Understanding Shakespeare: As You Like It by Robert A. Albano - HTML preview

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All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players.

They have their exits and their entrances,

And one man in his time plays many parts. (138-41)


According to Jacques, all men have seven parts to play:


  1. The Infant – the crying and puking baby
  2. The Schoolboy – the whining or crying child because he has to go to school
  3. The Lover – the emotional teenager discovering love for the first time
  4. The Soldier – the young man who is intense and quick to get in a fight. He is also seeking fame or reputation, which is described as a “bubble” because it is airy and inconsequential and worthless.
  5. The Justice – the middle-aged man who has settled down and accepted life and thinks himself wise.
  6. The Pantaloon – the foolish old man (the word pantaloon comes from the Italian theater called commedia dell’arte)
  7. Second Childishness and Mere Oblivion


Thus, like a good fool, Jacques universally describes and mocks the life of men.

Orlando reappears with Adam, and Duke Senior immediately invites them to eat.      As they