Understanding Shakespeare: King Lear by Robert A. Albano - HTML preview

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"Merlin's Prophesy," a poem falsely attributed to Geoffrey Chaucer in George Puttenham's famous book called The

Arte of English Poesie, 1589

The Prophecy of Merlin (Bodley MS)

Edited by James M. Dean

Originally Published in Medieval English Political Writings

Kalamazoo, Michigan: Medieval Institute Publications, 1996

(Oxford University, Bodleian Library MS 6943 fol. 78r)

Prophecia Merlini doctoris perfecti

Whane lordis wol leefe theire olde lawes,

And preestis beon varyinge in theire sawes,

And leccherie is holden solace,

And oppressyon for truwe purchace;

And whan the moon is on David stall,

And the kynge passe Arthures hall, Than is the lande of Albyoun Nexst to his confusyoun.


Fool: This is a brave night to cool a courtesan.

I'll speak a prophecy ere I go:

When priests are more in word than matter;

When brewers mar their malt with water; When nobles are their tailors' tutors,

No heretics burn'd, but wenches' suitors; When every case in law is right,

No squire in debt nor no poor knight; When slanders do not live in tongues,

Nor cutpurses come not to throngs;

When usurers tell their gold i' th' field,

And bawds and whores do churches build: Then shall the realm of Albion Come to great confusion.


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