym until he took him to the second door. Asaad pushed it hard, quickly the door opened, and a family appeared behind it at a round table too, and so their hands were in the form of long spoons, but the place was full of laughter and joy!

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Asaad noticed that people in this room were healthy and fattened, he also noticed that the bowl of soup in the middle of the table was empty, except for some food residue, indicating only one thing; These people ate their food despite their long strange hands!

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But suddenly some of the servants came and filled the pol with delicious dishes. Asaad paid attention to know the secret of these happy people, and there they all started eating, but how with their strange hands? .. Yes, Asaad was surprised when he saw them; Each of them dips his long spoon in the bowl, then feeds his fellow, just as his friend feeds him, and so on..!!

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As soon as the



finished her story,

Asmaa chanted: It's



grandmother. These

people are generous

and love each other,

so they deserve life

and happiness! The

grandmother replied:

"That's true, Asmaa.

As for the first group, they were miserly

and selfish, so they

preferred to die of




than to be generous





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Asmaa jumped up saying: "I got it!, the misers are the people of Hell who are tormented by their avarice and their selfishness. As for the generous, they are the people of Paradise, who, with their cooperation and their love, have fun and have a good time! At that moment, Saied entered the room smiling, saying: Asmaa, I have a suggestion.

What do you think we play together; So you have fun and me? ?

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... Completed by the grace of Allah...

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The merchant Shadi

was a greedy and




always wished to get more and more money and never hesitated to deceive others in order to make money. He was also stingy and did not want anyone to share anything of his wealth with him, as he used to pay his servants very low wages and never pity anyone.

But do not worry,

because one day he got a lesson that changed his entire life!

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That happened when he lost a bag containing fifty golden coins, and although Shadi searched and searched and turned everything upside down, but all his efforts were in vain, and when the neighbors and friends learned about it, they believed that they were the heroes who would solve the problem, so they participated in the search, all of them self-confidence But soon everyone declared their failure and sank into their shame!

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Two days later, Salam, the daughter of one of Shadi's workers, returned from the field, jumping with joy, hugging her father and shouting: "Dad, guess what happened today, you won't believe it!. . You should be happy, Dad, because you are the father of the luckiest girl in the world!" The father nodded and said with a smile: “What do you mean, my daughter?” Salam replied, jumping with happiness: “Today we are rich, father! . I found in the field among the plants a leather bag containing countless golden coins!!!”

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But the father's face sank into pain before he said:

"Actually, those golden coins are counted, my daughter. When you learn the numbers, you will know that they are fifty!".

The father was silent for a while, then sat down and put his daughter Salam on his knee while gently stroking her hair, saying:

“My daughter. This is Mr.

Shadi’s money, which he has been missing for a while, and he is looking for it, and it is our duty to be honest and return all his money to him so that Allah will be pleased with us!”

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The little girl was surprised and said sadly: “But I am the one who found them, my father. I was happy because I thought that we would become rich, and that you…

would rest…”.she was silent for a while before saying: " But yes, he will think that theh are lost forever, he will not know that we have them, what do you think, father??" The father’s face reddened and he said firmly: “Never!!!. This is forbidden



forbidden money leads its owners to Hell. Poverty - even if it is a torment - is easier than the torment of Hell, my daughter!!!”. The girl lowered her head shyly and said: "Sorry, Dad. Please do the right thing!"

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The father smiled and set out with his little daughter to the merchant Shadi to return his money to him with pride, expecting that his little daughter would get a reward for her honesty. But instead, the merchant shoutwd angrily and beat the table with his fist snarling:"Where are the other 25 golden coins??", Salam shivered while the father answered surprised: "They are fifty coins, I counted them myself!!" The merchant liar replied, "Yes, fifty, and twenty-five remain. They were seventy-five golden coins!!"

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The father was shocked, but he tried to defend himself and his daughter to no avail.

The merchant took them to the judge, claiming falsely before him that they were two thieves who stole twenty-five coins from his bag and left only fifty for him! Salam cried while saying: “Did you see, my father?!.



brought us evil, if w did not return that money to him, we would now be safe and from the rich!” But the father answered with faith and firmness: "My daughter, Allah knows that we are innocent and He will not let us down or leave us. God will compensate us in this world or in the Hereafter. Trust in your Lord, my dear!!"

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At that moment, the judge scratched his beard, then said: "I understand. I understand. This is indeed an obvious case (very simple), merchant!" So the merchant rubbed his hands greedily, saying: “It is true, sir. Please rid us of this injustice with your justice, Your Honor!” The judge smiled simply and said: "Yes, this is not your bag



golden coins, merchant.

Continue searching for your bag. As for this bag of fifty coins, it has no owner and no one has claimed it, so it is the right of those who found it, who are the girl and her father. It's over session!"

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The merchant opened his mouth in astonishment and tried in vain to speak to the judge, but the guards pushed him away while the judge began to listen to the next case.

He stand still watching the father and his daughter going out while enjoying the tones of gold, Salam was jumping and singing: "Vivre justice. vivre justice. Allah didn't let us down. Our Lord saved us. Our Lord saved us!. Ha. Ha!!”. The merchant



humiliation and regret because he lied and coveted more money even though they were Forbidden, so he lost his fifty money before his eyes. From that moment on, Shadi learned a lesson that he did not forget; He no longer cheats or deceives anyone, but rather treats others with trustworthy and honesty!!!

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. .Completed by the Grace of Allah. .

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