Understanding Shakespeare: The Merchant of Venice by Robert A. Albano - HTML preview

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Messer Giannetto burst into tears, and, greatly troubled, cried out, “You swear to what is not and cannot be true.”

Whereupon the lady, perceiving from his tears that she had struck a knife into his heart, quickly ran to him and embraced him, laughing heartily the while. She showed him the ring, and told him everything: what he had said to the doctor of laws, how she herself was that same doctor, and in what wise he had given her thering.

Thereupon Messer Giannetto was mightily astonished. And, when he saw that it was all true, he made merry thereat. When he went forth from the chamber, he told the story to all the barons and to his friends about the court. And from this adventure the love between this pair became greater thanever.

And afterwards Messer Giannetto let summon that same waiting-woman who had counseled him not to drink the wine, and gave her in marriage to Messer Ansaldo. And they all lived together in joy and feasting as long as their lives lasted.

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