Understanding Shakespeare: The Merchant of Venice by Robert A. Albano - HTML preview

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Act IV, Scene 2: More Ring Business


Portia tells Nerissa that as soon as they get Shylock to sign thewillleaving all of his wealth and possessions to Jessica and Lorenzo, they will head back immediately to Belmont and get there before their husbands (the will is referred to as a “deed” in line1).

Graziano then arrives and gives Portia the ring from Bassanio.

In anasideto Portia (so that Graziano does not hear), Nerissa tells Portia that she will attempt to get Graziano’s own ring in the same manner that Portia got the one from Bassanio. Portia agrees that this is a clever idea, and she looks forward to the fun they will have when their husbands return to Belmont. Both ladies will take delight in watching their husbands squirm when they accuse them of giving their rings away to otherwomen.